• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
So whats the scoop on your CGN 23258? I checked it out on thechileman and to me it looks just like a wild brazil.... they could be totally different but what ever it is its a winner...
Not sure on this one Portuge. I randomly picked a yellow Brazilian pepper off of semillas.de. Looks like they will be smaller cherry size, bigger than the wild Brazils. Hoping the flavor is good, if so it will definitely be a winner.
I will keep ya posted when the pods roll in.

Physically he'll be ok...his career will suffer. Very poor decision on his part. Good to see plant at least ON the ground! They look perfect! Can't wait to see the rows all done...my updates will be sparse for a bit, but I'll get them in when I can. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Wow. That's good he will be ok, but suck he will pay for it in the long run. You make the bed, and then you sleep in it. Hopefully some good comes out of the situation, even if it's someone else learning what not to do by this example.

Planning on turning the soil a bit and working the amendments as i make rows this weekend. So first plants in the ground by then!
Awesome. I couldn't find anything really on the Bali Naga, either. But it is coming up nicely. Your White DT's look awesome! Mine are slowly bouncing back after downpotting them and putting them where they just get a couple of hours of morning sun. Wild Brazil and Jonah look great, too! Sounds like in-ground is in-coming!
Every ting looking great mon, love the last set of pics ... can't wait to see dem thriving in the sun!
Thank you Ramon! I can't wait too!

Everything looking great Jay! I'm curious to see if you will get any leaves out of the seedlings you did the surgery on. Cheers!
Thanks Rick! I mainly cut a bunch early on to keep them from shading their neighbors. They don't seem to even have noticed. I have topped a few and have branches popping out everywhere. Will try to get some picts soon.

Awesome. I couldn't find anything really on the Bali Naga, either. But it is coming up nicely. Your White DT's look awesome! Mine are slowly bouncing back after downpotting them and putting them where they just get a couple of hours of morning sun. Wild Brazil and Jonah look great, too! Sounds like in-ground is in-coming!
Almost there. Will put the first plants in the ground this weekend. Weather permitting of course.
The only picts i could find of the bali naga showed smaller red pods. Maybe inch and half or so and slightly thin. I have two plants, but thinking im only going to keep one of them.
The wild brazil and jonah are quite anticipated!
Glad your DTWs are doing better. After the last shuffling, I now have them under the T5s. Growing much fast than under the T8s. They caught up fast with the others, just don't have that crazy thick stem the T5 makes them get. Looking foward to them for sure.

All the plants are looking great!
Thanks Stefan! They are almost out of my hair!

Ready for the outside world. Thinking that everything goes under the back porch this weekend to harden.
See what I'm dealing with.
Looks fantastic! Wish my bloody plants were as healthy as yours. :) Will be following this all summer long.
Thank you saugapepper! Trying to keep them happy. Got a couple rootbound that are look happy atm, but most are good! Hope to turn out an amazing selection this season. Thanks for stopping in!

Looks like a good problem to me, bud! ;)

Your babies are looking real happy Jason! Have a great weekend...I might drag out my street skate...
Thanks Gary. Hope you got that board out!

I think (hope) the last frost is behind us. Now it just needs to dry out enough to work the ground.
I would be working the garden and planting in today if it wasn't for a rainy night. So im feeling on that too. Had to work some OT yesterday, and was to burnt to even get started by the time i finally got home. I did pick up some supplies, so i am ready. Hope things dry out there soon!

As always Jason, its a pleasure to visit your glog almighty pepper grower!
lol Jamison. That's exactly how i feel when i check your glog. Thank you now.

oh yeah your plants are looking real good and ready for that Georgia soil...
Thank you too Portuge! They can't wait to spread their roots and grow!

I have about eighty plants sitting, all lined up against the fence,in the garden, just waiting to be planted. After working yesterday, my window of opportunity to work on the garden closed. Rain rolled thru most of the night & early morning. So not a good time to work the soil. And ontop of that, i slightly fell down the stairs, by tripping over a resting cat in the dark, earlier this morning and have aggregated my back injury. So not doing much atm.
Yay! i mean not yay. So maybe next weekend i can get everything planted.

Anyway... here is a beautiful specimen.

Love the colors!

Take care guys!
Sorry to hear about your back, Jason. I loathe back pain.
But that is indeed a beautiful plant. Well, kick it this weekend. There will be others very soon, my friend!
Listen to Shane and Jamison and everyone one who says. It's never too late. Sow sow sow. I haven't stopped sowing since. March of '12.

Things looks good. Pods galore when the time comes. Let me know how tem bubbles turn out for you as in growing then too
Sorry to hear about your back, Jason. I loathe back pain.
But that is indeed a beautiful plant. Well, kick it this weekend. There will be others very soon, my friend!
Thanks for the concern Brent. Back pain is a reality of mine. Sometimes worse than others, but always there. Today... Now... it just sucks. Pain radiating down my legs that's as bad as the back is not good. Normally don't get it with my right leg, so not happy at all. Icing, pain meds, the whole 9 yards... trying to lessen the pain. Not the best way to start a week. :(
I know i have plenty of time. Just want to get it over with. I still don't know exactly what i got and what im keeping. Too many plants!
I did line up the ones outside to tally up. I have a few extras out there.
I saw i have my first pod on one of the orange thais! Will grab a pict of it soon.
Need to shovel more outside to start hardening off, on and under the porch. And go thru the annuums. Pot the reapers. All in good time.
I also have been having seeds crack under existing plants. Have seen four five pop up on the shelves.in the shadows. Late bloomers! And saw a ton of volunteers coming up in one of the pots outside. Thinking that pot had hot cow horns in it where they are coming up.
Maybe i can something done, and at the least feel some what productive. I will see. Take care Brent!

Listen to Shane and Jamison and everyone one who says. It's never too late. Sow sow sow. I haven't stopped sowing since. March of '12.

Things looks good. Pods galore when the time comes. Let me know how tem bubbles turn out for you as in growing then too
Will do Dennis! Hopefully one of us will get a true growing bubblegum!
I stopped sowing, but man i got some plants! Starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and pressed for time, ever though I've got plenty of time.
You are a planting machine! Looking forward to watching a couple beauties grow over there!
Thanks for stopping by though!
Back pain sucks. I've been fortunate in not having an issue for the last three or four years, but if I do everything that needs doing this spring, I'll be a candidate.
Dang, back pain blows.... I had severe back pain, I was literary walking like an old man (I was about 16 or 17 Y.O.). I have an uncle that had a massage type bed called "Migun", and that fixed me right up.

That bed is painful tho, but it really helped me A LOT!

Now I just feel it very light of if I do extensive work I can feel it more. What also helps is doing a stretch where you lay back flat and bend your knees so they go 90ยบ and then turn both your knees to one side leaving your back straight and stay there for a bit and then to the other side.

Hope you recover soon, if I lived close by I'd be down to help. Stay safe.

, Vegas

EDIT: This is what I do, and it helps.

I liked that for the Photo...not the back story! Take you some of the Navy's miracle drug... Ibuprofen! I have had back problems since college...something about crashing into 350lb linemen that causes lasting reminders. Mine never feels good till noon or so. Take your time, the garden will be there next weekend!