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Friday the 13th

JayT said:
Wow! Remind me not to piss you off! Sounds like he had it coming. How did you get out of trouble with the cops?

The police have not spoken to me about the incident and have no intention in doing so as far as i know, they didn't even want to talk to me and the only reason they were there is that they are required to show up in the case of assualt. Micheal would not press charges as where we grew up if you have anything to do with the police you get a big DOG label to go along with you and besides that he just wouldn't do it.

He was home yesterday when i arrived and was as cool as a cucumber, i just said hello and gave him a hug. He said he was willing to forget it if i was, it's hard to stay mad at a mate. I asked what his mother reacted like and he said that before she could really say anything about me he told her not to start, that it was his fault and that was it. His sister tried to get him to have me charged too but he wouldn't have a bar of it.

So as it stands now he is back at home, we are on talking terms and hopefully we can put this bullsh!t behind us. I am still reminded each time i look at him what happened though and hopefully that will teach me to just walk away from rubbish like this in the future.
That's a good attitude to take. Hopefully your mate has learned something too. Oh and I think TB needs a fail for his Chumbawumba video.
so let me get this straight, you broke your buddies jaw just because he wouldnt stop talking or lower his voice (while at a party/get together), instead of just telling him to leave :rolleyes:

you ever heard of anger management ?
JayT said:
That's a good attitude to take. Hopefully your mate has learned something too. Oh and I think TB needs a fail for his Chumbawumba video.

No way. The vid was a legit jab. If anything...I should get a point knocked off!
I hate chumbawumba! I also hate that song as it got played to death here. (didn't click the link but i know what song it would be).
nova - since this was a long time friend of yours (maybe even one of best friends ?) are you gonna pay for his medical bills since you were the asshole that busted his jaw for a stupid reason!

like you said you've known him for 12 years so you know how he is & hanging out with him for 12 years makes it that you accept him for his stupid antic's of talking too much. but this time you snapped instead of just telling him to leave.

giving someone a black eye or coupple punches is one thing BUT breaking their jaw is totally different, from what I've heard having a broken jaw is NOT fun to deal with!
chilehunter here in Australia we have medicare, any bills that would have been incurred will be covered by this public fund. So in hind sight my taxes have already paid his bills. Not to mention that he is on social security payments that my taxes also go towards.
Can somebody please tell our congress we need your medicare system?
-naw, then they'd have to patch the drug dealers shootin at each other. Hmmm. still. a percentage of my paycheck as supposed to a flat rate...I think I could go for that.

Mind me asking, whats the percentage?
To the best of my knowledge celeste it is 1.5%

So if you work for say 40 years on an average wage (say $40,000) you would have paid around $24,000 by the time you retire. Having said that though they are trying to make us work until we drop these days.