• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Sawyer said:
Nice looking pepper.   That's way beyond my heat tolerance, but how would you describe the flavor?
Thanks Sawyer. I really need to eat another to get a better idea of the taste. There is some fruitiness, kinda like a muted starfruit/apple but not. Hard for me to figure out. Will give you a better description after i eat another, a couple more are ready to pull. Better yet, pm me your addy and you can tell me what you taste. Will get a couple to you to try. :)
That's mighty generous of you, GA, but I think it would be wasted on me.  Let's see if I can do a better job of describing my own, before sending a precious white my way.  (Seriously, I am grateful.)
WalkGood said:
Jason, nice pull mon! Your chocolate scorp looks just like the ones Ive been pulling lately but hopefully tomorrow or the next day Ill pull some interesting shapes.
Great look on your 7 White, do they get any whiter or is that fully ripe?
I like the pepper in da burrito, I do the same thing only add a little onion and garlic to the pepper. How does the flavor of the 7 White taste when you ignore the heat?
You are kicking azz brethren, keep up da killa grow \o/
Why thank you Ramon!
Your choc scorps have way better shapes then mine, especially the six you highlighted! Mine are a bit rougher / bumpier looking than yours. But.. idk. Going to take the one i pulled to work tomorrow for "peppertime". Last year we would get the chileheads together and all eat a piece of whatever was brought in. Two of us last year growing, this year five. :) Red douglah, and brainstrain red hurt the most last year. Lost a few to those. Both gave the hot coal on the tongue or in throat and a few declared never again. Us hardcores still enjoy it. :D
That choc scorp should be a good one!
The white 7s are more of a tan, light cream colored. The camera on my phone makes them look much yellower than they are. Definitely not white like you bhuts. When i cut the one open, it did appear a light yellow on the inside. Looks like lemon cream. Tasted good but not sure how to describe the taste yet. Hoping to have a better idea after consuming of a few more. I'm going to need you addy pretty soon too! Hook it up.
I love mexi foods. I could live off of beans and rice. I got a huge cali style burrito, cut up the pepper and took pieces with the bites of the burrito. Was scrumptious!
Thanks again Ramon.
romy6 said:
 Love me some white 7's . Now if I could just get mine to grow true :pray: . Great grow you got going on J money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Jamie. Truely happy to see them ripen white. Hoping my giant white habs also turn white. Let me know if i can help you with getting some that will turn white. About to start "project isolation". :)
capsidadburn said:
Looking good there Jason!  I'll keep watching for that Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion and that amazing calyx Bubblegum 7, or what ever BBG7 means!
Thanks Mike! Sorry if i'm confusing... i was liking the bbg7, much shorter than typing out bubblegum7. So stuck on that. Crazy calyces for sure. The #1s are really are not getting any bigger. Looks like going to be some smaller pods. The #2 it sizing up a bit bigger. The #3 is looking like the moruga pheno more each day. #4 still hasn't podded up, and now it's getting shaded by the other plants tower over them.
Also did a quick garden check when i got home find a hornworm eating one of the bbg7s. Out of 230+ plants, it chose that one.
I took a photo before ridding the earth of that pest, but don't seem to have it. Stupid phone. I then found another on the tomatoes.
I really like these peach pheno of the PI 441598s. Unique taste. So wondering if it the peach taste, and will show up in the Jay's. Looking foward for sure. When they come in, i will get a couple to you. :)
Devv said:
Wow Jason, fantastic! Simply fantastic!
Been out and about and got caught up, poddage, coloring, and eating!
Can't beat that!
Thanks Scott. I can barely keep up with all the awesome glogs on here, can't image missing days and trying to keep up. Yet be caught up.:D
I'm finally eating pods. Not complaining now. More things are coloring up. More new to me pods to taste. It's like xmas for me almost everyday.
On a different subject ... All three of my reapers are looking like the first pods will have stingers. So maybe all three might grow somewhat true. Looking foward to seeing how they turn out.
Start making a xmas list yourself. I'm about to be swimming in pods here.

Had PI 441598 peach pheno with lunch. Was trying to get a photo of the sliced pepper to show the awesome peach color, but the phone just won't get the color right in the breakroom's lighting. Here is what is kinda looks like.

Add pulled a few peppers today right before nightfall. The Papa Joe's bonnet that had been ripenung and a 7 chaguanas. Couldn't get the chag's stem to break off, so the pepper is stemless. :) Was a tough sob

One pepper, one love.
Two peppers, one love for two. :D
I tried the white 7, and it had like a candy tangy flavor, it was crunchy, and idk I'm the worst describer lol. The one I tasted had like a hab heat, maybe it's me or maybe the pod.

Nice to see more color on those.

Btw, the hydro thing I'm working on is coming along nice. So far 2 have made the cut and I need to dedide on another 2, but it's just too hard to make that decision. Looking forward to seeing your setup in the future.

, Walter
Vegas_Chili said:
I tried the white 7, and it had like a candy tangy flavor, it was crunchy, and idk I'm the worst describer lol. The one I tasted had like a hab heat, maybe it's me or maybe the pod.

