• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First year growing peppers..

Hey guys, so i thought i would start a glog on my plants..
This is my first year growing peppers... I bought all these plants..I did not start them from seed.(dont hate me im new, lol) I had planned on doing so but have learnt iv got into pepper growing at the wrong time of year and have missed the window to grow from seed for this year.
Im afraid this wont be as exciting as many other glogs, but hey, gotta start somewhere and people like pictures :)
This is my sweet long yellow pepper..not sure of the actual type, tag just says long sweet yellow.

this is my Habanero plant..

this is my cayenne plant

this is my (actually my girl friends plant)..its called "capsicum chili fire", someone said it might actually be a "wildfire" chilii..time will tell I guess. It seems to be taking AGES to flower.

Now onto the fun stuff...here is my Bhut Jolokia. its quite a stocky wee thing. Is getting lots of pods on it..

and lastly here is my yellow 7 pot..it must have like a hundred or more buds/ flowers on it..

flowers flowers everywhere :)

and here is my setup.

thanks for looking :)
Looking good. I also use natural bamboo to help stake up a small pepper plant. I actually have wild bamboo growing in my backyard for this reason. It will get to over 30 feet tall. I must trim it to keep it out of the power lines. I cut small stalks of bamboo, de-leaf them and dry them for stakes.

Hope to see more pics soon.
Yea my Granny has a bamboo patch at her house so I just cut some down every now and then when i need some :) I always use bamboo/something natural as i dont like the idea of having metal or anything in the dirt with my plants roots.
I managed to pick up a nice 7pot jonah plant yesterday while looking around a local gardening shop..They actually had a pretty big selection of super hots /  rare varieties. I was impressed.
Its a pretty solid looking plant! I would guess it must already have around 20 or so good sized pods on it. Im going to re pot it tonight..sorry about the crappy pic..

I also threw some Moruga Scorpion, and 7pot Red Seeds in some dirt..will have to wait and see what happens there.
Im using an ice cream container with about 1 cm of water in the bottom of it, and a couple of small pots in it which the seeds are planted in, then glad wrap covering the ice cream container. I leave it outside on top of the corrugated iron dog kennel roof (which gets full sun all day and heats up like a super heat pad), then move it inside ontop the hot water cylinder at night..Seeds have been in dirt since Friday
Good luck this season NZ!
Gotta start somewhere, so NP on buying plants. Taking care of them is a learning experience!
Thanks for the comment Devw! 
Got home from work today to find one of the Jonah's starting to look pretty toxic  :dance:
Might test it tomorrow or Wednesday

here is one of my yellow 7 pots looking mean

the sweet yellow has grown a lot over the last few days!

cayenne starting to make some pods and drop some flowers

this is the "chilli fire's" progress, we have a flower! hopefully it sets

and last of all, world say hello to Mr Cucumber sprout  :welcome:

thanks for looking..
Hey guys, so yesterday I had my first ever taste of a super hot!
It was a rather interesting and frightening experience..
Here is a picture of the pod we tried..its a 7pot jonah strain. It was not totally ripe..but as it was my first ever taste of a super hot, and im impatient I decided to test it..I was confident it would be hot enough either way!


My brother was the first one to try a tiny sliver of it..he put it on his tongue and spat it out instantly and started screaming "oh my god, you cant eat that, those plants youv got are useless, thats' insane!", and began furiously trying to wash his mouth out, panicking etc etc.
Needless to say, when i saw him reacting like that it made it pretty darn hard for me to muster up the courage to have a taste lol..
I started by licking a small bit of it..it burned pretty bad, I was pacing round the house for awhile..
I then ate a bit about half the size of a grain of rice, it didnt seem much worse then what I was already going through.
im not really sure if the bit my brother tried was worse then what I did, but he sure took it alot worse..will need a re-try i think lol..
on another note there is a lady at my work whose brother is pretty tough *sarcasm*, he can eat normal run of the mill pickled peppers out of a jar no problem. He has requested "one of my hottest peppers" to try..this is gonna be fun hahaha  :fireball:
Nice little setup!
I wish garden stores around here had a selection of plants like that... best we have is a few jal's and maybe a hab if you're lucky! I had no choice but to start from seed.
I am also new to the super-hots. Should hopefully be seeing my first pod (Brain Strain) soon. Cannot wait to try it... but I am a little nervous as well!
Oh boy... coworker's brother is in for a rude awakening!!!  :mouthonfire:
Hey guys, figured it was time for an update..
The plants have grown lots over the past few weeks. I have had several more Jonah pods turn ripe. Also a few of the Bhut Jolokia are starting to turn!
I have experimented a few times cooking with the Jonah, and have tested it raw about another 5 times. I think it has a distinct manderine taste.  :hell:  I know what to expect now..and im looking forward to testing the Bhut!
here are a few random pics..
heres an over view of how my plants are looking..(pic is about a week old now). notice the cucumber is about a foot tall now! about ready for a new pot..

the Habanero plant is doing really well. Its getting lots of pods, and hundreds more flowers still coming

A few 7pot Jonah's turning! I love this plant  :party:

and here is a beautiful pod ready to be used..(others are bumpier)

here is the above pod cut open

there were about 45 seeds inside

and lastly here is some lamb i marinated where i used some of the 7pot  ;)

Hey guys, I thought it was about time I updated my glog..
The plants are generally doing well, the yellow 7 pot is setting more pods after dropping many flowers.
I had a bit of a battle with some kind of scale insect / aphids. I sprayed the hell out of my plants with an oil based "bug oil" which seems to have done an ok job of killing the things but its left some brown marks on the leaves where the scale insects used to be so looks not so great in places..
I have done alot of testing of pods and the Jonah is my fav by a long shot, and im dissapointed with my supposed "bhut jolokia"
Anyway here are a few pics.
Firstly, heres an overall group shot of my plants..

