• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
First yellow bhut pod.

Another JAFSH.

First true Jamaican bonnet pod

Another BOC with mad pods/blooms

I think orange daisy cutter, but could yellow pixie. ? I'm not sure with either anymore.

The cutting of Jamison's 7pot Rennie. Awesome looking pods on this plant.

Fungi among u and I

O.G. section

Between old and new

Farther left with plants in yard.
Spicegeist said:
Seems the Neyde genes are dominant here... was it hot at all?
Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi


Didn't notice that there was still some purple ting until I brought it inside.
Nice flavor. A bit of fruitiness in there with a mild chinense flavor. Low heat. Less than a PDN. I got a good warm sensation in my mouth after eating the last piece, with the upper most placenta, but still lower heat than a hab.
Sawyer said:
That Rennie is something else.
That is a cool one!
stickman said:
Nice pics as usual Jason, and good on ya for taking care of miz Annie!  I'd puely love to drive down and check out your plantation and pick your brain, but that'll have to wait. Drive on!
Thanks Rick. More than welcome to come by if you make it this far south!
maximumcapsicum said:
Great looking pods Jason! Can't wait to see them color up. 
Thanks Adam. You and me both! Going to get you up here before long!
I'm still trying to make it to the city. Will text you beforehand when it happens.
The CGN 23257, that I potted up for you, is looking amazing. Throwing flowers and has grown like crazy.
Great plot, Jason and what an huge amount of the most beautiful and gnarly pods you have! Thanks for the Jalabanero pictures, the pod on the dark does look the same as mine did although yours is more gnarly. The pods of the second round were completely different and looked in shape more like the pod from the green plant. Interesting :) Your Pimenta Lisa look the same as mine do over here and last season, they started of dark, then purple and slowly getting more green on them. After that the green will turn peach and the purple will go pink. If Hillbilly Jeff got the Hurrikan from Pia then it's definitely crossed because it looks a lot bigger and wider.
Do all the pods on the Scotch Brain look like that? Great to see some variation in shape and texture on this one :)
heefy said:
Tryed to grow these last year but none germed. Had one seed left and it germinated. Making killer looking pod. Trin scorp green.
Great update. Is it just me or does that pod look like a Genie from a bottle. Amazing looking indeed. Great grow.
Thanks heefy. I see the Grinch. :D
meatfreak said:
Great plot, Jason and what an huge amount of the most beautiful and gnarly pods you have! Thanks for the Jalabanero pictures, the pod on the dark does look the same as mine did although yours is more gnarly. The pods of the second round were completely different and looked in shape more like the pod from the green plant. Interesting :) Your Pimenta Lisa look the same as mine do over here and last season, they started of dark, then purple and slowly getting more green on them. After that the green will turn peach and the purple will go pink. If Hillbilly Jeff got the Hurrikan from Pia then it's definitely crossed because it looks a lot bigger and wider.
Do all the pods on the Scotch Brain look like that? Great to see some variation in shape and texture on this one :)
Thank you Stefan.
Hb jeff and I both got pods from Pia, or so I think. They are most definitely crossed or crazy unstable. Both my plants are looking the same, so guessing crossed.
Those Scotch brains, liked the naming btw, are on the first plant to pod up. The other three are taking there sweet time, just starting to bud now.
The chicken manure I mixed in this year seems to have had some hot spots in it. Some plants are showing signs and growing like crazy with funky leaves, but bud less. High nitrogen i am assuming. A few are getting out of it now. I had a good rain early this morning that lasted till almost noon. That should help flush some nutrients around.
I hit everything with some more acct last night too. The rain was a perfect complement.
The jalabanero, purple, is looking more and more interesting each time I check it. Definitely getting more defined texture, like a good super would have. The green is throwing out more pods that look like a jala hab cross should.
The pimenta Lisa is cool! The color change sound neat! I do have a thing for peach pods... So ready and waiting!
I also wanted to let you know about the not yellow TS CARDI. The Purple stemmed and huge pods with purple tinged shoulders plant. I don't think I ever looked until this weekend, but the flowers also have a purple color to them. The seeds are from Judy, so wonder what magic plant from her mystical garden pollinated its mother?
I also ate a cream fatalii this weekend. No heat at all. ? Nice, smooth peachy hab like pods with no heat. The smell is strong like they would be hot, but nota.
It was the lighter colored plant to first ripen. The darker green podded plant will hopefully show some color soon.
Sorry to here about you heat wave. We are actually milder than normal this year. Hoping old man winter will keep his distance this fall. :)
KevinH said:
Killer looking pods my man.Going to have to read this from the start.
Thanks Kevin. Oh the torture, of reading it all. :)

jedisushi06 said:
Oh man serious pod porn up in here!
Trying my brotha!

