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outdoors FISH STORY

I grew up front beach on Okaloosa Island back in the 70's and then moved 15 miles inland to Niceville and lived on a bayou for many years. The canoe was before I was allowed to have a motor on my boat and it dragged me under a bridge and several miles, like I had a motor. Finally landed him on a sandbar and paddled back home I was about 10. I remember shark fishing out of Destin with what looked like 10' anchor chain and a huge hook and we would land the biggest sharks. The pier that AJ caught his Bull shark from is the beach where they filmed the original Jaws movie and I was asked to be and extra tan kid on the beach. Not in the movie but will never forget growing up in the the panhandle. I probably crossed paths with Ronnie way back then on a pier fishing.
amazing stories. I dont have any pictures, but the one in my memory is engraved. when I was 5 we had a fridge with the freezer on the bottom. The shark filled the freezer, nose to tail. not big as sharks go, but as big as me at the time, and my dad caught it in the Savannah River. I was very excited I got to eat that shark, my mom was never an adventurous cook so it was just cut into steaks and breaded and pan fried. I've always like fish, but it seems in my memory that was particularly good.
Awesome story AJ, I love fishing down in the 10,000 islands, havent gone in awhile (my cousin sold his boat). but we used to go out there all the time and fish down near the chatham river. even used to go camping out on turkey key and pavillion key. man I gotta got out there again soon :)
Took our first charter offshore for the year today and fishing was slow, water was only 68.5F. Saw loggerhead turtles, Mola Mola Sunfish, and lots of shark but no bait and thus no Wahoo or Dolphin yet. Had three knockdowns all day long and landed 3 Blackfin Tuna. Blackfin are smaller than Yellowfin but I like the meat better, not so fatty. Here is our largest fish of the day about 25 lbs. Good to get back on the water but we still have several weeks till the fishing gets good around here.:)
Never had any blackfin! I'm intriuged, I think yellowfin is a starting to overtake my #1 spot over blue. Unless it is sashimi. Do you get Big eye over that way?
Blackfin are found only in the western Atlantic from Cape Cod to Brazil, and reach a maximum size of 50 pounds. Don't have Big Eye off South Carolina but do get the Bluefin Tuna run in the winter. Had sushimi from a still alive and kicking Blackfin today, cut a section from the tail and sliced into strips and served with soy sauce 5 minutes after the catch.
Cappy, you know what they say...a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work...looks like you all had a good time anyway...
Wahooo!!!1 Spent the night on the boat as was leaving the dock 3 am, slept the whole 65 mile trip in a bunk and felt like 15 min nap. Put lines in as the sun was just coming over the horizon and 5 min later a triple knockdown blackfin. Then the big hoo of the day hit the wire rod and another bigger fish slammed a long rigger bait at the same time. Lost the big fish of the day at the back of the boat, bit the mono with it's razor sharp teeth. Picked at some small dolphin and found a cargo net and had had 5 smaller wahoo all in the boat first pass. Stayed in the same area and fished that all afternoon and had a manta ray sky completely out of the water right behing the boat, awesome sight never seen anything like it before. Pulled lines around 1:30 and headed home with kid rock,a bottle of rum and endless beers. Still early in our prime season as the bait is not here yet, water temp. 72F, any day now. Great day for mid April, good to get back out on the water again.:)
Man PRF thats an awesome haul! Nothing like fresh fish,Those are some beaut's ,Although they would look better in my oven! or deep fryer! :) You make me miss the ocean!
Yeah kevin I am high on life after a fishing trip like that. We usually don't catch more wahoo than dolphin or tuna so was really good. I have this wahoo marinade that goes perfect with this fish, half orange juice half soy, just a spoon full of sugar and marinade 20 min is all. Put on the grill skin side down and the skin peal right off, the orange juice penetrates the meat and the citris soy is awesome with wahoo. I'm eating fresh caught tuna off the cutting board and having a beer tonight.
Man, your killing me with that wonderful marinade recipe! I grew up in Tampa Bay and would run the the bay after school to catch dinner.Crabs, Fish, didnt matter.Now in Ga. My highlight is the occasional Largemouth ,Or in the river, the occasional Rainbow trout.Last year on Vacation I taught my son the McDonalds straw lure..We were killing the Kings . As for Beer and Tuna! what could be better!
Nice pics PRF! Wish I had time to get out on the water right now... Never pulled any wahoo in yet- we don't get em off SD. Moar pix!