First Attempt to grow peppers glog

Ok guys so these Serrano looking plants the ones in buckets are really light green and have spots on them. I'll post pics in the morning. Hope it's not a bacteria
Sorry can't upload from my phone.  These are spotted
https:// seed batch but in ground looks much better
https:// my Carib red hot seems to be OK despite the cold.

these are in buckets notice they are spotted and light green please click image to enlarge
What about the thumbnail
Why are they so tiny the pics
LA 2 the Bay said:
Any thoughts guys...BTW picked up a nice maya red habanero today...excited to try it
Allow me to make a suggestion. If you are really into growing hot peppers and are planning on being here (on this forum) for a while, I would highly recommend an Extreme membership. The first thing you may notice is you will have no issues uploading pics as you can upload right from your PC.
Well my Caribbean red hot and maya red in dirt aren't doing to well. The leaves are getting white and dying on some. I wonder if it's nute burn. I'm going to dig them out and replant in a 1 gal. I have a carb red hot in a pot and it's doing great but I'm also bringing in at night. Also the ghost in buckets don't look that great but the ones going in and out look fine. I will post pics later. This is bumming me out. Harder then it should be.
LA 2 the Bay said:
Well my Caribbean red hot and maya red in dirt aren't doing to well. The leaves are getting white and dying on some. I wonder if it's nute burn. I'm going to dig them out and replant in a 1 gal. I have a carb red hot in a pot and it's doing great but I'm also bringing in at night. Also the ghost in buckets don't look that great but the ones going in and out look fine. I will post pics later. This is bumming me out. Harder then it should be.
White leaves is not nutrient burn, its possibly a lack of iron or sulfate.  #5
Pics will definitely help.
This is the Caribbean red

Maya red hab

Caribbean red in pot is doing a lot better then the other

My ghost peppers are healthier then the one's outside

Goats weed donated by Hogleg is developing one bad leaf

Choc hab donated by hogleg doing great

Cross donated by hogleg doing great

If you guys could give advice on the bad looking ones I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance
How often and with what do you fertilize? What is in your soil mix? Does look like fert. burn which is easier with young adolescent plants.
Flushing the containers very well with water is an option. Maybe 4 or 5 times the volume of the containers. The nuclear option is to pull them, thoroughly rinse the roots, and replant in new soil. Another option is to not fertilize for a while but continue regular watering and hope they pull through.
Obviously people have already informed about buying off Ebay, and you never know, you may get something good! I (once) ordered TM scorpions from Amazon. I ended up with, as best I could tell, a caribbean red and a yellow scotch bonnet. Both made incredible sauce. Though I am not a big habanero type fan...
I also use photobucket for my posting, but there are plenty of options out there.
My advice, is to own it (as it seems you are) and enjoy growing your "wildcard" plants. Again, maybe you will end up with something better that you may have never thought about...
Also, those linky. skinny leaved plants that were supposed to be scorpions, they look like jalapenos to me. I know people mentioned serrano, but I get the Jala vibe from those... Both can be very tasty when pickled!
So keep on chuggin man, being here and asking for advice is a great way to get started. But if you have time, make sure to utilize the search function, I promise that just about anything you go through, hurdles and all, someone has gone through already here and been provided useful feedback.
Keep on growin man, I love it!

Serrano or jalapeno - try this when they are ready, cut them in half length wise, toss them in a bowl and pour olive oil over them. Sprinkly kosher salt, course pepper, and a little garlic powder or minced. Fry, bake, or bbq and enjoy the intense flavor!