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greenhouse First 80 Plants In Greenhouse 02-22-09

Thanks Chris....compliments from accomplished gardeners/pepper growers mean a lot to me since I am a relative new comer...

I hope everyone has a great season...

Any idea what was the warmest temps inside the greenhouse and how bright the sunlight has been? I want to build a coldframe starting tomorrow and am worried that if I use clear plastic, it might get too strong for the plants. I need to move some out in about three weeks.

Nothing fancy, something about 4'x8' and about 2' tall from the floor. It would hold between 288 to 576 plants. Probably stick a waterbed heater in it just in case temps fall below 40 degrees between then and May.

can't answer the question about clear plastic Mike...the cover for my greenhouse is clear plastic but it is reinforced on 1/4" intervals to keep it from ripping (kinda of makes it shaded some percent)...the hottest in the greenhouse it has gotten so far this year was 98 before I put the plants in it....yesterday it was 94 with one end open...I bet I could get over 100 easy if I left it closed up...the temp is 84 right now
AJ, I have to agree with Chris on this one. Those are some of the nicest transplant for thier age I think I've seen. Ever.


Your GH is clear? Your images make it look translucent, at least the top and walls:


I have what looks to be similar plastic on some windows (this is a very old house whose windows leak air like a sieve) and while I can see through it, it's diffused. The clear plastic I have I can read a book through.

But it's encouraging that your plants' new abode can handle 84-94 degree temps.

I'll probably use two layers of clear plastic (helps provide a layer for insulation on cold nights, then a layer of translucent that I can place over the top and down the front if the sun gets too bright. Plus, I'll be able to open the lid to let heat out of it gets too warm. Our April weather is extreme - it might get into the 80s one day and be in the 40s the next. March is even worse - the 20s to the 80s!

Dale...thanks man, you guys are making me blush here...all I can say is thanks to the people of this forum helping me on my way to becoming a better gardener plus the hours & hours of reading and research has been done on my end...I know a lot of growers just let them be...but it would bust my gonads if I didn't give them what I think is the best environment to grow in...as long as my results keep on pleasing me, I will continue to do it this way...question is...would you give $4 for one of these guys...(not trying to sell to anyone...just asking an opinion so I can know what to ask when I hit the farmers markets....

I don't know how to explain it Mike but all of the material in the greenhouse is like the end...when you get at an angle, the string in the material causes it to look less clear....I can see through it easily, but it is definitely not like clear visquene....

just finished transplanting 39 more superhots and they are in their new home for a week, then in the grow box for a week or two, then to the greenhouse...

My greenhouse is clear and yes it does heat up incredibly fast in direct sun. I have the broad side with the shelf facing south and I've fried some young'uns by letting it get up over 100 while I wasn't paying attention.
I had to cut my own vents and use duct tape to seal them at night. Sometimes I take everything out on a warm day and close it up to heat the metal ramps I have in there. It can get to 115 on a 75F day, and it gets occasional shade.
its supposed to be 86F today here and I left one end of the greenhouse open this morning when I left...I will go home around 10 or 11 and check the temp and may have to open the other end....

what will be more of a problem today will be the growrage temperatures...it was 84 in there this morning with the CFLs off...I turned them on but will probably have to turn them off again when I go home to check on the GH...we have a cold front coming in tomorrow and will be chilly for the weekend...supposed to be 36 sunday morning...
a combination of 4100K and 6500K T-12 40 watt fluoros in the grow area....
two shop light fixtures per 4' long area that is 16" wide (total of 6 of these areas)

grow box has 4 4100K T-12 40 and 4 6500K T-12 40 watt fluoros plus 6 42 watt 2700K CFLs plus 6 27 watt (100 watt equivalent) 6500K CFLs and I can turn on another 6 42 watt CFLs 2700K if needed...they are in the grow box but turned off currently...
lee said:
Nice setup there AJ. Looking very good there

Thanks Lee...this picture is in the greenhouse and it only gets sunlight unless the nights drop into the 40s then I will use some 90 watt halogen flood lights for heat...the plants in the picture were raised under the lighting I mentioned above before they went into my greenhouse...
AlabamaJack said:
its supposed to be 86F today here and I left one end of the greenhouse open this morning when I left...I will go home around 10 or 11 and check the temp and may have to open the other end....

what will be more of a problem today will be the growrage temperatures...it was 84 in there this morning with the CFLs off...I turned them on but will probably have to turn them off again when I go home to check on the GH...we have a cold front coming in tomorrow and will be chilly for the weekend...supposed to be 36 sunday morning...

I use a Shelter Logic 12' x 12' like this which is very similar to what you have built. What I do is duct tape a normal cheapo box fan into one of the walls, and have the fan plugged into a timer that turns it on at noon and shuts it off about 4:30 or so during the summer. I'm guessing that down your way, you're going to be out of that thing pretty soon because even up here in our relatively weak sun I saw 115° in direct sunlight! Since this is (I guess?) your first go-around with a greenhouse, I would DEFINITELY recommend you put in at least a box fan to run in the afternoon, and this to me seems like the perfect excuse for buying yourself that remote weather station with internet connectivity!
I was thinking maybe you could put some "solar mass" in the GH to absorb and then radiate heat for cold nights. Maybe some bricks or water barrels to hold heat.
Hinky said:
Since this is (I guess?) your first go-around with a greenhouse, I would DEFINITELY recommend you put in at least a box fan to run in the afternoon, and this to me seems like the perfect excuse for buying yourself that remote weather station with internet connectivity!

you are right on my first greenhouse...the fan is an excellent idea and I do have one sitting on the "unused" table in here to exercise the plants...both ends of the greenhouse open up and provides good airflow...haven't needed to open but one end so far..it was 86 yesterday and with one end open it got to 93 inside...the weather station is another subject...I will get one but just haven't figured out which one to get yet...

chicagofire said:
I was thinking maybe you could put some "solar mass" in the GH to absorb and then radiate heat for cold nights. Maybe some bricks or water barrels to hold heat.

I am going to start collecting larger plastic containers that I can paint black and fill with water. I am set up right now to handle the cooler nights...got a stretch of three nights coming up where the temps are going to be below 50F (33 sunday morning), but with the "tent" setup and lights inside, it works wonderfully well...the solar mass idea is excellent by the way...
I'm using 2 trailer ramps as solar mass. They are actually repurposed I-beams that coincidentally fit perfectly in the greenhouse and allow me to roll the seedling cart in and out smoothly. I've toyed with the idea of heating them up with a torch before a frosty night. ;)

I also cover the greenhouse with a blanket and tarp on cold nights to slow down heat loss from the top and one side. And then the BBQ or hurricane lamp provides heat. Don't get the BBQ too close to the leaves though. Lesson learned. :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
I am going to start collecting larger plastic containers that I can paint black and fill with water.

Check your dollar stores, I got a bunch of cheap black 2 gallon buckets there when I first put up the hoop house. You can also set a trashcan *inside* a black garbage bag in a pinch.
I've always read to fill the black containers with sand to hold heat. Would water be as effective?

Probably not, but since I had to move my heat sinks when I took the hoop house down, I went with water. You know, just tip it over and toss the bucket out on the grass as I was taking the hoop house down. Plus it was easier to run a hose out there and fill the buckets than find enough sand, then shovel it in the buckets.
great suggestions folks...I have a dollar store about 3 miles from where I live...will have to check it out on the way home today...