OCD Chilehead said:
Caught up. Reaper/BB7 looks beautifully brutal. Barrackpore is looking fantastic as is the Rennie's. Everything is looking mighty green.

Thanks for the awesome garden shots.
Your welcome Chuck! And thank you, things are moving along. The bbg7/reaper cross are scary hot. Both phenos, but the bbg7 pheno might top the other.

Slacker update.

Speaking of... Bbg7/reaper crosses.


And a lady bug working hard on this plant.

Cream fatalii.
Had no detected heat from me. The wife said had a ting. Flavor is ok. Nice peach color.

Trinidad perfume, red.
Same as cream fatalii, heat wise. Mild red hab flavor.

My other cream fatalii... Is going red.

Jigsaw, yellow pixie (I think, could be not orange daisy cutter),and mystery green x datil.

Mystery green x datil was very much datil tasting, with same heat. Straight datil a hair sweeter maybe. Yellow pixie (?) Was moderately hot and tasted like the yellow Jonahs I had last year. Not in the super heat level, but above hab. Jigsaw... Hot, but this one is no record holder. Nice sour tart taste, makes me think of cherries. It came from the favorite plant of three, liked best for it's flavor.

White 7s and choc barrackpore #2.


These white 7s are from SLP. Nice flavor like last years and same heat, which is not super hot by any means.
The chic barracks are from my overwintered plant. Love the flavor on this one. The get that red ting if let them get over ripe and that flavor is in them with the brown beforehand. Thinking that's why I like them so much, having the best flavors from both choc and red.

2008 bhut. Seeds from Harris on here. Only two popped being older seed. Almost lost one, but it pulled through. One plant looks to be making smooth pods, the other is making killer textured pods... Like this one.

Digging these scotch brain pods. This plant, one of four, is making blocky pods so far.

Yel brains and scotch bons are so good, these have to taste amazing!
Great pods Jason! Those bb7s are probably in my top 5... I keep meaning to write a review but I've been eating one a day for the past week. Great flavor, lots of heat. Sweeter than reapers I think, though heat has been equal to me. Got to chase em with an ice cream sandwich.

When you coming downtown?
tctenten said:
Great looking pods.
Thanks much!

maximumcapsicum said:
Great pods Jason! Those bb7s are probably in my top 5... I keep meaning to write a review but I've been eating one a day for the past week. Great flavor, lots of heat. Sweeter than reapers I think, though heat has been equal to me. Got to chase em with an ice cream sandwich.

When you coming downtown?
I really do like the bbg7s taste. The reapers weren't bad last season. Wondering how this years will taste.
The crosses taste different, of course, between the two. The original bbg7 taste better than the bbg7 pheno cross in my opinion. It might be hotter. Definitely more painful.
I might roll down today. Will give you a heads up if so. Will bring you some pods of the crosses if I do.

The first of Jamison's 7 pot Rennie starting to color up.

Pulled my first brown Rennie. I actually forgot it was in my pocket just now, and have cracked it open. So gotta eat it with lunch! Weird shaped pod too.

Cap501 x Donni sali flower.

Up close with a chintextle.

Tri color varigetta mystery cross F2 flower.

Going hot cherries again this season. Either Hungarian or large hot cherry, mixed them so not sure.

I have been trying to get a good shot if Stefan's jalabanero purple mystery pod, and I can't seem to get the color right. It's a very dark purple, almost black. Looks like there is some 7pot or scorp in there on this one, going by pod shape.

The annuum Guam boonies haven't stopped.

The TFM bonnets are starting to flower and set pods finally.

Pink tiger
MeatHead1313 said:
Awesome looking pods! The scotch brain sounds like it'll be a great tasting pepper.
That's what I'm saying!
jedisushi06 said:
you got some awesome crosses going here!
Spicegeist said:
Love the 2008 Bhut!  Chintexle looks good...
Thank for the chintextle seeds Charles. They are beautiful looking plants, with the fuzziness and structure. Looking forward to tasting one soon!
The 2008 bhut is pretty cool! Will have to show the other plant. Smooth pods of similar shape. I kept thinking they might roughen up at some point, but they have remained smooth. Same color too.
I was trying to see if I could find a difference between the CAP501 and the CAP501xDonni Sali today. They look so much alike, the flowers are pretty much the same. The stamen might be a bit more yellow on the cross.
Maybe the F2 plants will some the goods.