• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Hey iFish.  Great advice above already.  Definitely jump right on them.  I've had them indoors multiple times and never failed to eradicate them (reasonably) quickly and completely.
Here's my method FWIW - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/67008-show-us-your-pubes-group-glog-from-the-rocoto-giveaway/?p=1586715
If you don't have neem, hit them with the DIY safe soap right away. Maybe you can have neem by when you return.  I rinse the bulk of the bastards off first (inverted dunking might work well given your plant size).  If you hit them before you leave that should knock them down and then you can finish 'em off on return. Even better if you can have them at least rinsed off once or twice while you're gone or dunked into a soap solution.  Don't put the plants back under light for a good while after applying neem or soap as that can be hard on the plants. 
Good luck with them. Your grow ain't going nowhere but forward!
Nice, thanks. While availability and price can suck a lot here, the shipping tends to be pretty brilliant. Already got a couple shipments ordered this morning, arriving tomorrow between 7PM and 9PM, for trip prep; getting neem oil or Castile soap in at the same time wouldn't be a problem.
Dipping probably isn't going to happen, but I could take them out and hose them off them first... having my wife lug eleven two-gallon bags of dirt and bugs down two steep flights of stairs to treat and rinse even once, though, is probably going to be too much to ask (and it's too cold to leave them outside).
I suppose I could hose them off and spray them down before I leave, then maybe leave them on a reduced light cycle while I'm gone?
Man...plants are tough...even if you strip every single leave and spray the crap out of them...they'll come back. Likewise if you just let the aphids have their way, odds are the plants will still survive. Don't let it get you down. Another option is to order some lady bugs...they're really fun to watch when they're mowing down the aphids.
stc3248 said:
Another option is to order some lady bugs...they're really fun to watch when they're mowing down the aphids.
I actually looked into this. I can't order them at all, and I have no idea whether that's something gardening stores would carry... considering there are basically no yards here, I doubt it's very common for people to want to release hundreds (at least) of ladybugs in their tiny apartments or on their tiny patios.
I can only imagine how livid my wife would be at me for this, regardless. Probably a non-starter. :D
internationalfish said:
Would you guys say soap or neem oil would be better? Or do they serve different purposes?
I'm late to the conversation, but my go-to for aphids
is a spray with Safer Insect Killing Soap, followed a
couple of days later with NEEM oil (made from the
pure concentrate). Spray tops and bottoms of leaves.
internationalfish said:
I actually looked into this. I can't order them at all, and I have no idea whether that's something gardening stores would carry... considering there are basically no yards here, I doubt it's very common for people to want to release hundreds (at least) of ladybugs in their tiny apartments or on their tiny patios.
I can only imagine how livid my wife would be at me for this, regardless. Probably a non-starter. :D

HaHa.  I've done both these things.  Ladybugs in a grow tent in my garage and LB's on my second story deck.  They were fun - though they did get all over the house - but for me they didn't really solve the problem.  Didn't stick around long either.  Safe soap did the trick though.
I wonder if aphids are tougher some places than others.  Here in Seattle they go pretty quietly for me.  When I had them in Florida they were a lot tougher.
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
No vinegar, trust meeeeeeee
Hahaha, it looks like you've had quite the misadventure... I guess we should wait until the pods are off the plants to try making hot sauce with them. :D
CaneDog said:
HaHa.  I've done both these things.  Ladybugs in a grow tent in my garage and LB's on my second story deck.  They were fun - though they did get all over the house - but for me they didn't really solve the problem.  Didn't stick around long either.  Safe soap did the trick though.
I wonder if aphids are tougher some places than others.  Here in Seattle they go pretty quietly for me.  When I had them in Florida they were a lot tougher.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hopefully Japanese aphids are like Japanese children and are terrified by average-size white people.
PaulG said:
Lady bugs (some of them) will stick around if there
is food and moisture for them. I can't remember
whose glog I saw that had half grapes around the
plants, and the LBs were feeding/drinking off them.
Otherwise, once they kill the aphids, and no food
is left, then they take off.
I saw that too and the pics were really cool.  I put out some sugar water or something for them - can't quite remember, was 5 or 6 years ago - based on what I read at the time, yet they still bolted pretty quick on me. Maybe half-grapes are the answer!
EDIT - Was our PNW buddy dogmessiah
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Lol misadventure is an understatement, if youve followed the growdown youll see it was more like an acid bath joker style

You were the first thing I thought of when I saw that Vinegar question.
As well Fish, Vinegar can be used for weed control (full strength obviously) Though I don't really use it myself my Grandfather would swear by it...I did use it mixed with bleach to kill a giant ant colony last summer though. So it may kill your pest issue but it would go all GPR on your plants as well. :shocked: :twisted: :shocked:
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Lol misadventure is an understatement, if youve followed the growdown youll see it was more like an acid bath joker style
Yeah, the understatement was intentional. ;)
CDNmatt said:
As well Fish, Vinegar can be used for weed control (full strength obviously) Though I don't really use it myself my Grandfather would swear by it...I did use it mixed with bleach to kill a giant ant colony last summer though. So it may kill your pest issue but it would go all GPR on your plants as well. :shocked: :twisted: :shocked:
hope I don't somehow end up needing weed control... in my tent... but at this point, you know, I think I'll just say thanks and keep it in mind.
In other news, somehow the CGN 21500 I stuck in the window at work is doing better than the plants in my tent, with nothing but water-cooler water and sun. Which really just goddamn figures.