Sorry to hear about your back, Jason. I loathe back pain.
But that is indeed a beautiful plant. Well, kick it this weekend. There will be others very soon, my friend!
Thanks for the concern Brent. Back pain is a reality of mine. Sometimes worse than others, but always there. Today... Now... it just sucks. Pain radiating down my legs that's as bad as the back is not good. Normally don't get it with my right leg, so not happy at all. Icing, pain meds, the whole 9 yards... trying to lessen the pain. Not the best way to start a week.

I know i have plenty of time. Just want to get it over with. I still don't know exactly what i got and what im keeping. Too many plants!
I did line up the ones outside to tally up. I have a few extras out there.
I saw i have my first pod on one of the orange thais! Will grab a pict of it soon.
Need to shovel more outside to start hardening off, on and under the porch. And go thru the annuums. Pot the reapers. All in good time.
I also have been having seeds crack under existing plants. Have seen four five pop up on the the shadows. Late bloomers! And saw a ton of volunteers coming up in one of the pots outside. Thinking that pot had hot cow horns in it where they are coming up.
Maybe i can something done, and at the least feel some what productive. I will see. Take care Brent!
Listen to Shane and Jamison and everyone one who says. It's never too late. Sow sow sow. I haven't stopped sowing since. March of '12.
Things looks good. Pods galore when the time comes. Let me know how tem bubbles turn out for you as in growing then too
Will do Dennis! Hopefully one of us will get a true growing bubblegum!
I stopped sowing, but man i got some plants! Starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and pressed for time, ever though I've got plenty of time.
You are a planting machine! Looking forward to watching a couple beauties grow over there!
Thanks for stopping by though!