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Frost warnings already?

AlabamaJack said:
please don't tell me we are going to have an early fall/winter...we will have to put up with all those dang aussies and their gorgeous plants until plantout next year...

And i can't wait AJ.:P

It is still cool in the morning here (is still around 5C) and i'm not sure if we have seen the last of our frost but the days are getting warmer and longer..

Soon my precious babies will be set free in the ground, and so a great spring/summer will begin.:party:
moyboy said:
And i can't wait AJ.:P

It is still cool in the morning here (is still around 5C) and i'm not sure if we have seen the last of our frost but the days are getting warmer and longer..

Soon my precious babies will be set free in the ground, and so a great spring/summer will begin.:party:

You have winter and we have summer and we have the same temperature! Why cant you guys just get covered in ice and get raped by penguins :D
I'm still getting fruit off my plants and it is the end of winter.

I'm ripping them all out over the next week to get the soil ready for the next generation to be planted in the coming month.
Looks like we had a minimum of about 2.4C overnight. I'm still seeing Bhut pods forming, the Red Savina and Choc Habs aren't fairing too well.

Fine weather next week though, bring it on
uUu said:
You have winter and we have summer and we have the same temperature! Why cant you guys just get covered in ice and get raped by penguins :D

Mate, I'd swap my climate for your female population any day of the week ;)
uUu said:
You have winter and we have summer and we have the same temperature! Why cant you guys just get covered in ice and get raped by penguins :D

what? penguins? hehe

but seriously now, i agree i was just telling my friend 'just wait till august we'll bbq every night cause it will be warm and my chiles will be ripe to pick off the plant...........
wtf man :|. should i change august with September? it's getting close to it
We're skiin' already....I don't know what Ontarians are complainin' about.

AlabamaJack said:
you got to be kidding me...that cold already?...

man, I got to tell you...from my viewpoint with your short grow season, you really get the most out of it Potawie...you are one hell of a grower...

he's doing something right !... i havent even had a harvest yet 4 fk sakes !... one question here: if i dont get a harvest and my pods do not ripen in time for use, will the seeds in the pods be ok for next season ?
Usually you need ripe pods to get good seeds

shit !, i may even lose my seeds...

i thought worst case i would end up with some seeds for next season...

i hope it stays above 10 at night for the next month..lol
i'm doing something really wrong here... just took a look at the pods and they seem to have these brown faint lines on them.. ( bhuts ).. so i then go and touch the pods only to notice they feel a little softer then they should be i think... i think they may be rotting away...


no pods, now possibly no seeds.... i dont understand what i did this season to fix it for next season...
its supposed to be +6C outside for the low tonight and 10 for the next 2 and today it only got up to 15 my peppers should be ok though hopefully what can happen to them?
GRRRRRRRRRRR! It got down to 42F last night, coldest so far and my peppers are still green, tomatoes too. What is it with this crazy weather? Anyway the forecast is for warmer so maybe they will be ok.
