seeds-germination Free Dorset Seeds

Novacastrian said:
I have an over supply of Dorset Naga seeds, that and Aji Lemon.

Anyone that would like some just shoot me a pm and naked pics of your spouse.

Of all the nerve!;)

Sorry, boring day at work.

Very cool of you!
Novacastrian said:
I have an over supply of Dorset Naga seeds, that and Aji Lemon.

Anyone that would like some just shoot me a pm and naked pics of your spouse.

cheezydemon said:
Of all the nerve!;)

Sorry, boring day at work.

Very cool of you!

Well, the rules is the rules. Here's a naked pic of my wife's spouse...

My wife would kill me if I posted those pics! Here's one of her with the .50BMG(12.7x99 for you Metric types) she absolutely loves to shoot!
Great Nova,

As written in some post. I was growing a fake Naga :hell: and off course would like to get some real Dorset seeds!.
Alright it way good that people are getting their seeds already as has been pretty quick getting to where going.

I will wait another week or so and anyone that hasn't received promised seeds let me know and i shall resend. I don't think i could possibly get a 100% strike rate through customs but i will give one more go to anyone that didn't receive.

Beerswimmer tell your wife that she rocks! Any chick that loves to shoot and that can handle a .50 cal is alright in my book!
Hi Nova
When you send seeds to me?
In bottomland(australia) should letter come a week to here top of the world(Finland);):)
Just kidding....about that week;)
Novacastrian said:
Alright as of now i have sorted out,

lord viykor
beandip (new member)
foxprorawks (new member)

Others i am just waiting on pm's for addys.
Seeds for the above people should be sent out tomorrow apart from Junglerain, i will send his with the Aussie trading parcel.

Hi Nova,
I seem to have been left off this list. You offered me some of those seeds in a private pm you sent. I hadn't seen this thread b4 today. Still got some left??
Sorry palexxxx as you are a queenslander i cannot send seeds to you!!

:rofl: Really mate there is a chance i missed you out with my hap-hazard way of doing things- just pm me your addy again and i will get them on their way :P
Novacastrian said:
Sorry palexxxx as you are a queenslander i cannot send seeds to you!!

:rofl: Really mate there is a chance i missed you out with my hap-hazard way of doing things- just pm me your addy again and i will get them on their way :P

You almost got me then, luckily I finished reading your last post before I sent you a reply. Queenslander indeed, sheeeesh!!
P.M. on the way.
Novacastrian said:
Sorry palexxxx as you are a queenslander i cannot send seeds to you!!

:rofl: Really mate there is a chance i missed you out with my hap-hazard way of doing things- just pm me your addy again and i will get them on their way :P

Am I on your list? We did correspond and I sent you my addy?:rolleyes: I sound like a whiny lil brat don't I? At least I was trying too.... If your supply is getting thin, I understand!:P
Yes i am pretty sure that i sent yours out Joe, if you don't have them soonish let me know and i'll get some more away :)