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Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
CGN 21500

My first pink tiger pod.

Found this brown Rennie pod hidden underneath the leaves.

First caramel bhut pods

Two red bhut pod from Judy

Black naga

Cool pods forming on these 7 pot Congo SRs. These seeds came from John's (sawyer) garden. Nice texture already.

TS CARDI yellows

One of the other cardi yellows is a bit different. Purple stems and pods that easily get purple tanned by sun light.
maximumcapsicum said:
Excellent pod pics Jason! I'm digging those pink tigers. What's the story on the CGN 21500?
This is a good starting point, thanks to Nigel!

Not sure... But think JAFSH

One of my mystery greens is throwing out the same pods as last year!

Looking forward to this pod.
CGN 23257

Neat pod clusters up top too.

Brown bhutlah SLP

And a ripe one on another plant.

Jamison said:
Keep em coming buddy!  I gotta go to work but I'll check back on my phone!

Sorry you gotta work brotha. :(
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice! Are the clusters on CGN 23257?
Yep! Loving those plants. I have a couple extras if you want one for the patio. ;)
Choc barrackpore #2 overwinter. These are so so so good!

Mystery overwinter. Can't remember what it was, but making some killer pods!

And for Stefan's keen eye.

PI-441598 peach cross F2


My first MOA pods. :dance:

Gotta give these some love.

Aji white fantasy's podding up again.

White 7
Most excellent pod porn Jason, everything's looking really good! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the Donne Sali and Guam Boonies were the same plant. I'm glad to see pics of them though, 'cause I've never grown them before this year and it's nice to see what they look like beforehand. Have you gotten a chance to taste the Mini-Rocoto yet? You might want to let one stay on the plant a while longer though, because yellow to red is still possible. Even if it doesn't turn, I think Pubiscens seeds develop slowly and need more time on the plant to be viable. Cheers!
Work sucks I know. Getting done around 4 then I gotta work on the roof some more. Hopefully have it finished tomorrow!

Outstanding pod porn. Congrats on your first MoA's brotha. Im thinkin bout making Jamaican beef patties tonight. I have a couple ripe bonnets ready for the pickin!
stickman said:
Most excellent pod porn Jason, everything's looking really good! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the Donne Sali and Guam Boonies were the same plant. I'm glad to see pics of them though, 'cause I've never grown them before this year and it's nice to see what they look like beforehand. Have you gotten a chance to taste the Mini-Rocoto yet? You might want to let one stay on the plant a while longer though, because yellow to red is still possible. Even if it doesn't turn, I think Pubiscens seeds develop slowly and need more time on the plant to be viable. Cheers!
I think the two names get used interchangeable. I had a buddy that lived in the islands there for many years and mentioned both a frutescen and an annuum. He said they didn't call them either name among the people he knew, but just chili's.
I searched out to find both, and Peter at semillas.de had them. The annuum boonies are quite yummy, and still waiting on the Sali!
I have been letting the pubescens sit, to make sure the seeds are viable. I would be surprised if that one continues on to red, but I wouldn't say it couldn't. :) I haven't tasted the mini rocoto yet. Will let you know when I do.
Jamison said:
Work sucks I know. Getting done around 4 then I gotta work on the roof some more. Hopefully have it finished tomorrow!

Outstanding pod porn. Congrats on your first MoA's brotha. Im thinkin bout making Jamaican beef patties tonight. I have a couple ripe bonnets ready for the pickin!
I'm driving up for dinner!
Get'r done! That's a huge undertaking. You should feel accomplished when your done!
OCD Chilehead said:
In awe over here. Thanks for taking the time to share are all those pics with us. Hope you had a nice Fourth of July.
Forth was good. Weeded and mulched one row with the wife. Looks great right now!
Fireworks at the lake at night.
Hope your fourth was good too!
Jamison said:
Thanks for the reminder!  I have got to go to Kroger and get some Molasses for some tea!  SB7J's look spot on buddy!
No problem! I can make another batch then I'm out myself. Emptied a 5gal full on the plants today. Just took the bag'o sludge over to a new bucket, added a couple cup fulls, and some molasses. Assembly line style every 48 hours!
The SB7J look sick! So stoked!
maximumcapsicum said:
Everything is looking great Jason. Hope we can have a chat next weekend! I can always make room on the patio, and on August I'll get a south facing balcony =D.
Cool! Will bring you a 23257!
Beautiful poddage Jason!  Love the Bhutlah pics, mines not doing all that well.  I wanted to say that I have several BBG7 plants all kind of late to the party.  One I can tell is going to have large calyx's when it pods up.  I still think that it is a distant eggplant cousin in the genes.  Looking forward to them!
Have a great week.  I did enjoy mowing and I'm back to work Monday.