Congratulations!36! Thanks!
Well Hillybilly here's your chance.
It was suggested by a friend I told about this that I should have a LUCKY #5. Think of it like the powerball number.
So it is done.
This "Bonus Round" seed pack will only have approx 20 seeds.
Here we go!
Lucky round # 5 winner is #129
Thanks to everyone who participated.
This was a great opportunity for me to help spread the pepper wealth.
#129 is Chef C
Tempted. Lol. 50
Tempted. Lol. 50
tisk tisk
and grats to the winners
thanks again for doing this for the community!!!!
There must be a couple hundred seeds in each winning bag.
Maybe the winners would like to spread the wealth a bit?
Unless of course they are all planning to start a commercial Moruga grow ops next season.