• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
First flower on one of the Donnie sali.
It set. :)

Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi

Purple phenos

Green phenos

Bahamian goat cross. Guessing this first one to pod is crossed with jelly bean white hab. Had those on one side and TFM bonnets on the other. Not bonnet looking.

One of the pubescens.


Found this bastard on my one green scorp. Ate almost half of it. :(

He apparently couldn't swim.
Wow Jason, I sure hope I don't find any of those monster caterpillars down here. We got a lot of birds and wasps though. I think there are some beetles giving us problems though... they attacked the neighbor's squash and make all these tiny little holes in leaves. I think they've hit the peppers a little though.
Your crosses are interesting. You're gonna have to tell me what you're going for with some of 'em. They look great, especially the bahamian goat cross.
Happy growin' man!
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow Jason, I sure hope I don't find any of those monster caterpillars down here. We got a lot of birds and wasps though. I think there are some beetles giving us problems though... they attacked the neighbor's squash and make all these tiny little holes in leaves. I think they've hit the peppers a little though.
Your crosses are interesting. You're gonna have to tell me what you're going for with some of 'em. They look great, especially the bahamian goat cross.
Happy growin' man!
The tomato horn worms suck. They can eat almost a whole plant overnight.
Normally find them on the tomatoes, but they will eat peppers. Keep an eye out for damage. Like missing leaves and branches. That is how I spotted this one.
I did a double take. Thought... That plant is missing something. Like half it's vegetation!

The bahamian goat is a bit of a bummer, but cool at the same time. I do have five more that will hopefully grow true. I am wondering what color they will ripen to. Hopefully something cool color wise.
Jamison said:
Apparently he couldn't swim :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :hell:
Lol. I did give him a fair chance to escape.
Devv said:
Very nice Jason!
Are all the plants in the ground now?
And +1 on 564!
Thanks Scott.
Every spot in the ground is filled plus a few more that I dug.
367 was my rough count for in ground total.
Will be mixing up more potting mix in the morn to finish planting what I have soil/pots for. There are a few more that I would like to keep than I'm sure I have pots for, but that's how it goes.
Watching everything grow now though. Amazing growth each week!
Need to start mulching everything this weekend too. My back has been bothering me today, so will see after I get thru the potting mix. Collecting is the hard part. Applying is easy.
Spicegeist said:
Very nice... like the different Neyde x Suomi phenos...
Donne Sali is a cool pepper, great to snack on once they start coming in...
Thanks Charles. I'm enjoying the shapes on those crosses myself.
My bhuts from Judy are looking wicked. They are also one of the few with pods already out of that round. Will have to get you a picture.
I'm excited about the Donne sali. That pict of the flower was a week old. It did set. Also saw a Guam Boonie that looks to be turning.
Feels like the waiting game has started.
GA Growhead said:
First flower on one of the Donnie sali.
It set. :)


Found this bastard on my one green scorp. Ate almost half of it. :(

He apparently couldn't swim.
Very cool pics Jason! My Chintexle and Donne Sali are both just starting to blossom too.
Have you ever used Bt wettable powder to knock out the Hornworms? It's totally organic... a soil-dwelling bacteria that attacks them in the gut. After ingesting it they stop eating and die within a couple of days. Much easier than hand-picking them like I am the Squash Bugs...
stickman said:
Very cool pics Jason! My Chintexle and Donne Sali are both just starting to blossom too.
Have you ever used Bt wettable powder to knock out the Hornworms? It's totally organic... a soil-dwelling bacteria that attacks them in the gut. After ingesting it they stop eating and die within a couple of days. Much easier than hand-picking them like I am the Squash Bugs...
I haven't tried BT yet, Rick. That may happen. I do have the wasp that lay there eggs in them though. That is always cool to see.
The chintexles should have a flower open soon. I did the fuzziness on them!
Devv said:
Your PM's are not working...
Deleted a few to make room. ;)
jedisushi06 said:
Looks great Jason, i'm ready to see some more pod porn!!!!!!  I still haven't tried one of those bbg7's yet, they look tasty.  How's the flavor?
Flavor is good. 7 pot like. Fruity with no floralness. They have some heat though.
Shoot me you address and I will send you a couple. I have a few pods left on the inside plants. About to cut back those and repot anyway.
maximumcapsicum said:
Si se puede!
That pod was so hot the stem turned red. Nice. 
I've got some pods set from the seeds you gave me. Can't wait to see if they come out that intense. 
Are the caylx large? I don't have any pods on this years generation yet.

Plants are gaining in height.
Here the o.g. section.

Dug up some worm castings from the bottom of the driveway ditch. Free is good!

Added some peat and perlite. Then mixed in a couple cups of this.

Mixed. Six different times today. 2 cu ft each time.

Got most the pots filled. I had to go score more perlite to get the last load done this evening. Picked up some more peat too, so now need more pots!

Here are my reaper crosses. Potted up the third tonight. Still little though.

Throwing out many pods shapes now.
Some with tails.

Some without.

Wait... What's this? :cool:

Mini rocoto looking pretty.

Lovely pubescens flower!

And I'm out.