Good to know it won't kill me! haha I have several small batches going on and I'm just testing out the different methods mentioned here and elsewhere. Again, this is only a test to see which method I find works best for me so I can use it on a big batch once I start harvesting larger amounts of peppers.
The hooch is working great (except for the white growth). It started bubbling almost instantly and pH has already dropped significantly after a few days. The yogurt method worked great too, I saw bubbles 2-3 days into the process and pH has also dropped down to below 4.
The only one that didn't seem to work was the one with powdered yogurt culture (can anyone explain this?). No pH drop or any bubbling. I added some hooch to it and sure enough it started bubbling.
If I keep swirling the jars would that inhibit the kahm yeast from growing?
No idea about the Powdered Yogurt culture, I've never tried it. swirling the jars would just work what ever was there back down into the mash. I have done that when I thought that the peppers on top were out of the brine to work them back down into the liquid but it wont keep it from growing. Like I said I've had it happen and it hasn't affected it at all. Maybe DiggingDogFarm can address that.