Next up some gnarly looking jonah pods. This thing is a production machine compared to any of my other plants. Am saving as many seeds as I can from this plant. Its also my fav in cooking so far.

here is a mutant pod that came off the Jonah, interior was 100% placenta! Yeah i tested it, lol

and, the Jonah already has some off spring! The smaller one was a helmet head and i removed the seed case using side clippers..
Its the wrong season to start seeds but iv got heaps so thought I may as well try. So far they are doing great. We dont freeze over winter so hopefully I can keep them alive. There is still a couple of months to go before temps really start to drop.

heres a few yellow 7 pots ripening. the one that looks like a face is the same one that was green in previous pic :)
heres a little harvest of Jonah's 7 pot yellows.
And here my habanero plant..the pods are starting to ripen :)

and lastly here is my "bhut what is it"?
Yea i tested it, and the actual flesh is not hot at all. Very minimal heat. The placenta is kind of hot but its got nothing on either of my 7 pots..any idea as to what it is?
So, my friend who has been away overseas for the last couple of months while I have been growing my superhots is coming over tonight.
He is in a chili club (they go to an Indian restaurant to eat every month or something) so is keen to try my chilis..he would like to try some to make sure its actually hot before he takes it to his friends at the chili club (to make sure he dosent make a fool of himself)
I have picked him this pod to sample. Supposdly he is going to eat half of it.I just hope he dosent lick his fingers or anything before he throws it in his mouth. We dont want to put him off now do we!?
Looks HOT..hehehehehee  :rofl:   :hell:
nzchili said:
So, my friend who has been away overseas for the last couple of months while I have been growing my superhots is coming over tonight.
He is in a chili club (they go to an Indian restaurant to eat every month or something) so is keen to try my chilis..he would like to try some to make sure its actually hot before he takes it to his friends at the chili club (to make sure he dosent make a fool of himself)
I have picked him this pod to sample. Supposdly he is going to eat half of it.I just hope he dosent lick his fingers or anything before he throws it in his mouth. We dont want to put him off now do we!?
Looks HOT..hehehehehee  :rofl:   :hell:
Not to sound sadistic but.. I would seriously like to know his reaction. Keep us posted please! Thank you!
Kyox89 said:
Not to sound sadistic but.. I would seriously like to know his reaction. Keep us posted please! Thank you!
Thanks for the reply! I dont get many of those  ;)
Ill try get a video!
So the friend took it really well. It was the hottest thing he'd ever had but still, handled it very well.
He did eat an entire half. 
After the pain had subsided he was keen to then eat half a yellow 7 pot! what a machine..
I talked him down to about 1/4..lol
on another note, i planted a couple of Butch T seeds just under a week ago, and I have a hook!
Its my first time planting anything in "coco" pellets (as opposed to peat)..so far so good..
Also i did a little test (not that it means much because i literally only planted two seeds). But i scared one of the seeds and i kept the other normal.
The non-scared one has sprouted first.
nzchili said:
So the friend took it really well. It was the hottest thing he'd ever had but still, handled it very well.
He did eat an entire half. 
After the pain had subsided he was keen to then eat half a yellow 7 pot! what a machine..
I talked him down to about 1/4..lol
I don't know what it says about me that I am disappointed that your friend took it well. Ah well, good for him!
Congratulations on your Butch T hook. Hope they grow up to be big and strong and make grown men cry. :surprised:
Hey guys I thought it was about time I updated this!
The Jonah plants that I planted from seeds from my own pods are doing great. One of them in particular is pretty huge compared to the others that have been around for similar amounts of time. Im suspecting it may be some kind of hybrid due to its quick growth. (i could not say if both plants come from the same pod, its unlikely as I just collected all the seeds in one container and did not differentiate between particular pods)
Im somewhat surprised at how well they are doing, because they only get windowsill light (no artificial lighting whatsoever), and night time temps are now into single digits (C), and still dropping.
Its looking like im going to have an awesome head start come spring, im confident these will do just fine over winter.
I also have a Butch T going on my windowsill (planted much later then the Jonah;s), and also a couple of mystery fiji chilis..
Big Boy Jonah

Smaller Jonah (planted at same time as the large one)

Jonah brothers together

little Butch T;

and lastly, the unknown fiji chilis
wohooo, just had a package of seeds arrive!
Im going to have to decide what to plant and get some seeks soaking tonight.
I think im gonna plant a couple of Douglah, a couple of Brown Bhutlah, maybe a white 7pot, and an HP22B, and maybe the primo..hmmmmmmm