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Did any of you know that peat pods full of Trinidad Scorpion seedlings are apparetly considered a delicious treat to blue pitbulls? FVCK MY LIFE!!!!!!!
Here doggy, doggy, doggy, I have a little treat for you................it tastes like steak, trust me............ :D
He's fvcking dead and he knows it. He's just sitting there in the corner staring at the floor with peat in his teeth. Tail tucked so far under it looks like an extra appendage....I could scream right now.
I feel your pain mate, lost all but one seedling to my lab x weimeraner at the beginning of the year... she is no longer with us..:shh:
Geosojda said:
My cats hit mine this year...........at least your dog knows he did wrong....the cats just don't give a sh^T

Ditto. I have a fool of a plant eating cat. Both his parents died from eating rat poison. He's continuing the tradition of eating stuff that is terrible for him. My poor Litchi tomatoes made it back from nubs, though. I'm gonna give him a second crack at those this Winter when I bring one in. It's possible he'll blind himself.

I have to guerrilla plant in my backyard because of my dogs. I plant in an area I haven't mowed/weedeated in awhile and go back later and clear out. Otherwise, fresh dirt means [DOG VOICE FROM UP]something good might be buried there, master. And NEVER, ever, EVER fertilize with fish emulsion within reach of dogs. That ends with the double heartbreak of dead plants and an angry dog washing.

Sorry to hear it, dude. Don't hate on him for TOO long. He is, after all, just a dog.
Dogs will be Dawgs ... I've been lucky with the big Dawgs I have, they haven't jacked my plants. But then I grow in raised beds that are 2' above the ground. I'm sure that helps , they can't easily get to the plants . And I agree NO fish juice if you want to keep pets away .... they love that stuff !!

Peace & good luck ,
P. Dreadie
Sorry your dog got the plants but he's a dog. Ours leave our plants alone but then they have to walk around them in the living room for months so I think they are just bored with it already, nothing interesting there. Zoie would rather go outside and chase birds.
he is already partially forgiven...until some sprout and flower...then he can sample them again if he is still interested.
sprinkle the top of the dirt with cayenne powder. It works on cats and squirrels. Dogs is stupid....but, they are no fools. Warm blooded animals, I have discovered, get jealous if you spend less time with them because you are spending more time with someone/something else. Unlike your wife, they cannot nag at you- so they act out. sometimes, this is a direct attack on whatever you are spending more time with. Dirt with seeds in may not be delicious, but they might be....the enemy. some love and attention before, during, after your garden time might reassure your pooch. Include a new toy on days you are going to be spending extra time with plants. might help?
I'm not sure about the effectiveness of cayenne powder. My little 7 month old boxer actually goes out of her way to eat all the dried up cayenne pods left from last year. She was picking so may of them off the dead plant I had to bury them really deep in the compost pile so she'd leave the damn things alone. Now she's going after whatever dried jala's she can find and some of the various flowers around the yard. I made sure to 'claim them' when I caught her doing it the last time and now she seems to be doing ok. Just needs supervision to re-enforce it until she's older.
Blister said:
I'm not sure about the effectiveness of cayenne powder. My little 7 month old boxer actually goes out of her way to eat all the dried up cayenne pods left from last year. She was picking so may of them off the dead plant I had to bury them really deep in the compost pile so she'd leave the damn things alone. Now she's going after whatever dried jala's she can find and some of the various flowers around the yard. I made sure to 'claim them' when I caught her doing it the last time and now she seems to be doing ok. Just needs supervision to re-enforce it until she's older.

Yeah, but dogs like to smell things first and inhaling pepper dust is a whole new ball game. Ever see the movie Cool Hand Luke where Paul Newman escaped and covered his tracks with pepper? ;)