• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Hey iFish.  Felt like it had been a while since you'd posted pics, but I scrolled back and saw it was just a handful of days.  Really cool to see how well some of those guys are doing for you, especially the alma, habs, and ufo.  Nice to see the Amazon habs continue to look like habs.
And sure, that basil's doing a pretty good job fitting in for now, but it's just a matter of time before the peppers figure him out and there's gonna be a Full Metal Jacket blanket party when the lights go out.  "C'mon purple ufo...  do it...  do it!"
CaneDog said:
Hey iFish.  Felt like it had been a while since you'd posted pics, but I scrolled back and saw it was just a handful of days.  Really cool to see how well some of those guys are doing for you, especially the alma, habs, and ufo.  Nice to see the Amazon habs continue to look like habs.
And sure, that basil's doing a pretty good job fitting in for now, but it's just a matter of time before the peppers figure him out and there's gonna be a Full Metal Jacket blanket party when the lights go out.  "C'mon purple ufo...  do it...  do it!"
Yeah, the alma will hopefully ripen up before too long, and I'll actually be able to use them (after keeping seeds, of course). Hoping the Amazon habs continue on the straight and narrow.
WHAT is your major malfunction, Private Perennial?!
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Dang fish, you went samurai on some of those poor peppers ⚔️
Of course; gotta live up to my adopted culture. お前はもう死んでいる!
PaulG said:
For whatever reason, this picture stuck with me (mwahaha, hijacking your glog!)... and I ordered a set of honest-to-god lab test tubes for cuttings. I know that's not what this is, but that's what my brain decided it was. I think CaneDog is actually using test tubes, but for whatever reason, this is what stuck it in my head.
I had to order something, since it turned out I've been using a glass that was a wedding gift to root basil and mint. Which I think is a great honor, but my wife very much did not agree when she noticed.
Plus, when I asked her to find friends to take my two basil cuttings and two mint plants (also grown from cuttings), she found six people to take basil and four to take mint. So I have plenty of cutting work in my near future anyway, and that's without taking peppers into account.
I like that shot too iFish, with all the roots coming in.  Get a kick working with this sort of stuff.  Wish I were more successful than I've been previously with pepper cuttings, though, so will be trying to improve.  I have a ton of gear from homebrewing and from isolating and propagating yeast strains, which comes in surprisingly handy for peppers related stuff as well.  Check out this rack, which makes it so much easier working with tubes/vials.  Different sizes for different circumferences.  I use 24ml vials, so the pinkish ones.
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Wow, I've been seriously slacking on the pictures lately. So as a bonus, meet a close personal friend of mine. His name is Monstro!


He's not terribly helpful, but on a sunnier day, he'd be doing a happy little dance. He is a little twisted, if you think about it, to be so happy about my apparently-thoroughly-dead shishito seeds. What can I do, though? He's just such a fun guy to have around. And considering shishito is the only variety that's pretty easy to get commercial seeds for here, whatever. Take a bow, guys; exit stage left, maybe next time.
Two goronong is just fine with me, and all six Japanese bell peppers are still going pods to the wall, so we should have the zero-heat hybrid-fodder angle covered.
Still waiting on my half-assed lab equipment, but that should be here within an hour or so, and then MORE PICTURES!
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Yikes, natural dish soap and water spray every 3 days. Had same issue, diligence pays when dealing with those little
Is this actually a permanent solution? I can get neem oil too, but since I don't realistically have the option of full immersion and soil replacement, I assumed it'd just be a futile gesture.

CaneDog said:
No way!  How did that happen at this time of year?  Did you bring in a plant from a nursery or somewhere?
I'm assuming they came in with the soil I added when they went into bags. There's nothing in the tent that wasn't 100% grown there, so I'm not sure how else it could've happened.

This is just really depressing.
CDNmatt said:
Thats post is tough to like, I feel for ya man....jump on those little devils hard dude
Is it even worth it? I don't know whether I stand any chance of getting rid of them.
Mr. West said:
hit em with the neem before its full blown infestation.
This (of course) comes right as I'm about to leave on a business trip for better than a week... guess I'll try at least one of these things before I leave and pick it up again when I get back, if it's not just a bug colony in there by then.
And I just lost at least one of my current batches of kraut to mold because I wasn't paying enough attention. This just really isn't a good week.  :neutral:
Its never 100% of course but starting the fight as soon as possible is huge , especially to limit the damage on any plants and getting that colony before it realyl gets a chance to establish it's self.
Where I live now pest  like that have not been an issue for me, I think the cold hard winters really help with it is my guess. But I grew up just north of Toronto and the winters are not as harsh and my first couple seasons were a mess and I had numerous issues with aphids which killed off most of my tomaters. Other then some spider mites one year basically nothing in over 10...maybe 11 years now.
Is your wife home by chance when you away?? If so would she be able to spray them down for you..even if its just a few times it still would be better then nothing eh.
CDNmatt said:
Is your wife home by chance when you away?? If so would she be able to spray them down for you..even if its just a few times it still would be better then nothing eh.
She'll be home, yeah... I'm sure she'd be fine with that.
Would you guys say soap or neem oil would be better? Or do they serve different purposes?