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Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
capsidadburn said:
Beautiful poddage Jason!  Love the Bhutlah pics, mines not doing all that well.  I wanted to say that I have several BBG7 plants all kind of late to the party.  One I can tell is going to have large calyx's when it pods up.  I still think that it is a distant eggplant cousin in the genes.  Looking forward to them!
Have a great week.  I did enjoy mowing and I'm back to work Monday.
I am quite OK with going back to work tomorrow. I got some good rest, accomplished a ton in between and I also have this Friday as a vacation day. ;)
Hope your weekend was grand also.

That's good news on the bbg7. One is better than none! Hope the others show true too!
I got plenty of quiet yard/garden work done myself and enjoyed every minute!
I have three bhutlah SLPs. One got potted up to a root pouch early than the other two and is much bigger. I repotted the other two up and into some of my organic potting mix. They are already looking better.
I also... had to dig up an EOB. All three in the garden have been eat up by something. They musy be tasty, cause they got destroyed. One has started to come back all branchy, another got ate up again, so only has new growth up top. I took the smallest and put it in a ten gal root pouch yesterday, also in the mix. As of today, it looks like it stretched out a half or more with new growth.
I am insanely impressed with the potting mix I am making. Everything I put in it just explodes with growth and turns the most beautiful green color. You are supposed to let it sit and give time for the microbes to start breaking down the amendments. I have just put plants straight in to it, right after mixing it, and the plants respond immediately.
Some good stuff!
Good story for you.
I bombed my driveway on my cruiser yesterday. I had the board out, using it as a dolly to move something heavy and thought that i havent bombed the driveway in a while. Not at all this year actually. I used to bomb it all the time before the back finally gave out.
First mistake I made...
I had forgotten how fast that board is verses my regular ride. Was thinking I would be able to stop before going in the street. Not a chance. Glad I made sure no cars were coming!
My driveway is crazy like a ski jump. I mean steep! When it snows or ices over, I'm stuck here. No chance getting the cars down. It goes down steep from the house, levels out for a short flat section, then heads back up to meet the street. Seriously... like a ski jump.
I blazed down, with a moment of holy chit!... lifted up at the end of the driveway, and floated half way across the road before all four were back down. I hit the neighbor's yard full speed and when the wheels stuck in the grass, I went into a prefect dive roll, shirtless, after i stumbled, thinking I was going to run out of it. :crazy: Quickly looked up to see if anyone had seen me. I was clear. No neighbors out in their front yard.
I had to hose off the grass that stuck to my sweaty back once I got back up to the house.
Was really fun! Such a rush and didn't hurt myself. Earned a beer for that one!

Have a great week Mike!
Hahaha GA! That would have been a funny sight to see. Glad you didn't injure yourself though. I broke my collar bone by being dumb once. That wasn't fun...
Fish tailing my push bike along a road that had a new surface put down with lots of loose gravel. Chain came off.
Worst part about it for me were that all my friends at school saw me stack :rofl:
Wow, Jason. Great updates again, everything looks awesome. Love the pod pictures. Especially the CGN 23257 looks like an beautiful variety and not to forget the Choc barrackpore #2 monster pod :D Looks like the PI-441598 peach cross is holding up in it's F-3 stage. Don't really see much difference between the shape, expect for the purple from sun tang I assume? Great job my friend! Your SB7J's look good as well, wish mine turned out like that. How are the projects going?
Shurbryn said:
Hahaha GA! That would have been a funny sight to see. Glad you didn't injure yourself though. I broke my collar bone by being dumb once. That wasn't fun...
Fish tailing my push bike along a road that had a new surface put down with lots of loose gravel. Chain came off.
Worst part about it for me were that all my friends at school saw me stack :rofl:
I have had the chain come off or just break with similar situations resulting. Never fun!
meatfreak said:
Wow, Jason. Great updates again, everything looks awesome. Love the pod pictures. Especially the CGN 23257 looks like an beautiful variety and not to forget the Choc barrackpore #2 monster pod :D Looks like the PI-441598 peach cross is holding up in it's F-3 stage. Don't really see much difference between the shape, expect for the purple from sun tang I assume? Great job my friend! Your SB7J's look good as well, wish mine turned out like that. How are the projects going?
Both PI-441598s are getting the purple, sunlight exposure determining how much. I moved them and neither is getting as much. Might need to move them elsewhere, cause that purple is nice.
The CGN 23257 has also put on a tan.

