was going to strip half these plants after reading about it earlier... and I lost my nerve. I did give some of them a pretty healthy trim, except for the ones that seem to be doing really well. Particularly the choco habs.
In this one you can see the lemon peppers, which got the bulk of the knife abuse. One of them has been looking a little better, so it kept some foliage; the other one lost most of it, and hopefully it'll be a good fresh start. You may also notice some basil, if you look very closely, acting like he belongs and pulling it off like a hero.
Shot of the front row, with some decent habs, ghost in the middle and a CGN 21500 in front of him, UFO on the right behind one of those habs, and the big alma on the left in front.
Beyond the bottle you've got some reasonably happy white devil's tongue in front of a weeeee fish, next to a box of about half and half seedlings and what I assume are little dead husks in nice cozy graves.
My coir and perlite mix spat out a well-coifed sprout; I took a very sharp box cutter to it and came out with my most successful helmet surgery yet.
I'm not at all pleased to note that the sponge they provide with these little bottle plugs seems to have worked a hell of a lot better than my half-assed hydro hack, but I suppose it could be worse. Two very happy little non-helmeted datil seedlings. Remember, though, kids:
There can be only one!
So that's where it's at. Could be better, but it could be worse, too.
[edit: On re-reading this, it's pretty clear I'm less sober than I thought I was. But IT COULD BE WORSE!