• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Great pod pictures again, Jason. Looks like everything is on a roll :) Didn't know you grew the Orange Blob also (did I gave you the seeds?). Nice and dark pimenta Lisa pod, as they grow they turn more purple and go through different colors. Although you might not like the Cream Fatalii it will be interesting to see to which color they will ripen :) And what about those offtype CARDI's, wow! Huge f**** and that color looks good on them! Good luck with the rest of the season and how are the projects going?
Man Jason... I had to read 2 pages to catch up... looking good great brother! It looks like you haven't had any major problems this year and will continue to drive on to success.  The pic of the grasshopper is different from any I've seen before... AFIK the only other critter around here that has antennae as long is a Camel Cricket. Keep 'em green (though not for much longer...) :)
Spicegeist said:
Seems the Neyde genes are dominant here... was it hot at all?
The neyde genes are WAY dominant it appears. I haven't picked that pod yet. Will let you know when I do.
maximumcapsicum said:
Those BB7's look like some of the hottest out there. I can't believe they're turning the stems red. That's crazytown. I'll be interested to see if mine do that too.
Trying a bunch of new supers this week. Got a bunch of yogurt and milk in the fridge, lol.
I let some go for seeds, so the red bleeds way up. Pretty cool! They are hot.
Ate a reaper cross, bbg7 pheno, yesterday. Buddy at work said it was the hottest pod yet. I Wasn't sure if it was hotter than a reg bbg7, but it did burn differently and was way hot!
Its good to have something to put the fire out. I prefer ice cream or a milk shake. :D
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Beautiful pod porn Jason! Really enjoyed browsing through the last few pages and seeing all the pretty peppers your growing.  Agree the Bubblegum 7 is a very special pepper with the bleeding calyx and stem.  Year of the Bubblegum 7 pod!!!
Thanks Cappy. Lots of peppers to go thru this season. Many new to me, which is always cool!
Bubble gum 7s for ever ♪♪♪ (think strawberry fields). :)
jedisushi06 said:
oh yeah, that pepper is evil.............
Sorry that one gotcha brother.
Jeff H said:
Jason, I had a few pages to catch up on. Fabulous work. Everything looks great and those pod shots are outstanding.
Thanks Jeff. More to come! More plants setting pods each day. :dance:
meatfreak said:
Great pod pictures again, Jason. Looks like everything is on a roll :) Didn't know you grew the Orange Blob also (did I gave you the seeds?). Nice and dark pimenta Lisa pod, as they grow they turn more purple and go through different colors. Although you might not like the Cream Fatalii it will be interesting to see to which color they will ripen :) And what about those offtype CARDI's, wow! Huge f**** and that color looks good on them! Good luck with the rest of the season and how are the projects going?
Thanks Stefan.
I did get orange blobs from you. I also got some from Mike @ buckeye beforehand. Not sure which I planted though. Really cool pod shapes though.
The cream fatalii, lighter less fatalii shaped pods, has a peachy colored pod on it now. Will try to get a pict in the morning. The pimenta Lisa's have set more pods. They stretching out a bit now. Looking forward to color changes!!
The jalabaneros have set pods. The purple plant is way beautiful with its color and growth. Will get a pict of that one two for you.
Those not CARDI yellow pods are crazy. Seriously huge and neat purpling. That plant is a beast too, out growing the others and all it's neighbors.
Ate my first ripe true pod today. Those are so good! Mild enough to enjoy, but hot enough to keep you in check. Love the flavor!
No new progress yet on the bleeding plan. Waiting on flowers to open on certain guy and gals and then I can get started.
I saw pics with twist ties on you glog!
stickman said:
Man Jason... I had to read 2 pages to catch up... looking good great brother! It looks like you haven't had any major problems this year and will continue to drive on to success.  The pic of the grasshopper is different from any I've seen before... AFIK the only other critter around here that has antennae as long is a Camel Cricket. Keep 'em green (though not for much longer...) :)
Thank you Rick. I have had my fair share of set backs this season. Things are starting to progress now though.
I have many types of hoppers. That one and another are the main ones I find in the plants. A couple others, including some brown ones, I see hoping away as I walk down the rows, before I get to them.
Spiders need to get busy!
Capsicum Select said:
Jason, looking awesome!  Finally had a chance to catch up a bit.  Those white aji fantasy look really cool. Can't wait to see more of the pink tigers. Keep it up!
The aji white fantasys are growing on me. Nice crunchy baccatum, that's for sure. Wasn't quite sure about the flavor at first, but digging them now.
Glad to see you around and have you stop in!
Jamison said:
Damn Jason!  Just damn!
Awe... Come on now. You know we are all jealous of your garden!!

