First Attempt to grow peppers glog

Are you putting the plants outside at any time?
What I think I am seeing is the plant responding to not being hardened off enough and burning from over exposure.
Yeah I think it's over exposure. I thought the Caribbean red would be OK since I got it from a nursery but I guess not. I took them out and replanted in a pot and will harden them off properly when I went out there today they were both real droopy and wilted so soaked the. roots and repotted. They are outside in the shade I will only give them doses of sun. I noticed the goats weed is also getting burned leafs are losing color I will do my best to harden. First time having to deal with hardening. My soil is mostly clay and sucks I added soil perlite and composte it's pretty loose now and I hope it's good to go. I will take a picture of it to see what you guys think
Btw you guys are awesome
Yea I think Capcom hit the nail on the head. What I'm seeing on the Goatsweed pic looks like sun scald. Take your time hardening. Usually takes about ten days for me.
Yeah capcom and hogleg you guys are right. The cross and choc hab are taking the sun really well. Should I leave them out overnight? And bring them in in the am or bring them in at night
No need to bring them in as long as your overnight temps dont get down into the 30s. As far as exposure goes, keep it to ambient light with periods of a couple hours of direct sun in the early morning and late afternoon early evening
Ok yeah its gonna be like 49 tonight. It was 79 today during the day. Excited for warmer weather. I'll leave them out for a few hours in the am and bring them inside then back out in afternoon like you recommend.
Our night time temps are fine, go ahead and leave them out it doesn't hurt them to get used to the night temps (ours anyway) Its the sun you gotta watch out for. Solid advice from Cap. With the early morning sun being more gentle (cooler temps) IMO. I'm in the process myself right now. That damm wind storm nearly killed my baby Rocotos, poor things had gone completely limp. They've been inside on my dining table for two days and have shaped back up though.
LA 2 the Bay said:
Ok yeah its gonna be like 49 tonight. It was 79 today during the day. Excited for warmer weather. I'll leave them out for a few hours in the am and bring them inside then back out in afternoon like you recommend.
Cold as long as it does not frost will just slow the growth down, That will pick back up as temps get more of a warming trend. I have even had brown morugas out after first frost and they continued to flower and set pods
So I found an old led light I've had for years and made a ghetto stand for it and put a 6pack under it. The 6pack has 1 orange hab and an unknown pepper I got from my father in law last year. The plant grows busy with lots of .5-1 inch pods that ripen red now sure what they are called.

Here is the pod the tip is missing because I took the seeds out

I want to see how this led does for growing these guys
Great tasting little chiles but tedious to harvest. I've grown them the last few years but this year using the space for other stuff. I have a bunch dried from last year.
I don't know what I did but the top my my rococo seedling got cut off. Will it still grow or is it done for seedling was 2 days old. What do you guys think from experience
LA 2 the Bay said:
I don't know what I did but the top my my rococo seedling got cut off. Will it still grow or is it done for seedling was 2 days old. What do you guys think from experience
Do you mean the cotyledons have been removed? If so, It is done.
Do you mean the cotyledons have been removed? If so, It is done.

Exactly what I mean. Dang that sucks I don't know how it happened but I got 2 more so I need to take better care of these
You attempt helmet head removal without a license?

Lol I transplanted the seedling and it was fine went to check this morning and the head was off I was like wtf:o