The first ripe pod has been sitting for a while. Might pull it today to taste!
There are five or six choc barrackpores turning right now. I am looking forward to that taste again!
Devv said:
A lot of good stuff going on here!
I'm here to tell ya, take a short Vay-Kay and the glogs go nuts!.
Have a great week!
Thanks Scott!
jedisushi06 said:
lets see some pod porn!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding keep up the great glog!
jedisushi06 said:
Thanks for the pods Jason!
bubblegum 7 pot, iv'e waited two years to try one, well worth the wait.  f**ker was hot, flavor was great up front but the heat took over quickly.  does not taste like bubblegum!
Thanks Mike. About to photo bomb drop this glog.
I have said that those bbg7s are in the top 5 hottest that I have grown, easily!
Funny you mentioned taste. I had one pod were I got the slight bubblicious bubblegum taste. It was in there, but mixed with the other flavors. It happened once. Next pod, notta.
My boss likes hot stuff. He will try pods with me and the few brave guys at work. He said never again to the bbg7. It was a bad one too, almost twenty minutes of pure pain for me. I think he licked his lips real good and had major lip burn on top of the rest. Huge mistake with that one. :D
Trippa said:
Things are looking so good in your Garden bro!! ... Amazing variety of pods/plants.  Love the addition of the AACT  ... great work ...
Thanks Tristan! Definitely a nice selection this year. I have the continuous aact going right now. Everything started looking better after I started!
maximumcapsicum said:
Youch! It happens. Nice and warm up there, I bet you're really podded up right about now. It's saucin' time  :P .
Things are starting to pod up! Still a few, OK a lot, working on getting there. I have twenty or thirty ripe pods out there right now, with a few more coloring up. Will be firing up the dehydrator and packing the freezer soon.
I'm digging these caramel bhuts.

Judy's red bhuts are killer looking.

First pods on the 2008 bhuts, thanks to member Harris!

King nagas looking less naga at first.


Gnarly first MOA pod.

Mini rocoto flower I think.

Brown rocoto flower.

Giant rocoto
jedisushi06 said:
lmao im done with that bbg for now too!  Nice pics man!  
Lol. I eat small slivers with food. I never finish a whole pod by myself.

More Picts...

Loving the goat weed. So hairy.

Bahamian goat x jelly bean white hab. Pulling this one today.

My reaper cross is consistently setting three to four pods per node. Plant is loaded!


Going for five at this node.

First chintextle pod.

One of the good guys in the garden.

Not sure what this pink tiger is trying to do color wise.

Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi purple pheno

And a ripening one.

Jason great varieties and photography to boot. 
Lovin all the colors in the spectrum coming out of your garden.......the Reaper cross looks like a killer cross......a right hook, left jam kind of punch.
Those pods are fat enough to stuff with vanilla paste/ marscapone cheese........best of both words....the fire then the ice.
Happy growing the stuff looks inredible
Thanks guys!

First pimenta Lisa!

Charles' bhut tsmb cross making a few less bhut shaped pods in the mix.

First TS CARDI yellow pod to ripen. Love the taste of these.

One of the smaller orange scorps, buckeye seeds. Just a beautiful plant.

The first yellow Jonah thimble shaped is either not growing true or just crossed. ?

These are volunteers. Going to let them go.


Orange blobs
PIC 1 said:
Jason great varieties and photography to boot. 
Lovin all the colors in the spectrum coming out of your garden.......the Reaper cross looks like a killer cross......a right hook, left jam kind of punch.
Those pods are fat enough to stuff with vanilla paste/ marscapone cheese........best of both words....the fire then the ice.
Happy growing the stuff looks inredible
Thank you Greg. Stuffing those would be some fire for sure!
jedisushi06 said:
Bumpty bump bump!

I love the shape of those sb7j's, trying to grow it this year, but i'm way late, will be growing it in the future!
I am super excited to try them. They are looking great. I might still have an extra plant if you want it.
My mystery green were next to datils last year. Pretty easy to tell why this mystery green isn't green.

Cream fatalii.
Light pale colored pods on this one. Not very fatalii looking.

And darker green, more fatalii looking pods on this one.

My unlabeled overwinter. Still not positive on what it is. The color narrows it down but pods shapes are all over the place.


These grass/leaf hoppers are really what is doing the most damage out there. Spiders need to step it up!

My off TS CARDI yellow, the one with purple stems and pods that get the purple suntan... Are huge.

Reaper cross #2. Anyone want guess of the pollen donor. :D

Yep. Death gum cross.

Bbg7. When red meets stem. One I left on till the pod was soft.

This red will remain.