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:woohoo: :dance: :onfire: In the infamous "Gingin Seedling Factory" this evening, the first Naga Viper in Australia and possibly even the rest of the world (besides the UK) was born. The little darling is just struggling through the seed raising mix and I am sure that I saw a bright light in the sky and 3 foreign looking men on camels heading this way. A few days early for a real xmas birth but wasn't Jesus really born in july anyway.
Photos will be taken and posted tomorrow.
MMM suspenders ,doh , i mean suspense.:hell: Damm :beer:
Now time will tell if it lives up to the hype as our WA summers will give it all the chances it needs to get heat.
After breakfast I will go see if it is worth a photo yet.
Just checked, still bent over with seed still underground, but its twins, 2 up now Even though I would love to intervene this has to be a natural birth. No forceps, no ceasarian section. Doh be patient!!! It will happen in its own good time. Maybe thats why those foreign looking chaps on camels havent arrived here yet.
Just checked, still bent over with seed still underground, but its twins, 2 up now Even though I would love to intervene this has to be a natural birth. No forceps, no ceasarian section. Doh be patient!!! It will happen in its own good time. Maybe thats why those foreign looking chaps on camels havent arrived here yet.
You know you will need to share some seeds to me over here on the Northern Rivers East coast :beer:
Yes its like boarding school for your babies but they will be better for it in the end. :cheers:
Dang, I planted all that i received so I will have to share the love podwise and seed wise at harvest time. Update on 1st baby, its up but has seed coat attached, I tremble when i walk past it cos I just want to rip it off. Patience.:think:
2nd baby bent over with head underground so I cant see if its free. Maybe tomorrow.:banghead: Photos as soon as they are clear.
Alright Marc! You have more patience than I do regarding that seed cap. Hope it falls off now! Now! Now! Now! Is it off yet? Now! Now! Now!

I'll keep sending the vibes, best of luck to you bro.
Hey Patrick, I'm a bit like you but since this is the first I was leaving it but I have found if you leave em on too long the leaves rot away so you might as well have had a go at taking it off. I will surgically intervene tomorrow after I have rolled out a bit of turf and dug a hole 6 feet deep. I have 3 rolls of turf arriving tomorrow. They are 1 meter wide strips of turf that are rolled up. and each weighs about 7-800kilos(1500-1750lbs) then a 5+1/2 tonne excavator is arriving after lunch because my irrigation sprung a leak in a place that i didnt even know there were pipes. I pushed a stick about 5 foot down into the leak and thought f%$k that I'm not digging that with a shovel in 35C degree heat (Gingin is always hotter than Perth) so hence the excavator.
So patience my friend is the operative word but the cap removeth tommorrow.
But I will use tweezers and scalpel and not the excavator.
Well I better have a cigar (and a beer or two) I successfully removed seed cap from the oldest and I think I successfully removed it from the second although it was hard to tell as it is all white. ( no chlorophyl yet) . Took photos with sons camera but then it went flat so when it is charged I will upload them to photo bucket then here. Patience Folks.:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :dance: :woohoo: :onfire: :dance: :hell:
Woo hoo! Cold ones all around! Great work with the surgery doc, happy to hear the patients are doing well.

Bummer about the pipes. 35C is too hot to be standing around watching the excavator let alone digging the hole with a spade. Best of luck with it.
Well its 11 pm and i celebrated the circumcision a bit tooo hard. a few India pale ales and a couple of bottles or shiraz and i will have to post the pics tomorrow. Me oldest boy came over to drive the excavator and weeell we hit it pretty hard, so i am going to stagger off to bed and post em 2moro. The camera battery is blinking at me in the corner,I'm ready, well :high: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drooling: .
Well I have recovered from the hangover, dug the hole, found the problem, jeez what a nightmare. Whoever put the pipes in originally, Well all I can say is" they couldnt get a root in a brothel". "As useless as tits on a bull." It is like a rabbit warren down there with pipes going in all directions and all of the controller wires for the solenoids just shoved in the hole willy nilly. it is going to take a few more hours hand excavating around the wires and a few hundred$ in 4" pipe and fittings to fix it all. But never the less here are the promised photos of the new pair 1st photo is the first baby and for some reason photobucket didnt upload the 2nd. When I have some time I will figure it out. 2nd photo is a lovely looking Choc Bhut Jolokia and 3 rd photo is some of the mixed superhots hardening off before they go outside.
Jungles, Havent counted properly but I estimate about 700 potted up and thousands more to do. Ive got about another month to get my seedlings potted I reckon. pity we werent closer or I could give you some. But never fear, I will look after you come harvest mate. Hope you get some plants in to build up the stocks again.