• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
CaneDog said:
C'mon, do it.
Ha! OK. I was thinking "swoosh? What?" I actually looked over those pictures really carefully for something that looked like a swoosh. I'd feel stupid, except I already felt stupid, so it's just status quo over here. 

Yes, I clearly did not start early enough. I think I'll go make up for that!
[edit: Tap a' the marnin' ta ye!]
internationalfish said:
All of five days later, it's looking... remarkably poor. Hoping it comes around, but it's not looking good.  :confused:
On another topic, I picked my first chocolate habanero.

Looks good on the inside, though.

I'm glad I learned my lesson with the CGN 21500, because if I'd popped this entire thing into my mouth, I think I'd have had a seizure. I tried a little slice of it. I'm honestly disappointed; I'd heard this pepper had a really unique flavor, but all I got is that chinense floral note, which I now understand after reading about it and now having directly sampled two different varieties. I'll certainly give them a try for sauce, and hopefully in larger quantity with salt and some aromatics it'll grow a taste.
My outdoor peppers have been in the carport for a few days now and they're looking very good. Also finally started pH adjusting my tap water, so hopefully that just kind of helps in general. And I started diluting what I feed my Kratky kids, which have been showing what looks like nitrogen toxicity.
Currently working on another batch of fertilizer for the plants in the gallon coir bags. They're thirsty buggers.
Mighty harvest indeed, hopefully it was tasty
internationalfish said:
Honestly, pretty disappointed. Going to withhold final judgment until I get an actual harvest I can make sauce from, but the flavor was... not great.
I'll take SWORDS for $400.
That's funny.  I thought the same thing, but I figured it was just an oddball connection I was making. 
I guess this thread has wandered into SNL jeopardy territory before, though.  S-word Fish!
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Maybe grow conditions werent favorable, Habs are usually good.

Sorry to hear brother
Nah, no big deal. I'll definitely give them another shot; got two healthy plants, one in coir and one in soil, that will both hopefully start producing soonish. So hopefully I'll have some better pods from at least one of those.

Besides, I've got something like 14 other varies that are also getting close, so I'm not worried. I'm sure there will be at least one I really enjoy.
Dropping a quick picture after a week or so of having the plants outside. It hit 8 or 9 C (46-48 F) last night, and no one seems the worse for wear; it's not likely to drop below that again this year, so I'm not planning on bringing them back inside. Moving them to the tiny balcony that will be their Forever Homes, yes; that'll happen this week, since the whole week is vacation!

In the far upper right is my only datil. It was my first Kratky experiment, but the bottle plug it was in is too big to get water into the bottle without a fight. So I pulled it today. Fortunately, I did little to no root damage, which is way better than I expected. It's going to need to acclimate to soil and the great outdoors (it's only out temporarily right now to start hardening off), but if it lives through that, it'll get to live with its buddies.
The plants on the lower right are hawk's claws that are going to friends, but they've been so happy outside I haven't bothered to bring them in. I haven't seen any bug problems at all out there, which is awesome, but we have plenty of vinegar should they need it. Castile soap, too, if things get really dire.
I ignored my tent for a few days and ended up almost killing my mini-Kratky SLR, which drank its little reservoir 100% dry. On the plus side, it looks much better after I diluted its nutrients, so hopefully its nitrogen burn is a thing of the past. It's also flowering happily, as is the one I have in a larger Kratky bottle. At least one of them is on pheno, maybe both, so hopefully I'll be able to put something up in the growdown thread soon. Feels like I've been saying that forever, though. Meh.
The coir bag kids are looking great, and will be getting another nice big batch of fertilizer tomorrow (the young SLR in back is begging for it, but the rest are also consuming what I give them like crazy).

The vacation is called Golden Week, and it's always the longest set of public holidays of the year here. It's particularly nice this year, since we're getting a new emperor May 1, and they added a holiday for the coronation; instead of being something like two four-day weekends separated by two days of work, it's a full 10 days. So almost everyone -- annoyingly, including banks and anything else you might actually need, including doctors -- is off work the whole time. Even the freaking ATMs will be closed for some or all of the banks, so I had to take out plenty of cash just in case. Small price, I guess.
[edit: I'm putting off starting any hybridization since I actually tried the choco habs. I could start CGN 21500 x J bell pepper, since I know I like both of those, but that's not one I'd planned on at all... probably wait until I have a few different varieties fruiting and start the WHP F1 just to have something to try growing out.]
My smaller maybe-SLR Kratky, despite me allowing its reservoir to run totally dry, appears to have set a pod! Hopefully it doesn't drop; it'd be nice to try one of these things some time this year.

