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hot-sauce Fruit based sauce question

I have looked at lots of sites on the net with lots of sauce recipes listed on them.

I also Home brew and im good at that. I look at the recipes on the net and think..... what are they thinking.... yuck! Most will be totally unballanced and not so good.

I am not very experienced at making chilli sauce but im getting there with the tomatoe based hot sauce and i have a sweet chilli sauce dowm pat.

I want to make a fruit based sauce with lots of orange habs, mango, bannana and some lime!.

My question is, do i use all fruit with the chilli (expensive at $2.50 a mango) or can they be beefed up with some tomatoe.

also should i use vinigar in these suaces.

any help will be apreciated.

is there any rate ?! you can use for lime juice ex: 1cup of solid stock (pepper,fruit,spice) for 1/4cup lime juice ..or is there a cheap way to chec the ph ?
I wouldn't mix tomato with the mango.

Mango will go a pretty long way on it's own, they are big and have lots of flesh. I wouldn't cut it. It would defeat the purpose IMHO.
We have mango in our Island sauce & I would use as much mango as possible. You can purchase mango puree or frozen mango chunks & use. It is truly a magical fruit. Works well with habanero's, scotch bonnets or any of the chiles from the islands. Good luck.

Thanks for the advice folks....... its putting a picture in my head of how im going to make this!

Im thinking 1 hab/mango with some bananna for texture and mix of lemon, lime and fruit juice..... maybe apple.

What is the best pH to aim for......i have a proper pH meter and calibration buffers i use for my Home brew.... even a refrectometer to tell me sugar content!

maybe add the mango later in the cooking too, if you cook it too hard it will loose its punch.
Careful with the banana it may discolour? (just guessing)
tony - I'll get this out of the way 1st, I dont know if you've seen this site already or not but pepperfool.com has a bunch of recipes to get some other ideas.


as for your homemade hot sauce, 1st I'll say I'm still learning & make hot sauce just for personal use, I have no plans on selling sauces. I dont know your tolerance to heat but 1 habanero is NOT enough for what you're talking about.

just for reference last season when I made my fruit based hot sauce.I dont remember the exact ammount because I forgot to write them down :rolleyes: but this is really close to it.
I used 3 cups of preshreaded habanero type chiles, 1 mango, 1.5 bananas, 2 cups of preshreaded carrots (shreaded them more latter), 1 onion, couple cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup lime juice, 1/2 cup white wine vinegar, 1 cup of cheap vinegar.

it was not hot enough & the burn left quickly, the mango overwhelmed the sauce, unless thats the flavor you're looking for ? if I was gonna do it again next season I might use only half of 1 mango & half of 1 banana (or less for both mango/banana) with the same ingredients or maybe even add some honey to it ?

I'd keep your homemade sauce in the fridge just to be on the safe side.
chilehunter said:
tony - I'll get this out of the way 1st, I dont know if you've seen this site already or not but pepperfool.com has a bunch of recipes to get some other ideas.


as for your homemade hot sauce, 1st I'll say I'm still learning & make hot sauce just for personal use, I have no plans on selling sauces. I dont know your tolerance to heat but 1 habanero is NOT enough for what you're talking about.

just for reference last season when I made my fruit based hot sauce.I dont remember the exact ammount because I forgot to write them down :rolleyes: but this is really close to it.
I used 3 cups of preshreaded habanero type chiles, 1 mango, 1.5 bananas, 2 cups of preshreaded carrots (shreaded them more latter), 1 onion, couple cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup lime juice, 1/2 cup white wine vinegar, 1 cup of cheap vinegar.

it was not hot enough & the burn left quickly, the mango overwhelmed the sauce, unless thats the flavor you're looking for ? if I was gonna do it again next season I might use only half of 1 mango & half of 1 banana (or less for both mango/banana) with the same ingredients or maybe even add some honey to it ?

I'd keep your homemade sauce in the fridge just to be on the safe side.

Thats sauce sounds YUM... I have to try that...
Yeah, carrots are always a winner with habs. I might forget about the banana. Consider peaches.

Lime juice tastes best but some vinegar is good if you want it to last a long time.

Good Luck!
That does sound good!

I made a mango hab glaze for some scallops(already mentioned in another thread) and garlic, salt, mango, and hab was a winning combination.
My wife was like "OOOH! Mango and Garlic??" but it worked really well.
Some great ideas there.... thanks all.

I didnt think of the bananna colouring.... peach sounds like a better idea!
Some garlic, salt, lime juice and a ute load of habs.

looks like its a winner!

I make a mild to medium sauce with mango, pawpaw and habanero they all got easy flavours that work well together I don't htinkyou can go wrong as long as you keep it simple.
Hi Tony05,

If your wanting to get an idea of what some truly awesome tasting sauce is, you will not go wrong with any in the range stillmanz has, my personal fav is FIRE & the way your talking I reckon youd like it too. In my opinion stillmanz sauces offer the best range we have available in Australia (no bulls...)

Im going to order some of Stillmanz sauces on the weekend when i have a tad of time to try.

I was planning on the HEat and the mango one to try.... along with the jerk sauce!

I cant wait.
