I work till late but I'm able to drive out to you on wed or Thursday
Allow me to make a suggestion. If you are really into growing hot peppers and are planning on being here (on this forum) for a while, I would highly recommend an Extreme membership. The first thing you may notice is you will have no issues uploading pics as you can upload right from your PC.LA 2 the Bay said:Any thoughts guys...BTW picked up a nice maya red habanero today...excited to try it
White leaves is not nutrient burn, its possibly a lack of iron or sulfate. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/53770-plants-broken/ #5LA 2 the Bay said:Well my Caribbean red hot and maya red in dirt aren't doing to well. The leaves are getting white and dying on some. I wonder if it's nute burn. I'm going to dig them out and replant in a 1 gal. I have a carb red hot in a pot and it's doing great but I'm also bringing in at night. Also the ghost in buckets don't look that great but the ones going in and out look fine. I will post pics later. This is bumming me out. Harder then it should be.