Ate the first CGN 23257 pod on Sunday, the pod on the left. Yummy pod with moderate hab heat.


Then had the pod on the right, with the others, on Monday, with some Cuban at lunch. Bahamian goat x jelly bean white hab. Smell and flavor was more on the jelly bean side, but had the Bahamian flavor in there. Was hotter than the Bahamian goat, but less hotter than the jelly bean. Wonderful pod with the Cuban food!

Then yesterday ate this reaper x bbg7 pod. The one on the right specifically. Damn hot like I said before. Hot enough it made for a quiet lunch. More handling the burn than talking.



Ate this TS CARDI yel with lunch today. Was delicious. One of my favorites!

Overwintered choc barrackpore #2 starting to color up. These are yummy too!

Bhut orange Copenhagen.

You know your BOCs are legit by this.

The explosion of flowers at each node! I have five plants in the garden and all but one flowered like this. Today I see that it appears to be growing out wrong. It has only three or four flowers at the nodes and the pods are all wrong.

Looks like one of my orange daisy cutters is yellow daisy cutter this year, or its yellow pixie. Not sure.

I thought I had the mix up un mixed. Maybe not.
I am trembling in fear at those BB7's. I'll have some ripe ones this weekend. The gardeners are all asking for samples, so I'm working on that too. I have a feeling my stomach is in for a workout over the next couple days.
Jellybean cross looks solid. Any idea how many generations it takes to stabilize a variety?
Thank you, Jason! Back-story: my 6 pack of BOC died. For no reason, died. Now, I killed the Brown Egg, trying to de-helmet. I HAVE learned to just leave them alone! Then sans BOC or Brown Egg, two that I REALLY wanted, broke foot coming downstairs to basement with early cuke crop, pickled. Nice thing when fell and broke foot, didn't break jars. So, doing medical things for a month. Jason, man of his word, didn't send BOC plant or Brown Egg, because no way I could have got them in dirt at that time. But healing, so he sent and they came yesterday! Thank you, Jason! Just excellent job packing and some pics:
BOC unpacked (looking good!):

Brown Egg unpacked:

And nice gift of Cumari Pollux, unpacked:

They met with wormcastings-mix in raised bed late yesterday afternoon:

Brown Egg:

And Cumari Pollux:

And some pods Jason so generously sent with this already generous gifting:

I have some straight-up PDN (from this seed) to grow next year, to try crosses with, since Stefan's Pimenta Lisa tastes SO GOOD, but mine's (or one is producing) solid orange pods. Delicious. (Headed to mailbox near you, Mr. Jason; but you wouldn't want another pod to try? No; never! :rofl: .) Thank you so much, Jason.  :party:
maximumcapsicum said:
I am trembling in fear at those BB7's. I'll have some ripe ones this weekend. The gardeners are all asking for samples, so I'm working on that too. I have a feeling my stomach is in for a workout over the next couple days.
Jellybean cross looks solid. Any idea how many generations it takes to stabilize a variety?
8 generations to be considered stable. I'm looking forward to the variations in this one. Should be cool.
The bbg7s are fire. Mine have a staying burning power unlike any pod I have tried so far. They seem to final level out after climbing for ten minutes and then when you think it is heading downward the heat/pain just stays hard for even longer.
I had one of Charles's bhut x moruga off one of the plants, I have three total. This pod was the best of both parents and damn hot. Very enjoyable burn. Tasted great. But man that one was hot. The burn was similar to a bbg7, possible because of moruga in both cross's parents. Not as bad as the a bbg7, but close. Bhut flavor with only a hint of floral. Me like.