And my tombstone bonchi isn't dead! It did drop very nearly all of its original foliage, but it's quickly replacing that with what appear to be nice, healthy leaves. Hopefully now it's just a matter of leaving it alone for a month or two and then starting to pull down the soil.

I've also now started some seeds for that WHP Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw x Large Red Jamaican Habanero F1. Growing one for an Indian friend who wanted habaneros, and using another to start growing it out.
glad to hear your kratky survived the dry-out, I'm also shocked how quickly they gulp down their fluids and find myself running low more often than I'd like - it's reassuring that they seem to not mind a short dry spell though, that's a good safety barrier to have.
And your tombstone idea is sick, I love it! Hopefully it works out as you intended, definitely keep us posted!
CaneDog said:
Good news about the bonchi  :thumbsup:
Yeah! I didn't think it'd come back, but left it under the lights anyway. Really glad to see it rebounding. :)
lespaulde said:
glad to hear your kratky survived the dry-out, I'm also shocked how quickly they gulp down their fluids and find myself running low more often than I'd like - it's reassuring that they seem to not mind a short dry spell though, that's a good safety barrier to have.
And your tombstone idea is sick, I love it! Hopefully it works out as you intended, definitely keep us posted!
I ignored the whole tent for... I don't even know. At least a couple of days. It had to have been low to begin with, because that one in particular just doesn't drink a lot. Definitely good to know they'll survive that kind of neglect, though, certainly.
Really happy I stumbled onto the tombstone thing. I'll absolutely keep updating on it; hopefully there won't be much to say in the next couple months, but as soon as there is, it'll be here!
Hey iFish.  Haven't seen updates for a bit and wondering how things are going.  Hope all is good.  I've always been a bit concerned that your mutant fish pepper would rise up one day and take over body-snatcher style and there'd be a new fish in town.  Hope he's not out there now, sporting your threads, drivin' your whip, living Tokyo-large off your bank cards, not updating the glog...  ;)
This forum software is ridiculous... having a heck of a time getting anything to post at all.  :confused: 
CaneDog said:
Hey iFish.  Haven't seen updates for a bit and wondering how things are going.  Hope all is good.  I've always been a bit concerned that your mutant fish pepper would rise up one day and take over body-snatcher style and there'd be a new fish in town.  Hope he's not out there now, sporting your threads, drivin' your whip, living Tokyo-large off your bank cards, not updating the glog...  ;)
Thanks for checking in, CD! For better or worse, Hulkfish didn't make it. Stalled and never went anywhere; I guess not everyone can handle the gamma rads.
The tombstone bonchi is looking fairly healthy. Some new growth near the bottom, too, which is pretty cool.


Since almost everything is dropping blossoms -- including everything I'd consider hybridizing -- I'm starting a few Jamaican hab x jigsaw F1's from WHP. My bottle experiment is kind of a bust, so I'm probably just going to stick with these small pots. They'll dry out faster, but they're easy to bottom water, and hopefully they'll keep the plants smaller and push them to fruit faster.
The top shelf is looking pretty decent, though nothing is setting pods.

Just about the same story outside.

I do have at least one J bell pod, which is good. Hopefully these guys get in the mood again and I see another batch soon.

The lemon drop is a trooper, though; only plant I have that seems to understand what the point of a pepper plant is.
CaneDog said:
:thumbsup:  Glad to see the tombstone bonchi is showing growth, especially after you finally got design approval.  Aji is looking great!  Hopefully the rest will start podding up shortly.  Not sure what your weather is like now, but it's gotta be getting warm there soon.
It's been gorgeous for the last couple weeks. I think we've probably got about a month of really nice weather before summer hits and it's disgusting until fall.
My parents are visiting for two weeks starting this Thursday (shit, that's... really soon), so they'll get a totally inaccurate impression of how nice the weather is here. Oh well, good for them, I suppose.
Pods will come, 'Fish!  
Once this plants settle into their final locations
they will begin to act in a mature way!
PaulG said:
Pods will come, 'Fish!  
Once this plants settle into their final locations
they will begin to act in a mature way!
I don't know. There's not a lot of spare maturity floating around my house; not sure where they'd get it... 