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GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Nice pics of your indoor grow J... Did you get a piece of the cold spell they got west of you? Glad your back's feeling better, now it's time to plant out! :party:
Thanks Rick,
No real cold spell. Was cooler today, but some sun shine between the clouds and spot storms passing thru. Potted up a few more plants outside. Moved the plants hardening on the porch out to the garden. Then put more on the porch to start hardening. Slowly but surely!
Hope you had a good day!

They are looking so green and lush. Well done!!!!! That choc bhut is gorgeous. Glad the back is better. Stay well.
Thanks Pia! Glad too!

Nice update, and glad to hear your back is better!
Thank you Scott! Making progress!

Plants are looking great GA...
Thanks Portuge! It's only gooding to get better!

Its a jungle over there bro! Mykos is a wonderful thing. My local hydro shop sells it and they had mismarked the price. I was buying the 1 Kilo bags for $13! I didn't say anything. He finally caught on tho. Wish I would have bought more eh!
Loving the jungle! Except i just moved more outside, so now it looks like someone is clear cutting the jungle for timber or something.
Stoked on the mykos. Added via organic fert and AACT last year, but first time using the inoculate! Plants look happy that got it last pot up! I have been sitting on a couple packs and never used them until now. Going to hit everything while planting in, when i finally get a chance!

$40dollars worth for $13! That was a score!
Sticking together!!! Till you tore them apart...Hope that story ends up epic for ya brother! Looking great, dirt day's coming!
Had to do it. They where getting to clingy. All up in each others business. I am ready to see what a few of those guys can do!
Thank you Shane! I know it's coming soon but... I'm living this week for that day! Saturday come on already!
Glad to hear the cortisone shot did the trick! Sucks being laid up. Glad to see how well the plants are up and coming. Now that you separated out that cluster of three cubes, how many plants did you end up with out of that? And more separation to go!

Now that the back is better, will you be putting some plants in-ground this coming weekend? Hope so, man! I know you are jonesing to get them where they can really take off!
Glad to hear the cortisone shot did the trick! Sucks being laid up. Glad to see how well the plants are up and coming. Now that you separated out that cluster of three cubes, how many plants did you end up with out of that? And more separation to go!

Now that the back is better, will you be putting some plants in-ground this coming weekend? Hope so, man! I know you are jonesing to get them where they can really take off!

What's up Brent! I had to group a ton in to doubles and triples, for lack of pots and time when i potted them up. Will separate again once they start taking off, and free up more pots after planting in the garden. In that pict, that was six pellets rooted together, with about 8 to 9 in each on average. Too many is how many. :crazy:
They are talking rain again on Friday and possible on Saturday, so hoping I don't get rained out.
I took more plants from the porch to the garden tonight, and moved more to the porch. Trying get more plants hardened, cause I'm so ready, and looking forward to it at that!
I'm almost a bit sad though. ;(
I shuffled around what's left inside and unplugged the bottom shelf, as it isn't needed anymore. I feel almost sad to see this winding down inside, even thought it's just begining outside.
I had taken the first seven plants i started at the beginning of this thread, potted up into soil and have them hardening off in front of my garage. The light colored 7 white is still being a mutant freak btw, the other is beautiful dark green. They look all looked happy this evening.
I still want to build a permanent box to grow year round inside. I really enjoy having something to tend to inside. So going to fill this void that is approaching, by doing so as planned. I have had those plants in coir the whole time. So my first goal of keeping plants alive via hydro was accomplished. Now just need to build an inside box with ventilation for the 250 hps i bought. Guess i will take clones or start something for the inside, cause everything is going outside until i do.
Will update if i get to plant in!
Yeah, it can be sad when you turn off the lights inside, but that only means the fun is just beginning outside! Your plants are looking great. That moth looks cool, but like most moths, does it not lay eggs of evil?

Nice score on the pots and congrats on the mutant clover! ;) Hope the rain laid down for you and you're outside planting right now!
Ah yes, it is always so bittersweet to take down the indoor grow system when the plants go outside. I tried leaving mine up last year, but I never heard the end of it so it is coming down this time around.
Spankyscolts said:
Nice grow! Nice selection !! Looks like you're gonna be busy this year !! What's the chance of scoring some bubblegum seeds ?
Thanks Spankycolts!

DocNrock said:
Yeah, it can be sad when you turn off the lights inside, but that only means the fun is just beginning outside! Your plants are looking great. That moth looks cool, but like most moths, does it not lay eggs of evil?

Nice score on the pots and congrats on the mutant clover! http://thehotpepper.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_wink.gif Hope the rain laid down for you and you're outside planting right now!
Thanks Doc! Did get to plant out!

Devv said:
+1 on 292, he said it all.

Good luck this weekend!
Thanks Scott!

Stefan_W said:
Ah yes, it is always so bittersweet to take down the indoor grow system when the plants go outside. I tried leaving mine up last year, but I never heard the end of it so it is coming down this time around.
Lol. I think mine is coming down. :( But plants outside and happy!

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Have fun with the plant out!!
Thanks Dennis! Was work, but so worth it! And enjoyed every minute of it!

Ok. been slacking/busy. Got to plant out last weekend, so that was good. Then crammed the work week into two days. Then took the rest of the week off to head to the mountains of north ga to camp and trout fish. Was a much needed vacation! Caught plenty fish and had a good time.
I got attacked by a raccoon fishing, protecting it's den I'm sure, and at the moment am sitting st the ER waiting to get a rabies shot. I was climbing out of the creek up a dirt bank and the thing came out of nowhere and jumped on my back and bit me on my left side of my back. It pinched scraped more than punctured me, as i bit me thru my fishing vest and shirt, but gotta be safe and get the shots.
Anyway... here are two browns that i caught. They stock rainbows but the browns are natively populated.

Are you fricking serious!? A damn racoon! Unreal man, I can't help but laugh a little bit. But WTF! I hope everything goes well bud. Yea we gonna be neighbors my friend! Sounds like you had fun besides that frickin coon!
Jamison said:
Are you fricking serious!? A damn racoon! Unreal man, I can't help but laugh a little bit. But WTF! I hope everything goes well bud. Yea we gonna be neighbors my friend! Sounds like you had fun besides that frickin coon!
Yeah man! Unreal. Thing came at me two more times, me kicking it each time as hard as i could, one time back into the creek. Looked like a big ass rat all wet.
Check the damage.

Stoked you will be close! I was right by the TN line.
Good freakin grief! Dang and I thought groundhogs were mean when run out of garden or cornered, but out of nowhere? Beautiful plants! But a raccoon attack??? Out of nowhere. I believe it: they can be damned mean but good you got the shots! Geez!
annie57 said:
Good freakin grief! Dang and I thought groundhogs were mean when run out of garden or cornered, but out of nowhere? Beautiful plants! But a raccoon attack??? Out of nowhere. I believe it: they can be damned mean but good you got the shots! Geez!
Well. I'm waiting to get the shots right now. And then three more over the next two weeks. :(
Not excited at all.
But yes, out of nowhere. I scoped the whole bank to figure out where to climb back up, and saw nothing. Must have ben a den hidden in there somewhere. Groundhogs are mean? But they look so cute. We have them all along the roads, with burrows in the hills. I will be staying away from them for sure.

Ok. here is a garden shot. Crammed about 150 in here. Sacrificing size for selection. I kept them about 12" to 18" apart, the same as last season. So i will have a serious hedge again. Made the rows wider and offset every other, keep like plants together.