Here are a few pods on that plant today.

annie57 said:
Thank you, Jason! Back-story: my 6 pack of BOC died. For no reason, died. Now, I killed the Brown Egg, trying to de-helmet. I HAVE learned to just leave them alone! Then sans BOC or Brown Egg, two that I REALLY wanted, broke foot coming downstairs to basement with early cuke crop, pickled. Nice thing when fell and broke foot, didn't break jars. So, doing medical things for a month. Jason, man of his word, didn't send BOC plant or Brown Egg, because no way I could have got them in dirt at that time. But healing, so he sent and they came yesterday! Thank you, Jason! Just excellent job packing and some pics:
BOC unpacked (looking good!):

Brown Egg unpacked:

And nice gift of Cumari Pollux, unpacked:

They met with wormcastings-mix in raised bed late yesterday afternoon:

Brown Egg:

And Cumari Pollux:

And some pods Jason so generously sent with this already generous gifting:

I have some straight-up PDN (from this seed) to grow next year, to try crosses with, since Stefan's Pimenta Lisa tastes SO GOOD, but mine's (or one is producing) solid orange pods. Delicious. (Headed to mailbox near you, Mr. Jason; but you wouldn't want another pod to try? No; never! :rofl: .) Thank you so much, Jason.  :party:
I'm hoping they don't drop the flowers/pods too. Glad they made it well. I have stressed when making a box to ship plants, and did this time too. Thought it worked out well in the end.
Hoping to get many pods from those plants!
jedisushi06 said:
bubblegum reaper cross!
Seriously! Mean pods.
You a married man yet? Congratulations my friend!
HurtsGood said:
Great looking pics GH. My camera sucks.
The cardi looks intresting i`ll post pics of mine but looks more like a Brain Strain but bigger.
As always great glog gh.
Thanks Justin!
Using the camera on my phone. Sometimes it tasks more to get a clear shoot.
I have some pods starting to make truer shapes on the CARDI yellow, that are much more scorp shaped. A wonderful tasting pod though.

More pods from early in the week.
Jigsaw, bhutlah brown SLP, and what I am thinking is my overwintered sepia serpent.

This slugs for you. ? Gary?

Sawyer said:
Wow, I've missed a lot here.  Thought I was following.  Error corrected.
No worries John. Can play catch up when ever. The advantage of the web!
Thanks for the bump. Many Picts to share.

Will start with more pods from the week.

Two of Charles's bhut x TSMB and a CGN 21500.

The CGN 21500 is a nice tasting pod. At first crack the smell was just like PI-441598 peach cross. Was thinking at that point they would taste the same, but this one tasted different. Fruity, with less chinense than the other. Nice pod!

Charles's creation... Is a beast! Nicely flavored, with more bhut taste. Had a hint of floral. Beautiful orange color once opened. Way hot, but of the most enjoyable type. Slowly building, and building type burn. Next thing you know... Holy chit! Up there on the hot list for sure, thanks to the moruga I'm sure.

Great flavor on pods from this first plant. These are F2s so looking forward to seeing what the other plants bring.
Thanks Charles!

Stefan's mystery purple jalabanero.
Purple plant.


Green plant

Pink tiger. My furthest pod.

Pimenta Lisa.

White 7s

First white bhut pod

And for Hillbilly Jeff...
Hurricane. This pict was from yesterday. Looked even bigger today. Two plants both making pods like this. Was this not a white bullet hab cross to begin with?

Twenty one more Picts to go.
Thanks John!

Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi purple pheno almost going rasta

Green pheno coloring up.

I just called this bumpy brown last year. Either a douglah or choc bhut cross. Showing some texture this year too.

Trinidad perfume gone red.

Tryed to grow these last year but none germed. Had one seed left and it germinated. Making killer looking pod. Trin scorp green.

Hurry up SB7Js!

Scotch brains via Stefan.

Paul Gs GWHs starting off good.

Cream fatalii looking peachy

Liking the caramel bhuts