event Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show - March 5 - 7, 2010

Yeah, that was me and The Wife Unit, hanging with a few other manufacturers. We had a late diner, and immediately went into a food coma, and called it a night. I'll see you later today.
How many booths are there? I really want to go one day. I will have to wear the same clothes the whole time so I can fit lots of goodies into my suitcase though :)
Are they all American sauces/products or do you get companies from all over the world showcasing?
I'm pretty sure there are over 200 vendors. The attendance is in the tens of thousands. There are usually a good number of international companies represented as well. As for wearing the same clothes, what's wrong with that? As long as the beer is cold and free-flowing, I don't care what people think.
DEFCON Creator said:
I'm pretty sure there are over 200 vendors. The attendance is in the tens of thousands. There are usually a good number of international companies represented as well. As for wearing the same clothes, what's wrong with that? As long as the beer is cold and free-flowing, I don't care what people think.

Cool thanks for that info. Yep I agree, give me the beer!
Well I must say that I truly enjoyed this event, from some great discussions with people we just met and people we were happy to see again to all of the products, local food weather, everything. It was a great trip. My box of purchases should be here Thursday so i'll try to post a little on some recipes and thoughts, in the meantime the three things that really stick out in my head right now are: Chef Dean Martins Asian Grilling Sauce, the single GURU hot sauce and the substantial amount of spicy chocolate!
We bought several bottles of Guru, one of my favorites and one that's universal enough we can gift it as well. I bought a ton of Zack and Zane's, and reloaded on Danny Cash (already had several of those).

I believe my favorite wing sauce is still DEFCON 2, but there were a couple other good ones as well. My favorite red salsa was El Pinto, and my favorite green was Church Street.

Here's the majority of the haul (probably 80%)... should be home Friday.
well, made it back and man did I have a blast! now this event was the one to lose my hot sauce fest virginity on! I got to meet and spend a little time with some great people, and I honestly think that was the best part of an all around fantastic trip -

I can testify that John Dilley truly does enjoy inflicting pain on people as I got to meet him at the Defcon booth as well as his lovely wife (who was quick to point out to me that she doesn't put up with any crap from him) - I also met Scott Roberts, Buddah, Chilehead Ed from RedRum, Joe from the Hot Zone, James Beck from Eat More Heat, Tkromer, John and Nicole from Heartbreaking Dawns, Sam and Tina from Zane and Zack's, Toad and his wife from Golden Toad's, as well as a lot of other great folks! I am sorry if I left anyone out but I had a terrible return flight (lost over 3 hours at DFW) and didn't get back home till around 1 am and had a doctor's appointment with my arm this am - But the entire show was a blast!!!

I took a few pics (will try to get them posted a bit later) drank a LOT of very expensive beer as well as scored a lot of bottles of sauce! (will post a pic of my score a bit later as well)

I wore my THP t-shirt on day 1 and got a lot of comments on it - Day 2 I wore Cajun Heat, that's when I met Tkromer, he asked me about the shirt - and day 3 I had on the chiliman.org - so I represented a few who couldn't be there on each of the 3 days of the show - before the next one I will post something again and will wear a shirt from any of ya'll who have a place and can't make the show

as far as things that really stood out for me, I mainly tried to concentrate on Hot sauce I do not already have first and hot sauce in general over the salsas and other things - I tried Zane and Zack's for the very first time and LOVED every product they had - bought a bunch of their stuff and will most definately be buying more! Golden Toad had some impressive sauce also, scored a few of theirs too - Toluca Gourmet was good, as was Guru - Jason's Mom's, Chuck Evans, All Spice Cafe, Sucklebusters and Captain Thom's all were most definately good enough to remember over all the test burns and warranted buying a few bottles of each - I was only there during the "open to the public" hours so had to fight the HUGE crowd the entire time
Great meeting up with you!

I spent a ton at DefCon (but mostly because I bought Zeros and they aren't cheap). Like you though, I loved everything Zane and Zack had (not to mention they're great people), I spent almost $150 at their booth! Sam hooked me up with some beer while wandering the show, and also invited us out to dinner which was pretty awesome from someone I just met.

Still can't say thanks enough to John, what a great time we had!

Surprisingly, my wife really even enjoyed the show. She has a pretty low heat tolerance, but she tasted most everything. She had the gut bomb for about 36 hours afterwards, but she said it was worth while :) I've built up way too much tolerance, Zero only affects me for about 2-3 minutes, and absolutely no stomach issues after tasting almost 400 items on Friday.
Glad you guys had a good time. It was great meeting you guys. As Mvinson stated, if you're gonna lose your hot sauce show virginity, this is the show to do it at. There are two other shows that are just as much fun, albeit a bit smaller in attendance (which may be a good thing), Jungle Jims Weekend of Fire 7/31-8/1 in Farfield, Ohio, and Zest fest, I'm pretty sure the second weekend in September, in Fort Worth, Texas. Each is good in their own way. Look forward to seeing even more of you guys later this year!
have a number of my pics resized and uploaded HERE

cut me a break on some of the pics - it ain't that easy taking a pic one handed while holding a beer too
I just got my package of sauces, salsas, seasonings & snacks I had mailed myself from ABQ today. I have no idea where I'm going to put everything.