• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
GA Growhead said:
Was feeling good enough this evening and wanted to be creative. Got that urge. I have been trying to come up with a new avatar for a while. So decided thst was the plan.
Was looking through last years images of peppers and the garden. Then got side tracked looking to see if I had a shot of this cross I ended up with. I was looking the other day and found the dried pods I saved for seeds. It was supposed to be a douglah from saved seeds, but grew as a frutescen x chinense cross. Pods about a inch and half long that went juice when ripen and tasted similar to a ripe tobasco. Grow was strange, chinense look with wide open branching and with multi flowers per node. The peppers angled out then hung down.
So in this search I didn't find a Pict, but I did get an idea and it sounded like fun. A bit of illustrator and Photoshop and... woo la
My new avatar.

Didn't make it to the potting up yet.
That's my plan for tomorrow!
Well Jason,
I know you do graphics...if I'm correct, and your work is top notch.
I like it!
GA Growhead said:
Was feeling good enough this evening and wanted to be creative. Got that urge. I have been trying to come up with a new avatar for a while. So decided thst was the plan.
Was looking through last years images of peppers and the garden. Then got side tracked looking to see if I had a shot of this cross I ended up with. I was looking the other day and found the dried pods I saved for seeds. It was supposed to be a douglah from saved seeds, but grew as a frutescen x chinense cross. Pods about a inch and half long that went juice when ripen and tasted similar to a ripe tobasco. Grow was strange, chinense look with wide open branching and with multi flowers per node. The peppers angled out then hung down.
So in this search I didn't find a Pict, but I did get an idea and it sounded like fun. A bit of illustrator and Photoshop and... woo la
My new avatar.

Didn't make it to the potting up yet.
That's my plan for tomorrow!
Cool avatar Jason... Is the motto yours too?
Thanks everyone!

Got the seedlings potted up to some 3" pots. Some are still a bit droopy from the transfer. Gave them a good soaking, so should be standing up strong come morning.



The only ones not moved up are the white 7 SLPs (the peat pellet far right). Giving them another week or so till I see their second or third true leaves.

Good night and have a great week!