Nice to see more color on those.

Btw, the hydro thing I'm working on is coming along nice. So far 2 have made the cut and I need to dedide on another 2, but it's just too hard to make that decision. Looking forward to seeing your setup in the future.

, Walter
I agree with a tangy candy flavor in that white 7s.
Deciding on just 4 is way too hard. I'm not looking forward to figuring out which will make the cut.
Glad it's going well so far for you. I'm looking foward to when that time comes for me. Luckily it's been on autopilot outside with the garden this year, as spare time has been minimal.

Quick picts of yesterday's pepper fest.
Trin choc scorp next to a peach PI 441598.

This thing is a beast!


First impression was... there is a ton of placenta. Like the entire inside. Smelled like a typical brown super. Reminded me of the douglahs from last season.
Really bitter, and no real heat. Just pure pain! Seriously ... gave me minimal warmth. Starts off way bitter with a complex fruitiness behind it, that never beats the bitterness, & what resembles, or what i call, that battery acid taste. Almost instant stinging. As the taste lingers and fades there is almost no heat or warmth just a slight sting still. Then about a minute or two into it... the pain really starts. Intense pain follows, building for five minute or so and stabilizing at a uncomfortable level. Final peaks and slowly fades a way. About 15 minutes from start to finish. I managed to eat about a whole quarter of the pod with lunch, and was done. No one at work, that tried it, liked the flavor nor the pain it brought. They other pods we have been eating are fruity good, and this one is a dark contrast.
I watched Nigel's review of two choc scorps last night. The two he ate sound much tastier and much more friendly.
Looks like some serious powder to be made from these, cause they are pure Pain!
Yea, definitely a powder contendor.  It sounds like one of the Douglahs I have tried in the past, just a nasty, battery acid taste to it.  Super face meltingly hot, but very acrid-like taste.  Not a fan of fresh, but they go great in powder.
Wow it even looks like battery acid. Is the typical taste of the choco TS?

I had a few seedlings, but I gave most of them away and sold my last one yesterday. Right now I'm focusing more on indoor grow and testing, si when the time comes it's game time. I put the choco BBN in it's own 5 gal. bucket and it's doing great and a TS CARDI aswell. I'm doing a bubblegum for sure if the seeds sprout. They were from the pod KING sent me, and that was a MEAN pod nice flavor and heat. So I say it's worth a shot to try the seeds if they sprout. Your BB7 look beautiful, I like the strawberry looking one.

, Walter
Liked you Choc Scorp review. Maybe later they will taste better IDK.
OK, so the Choc Scorp is deadly. But that's why we grow different varieties...at least why I'm doing so.
One thing is, you have sooooo many to test and decide which is best.
I was really impressed by the "funky reaper", it had a really good flavor that lasted even when the burn went away. Way better than the "true reaper". So maybe it's a blessing that it wasn't true.
Anyways this is just the beginning, can't wait to see where your grow takes you!
Wow, Jason!  Just got caught up, I think.  I went back about three pages.  Everything looks like it is coming together for you.  Harvests are going to be exploding soon.  Perfect description of the flavor of the 7 White.  I notice the pod shape on your GWH is a bit different.  I find that very interesting. 
Loving everything, but great shot of the Blonde flower.  Great review of the Chocolate Scorpion pod.  Sounds like a mean bastage, and awesome for a powder!  Great story about your boss and the JB Habs! 
Question:  I've always thought that Jellybean Hab and White Bullet Hab were just other names for the Peruvian (or Yucutan) White Hab.  Are they different?  You said the JB is much hotter.  If different, what is the difference (origin, etc.)?  Thanks!
Thanks again for the Variegatta plant!  It is doing great.  Hopefully this weekend I will be caught up around home after being gone for a few days last week.  I'll get it in a 2 gallon dress and post up a pic! 
Hey Jason, Great update on your progress.  I have all three of the Douglahs coming in with different levels of production.  When harvesting I'll be sure to send or deliver some up to you.  i'm curious in regards to the acidic taste of those scorps comapring with the Douglahs of which I've never tasted .I'll keep track of my findings and keep you updated. 
You've been making some great harvests there, Jason. Awesome job. The 7 Pot White had about the same color as mine last season, it always kept this cream glow but mine wasn't in the superhot range although very tasty. Looks like your Devil's Tongue White is as white as your 7Pot White, correct? The Peach pheno PI441598 looks really interesty, like the color and shape. Can you tell me anything about the aroma and heat?
nasty looking choc scorpions and sound like they have a nasty flavour/burn to match ... unfortunate/fortunate??? 

Great work!!
MGOLD86 said:
Yea, definitely a powder contendor.  It sounds like one of the Douglahs I have tried in the past, just a nasty, battery acid taste to it.  Super face meltingly hot, but very acrid-like taste.  Not a fan of fresh, but they go great in powder.
Right on Matt. Only had one douglah last season, that didn't turn red, and it tasted good. This choc scorp didn't taste good at all. Definitely going to make some powder out of them. :)
Vegas_Chili said:
Wow it even looks like battery acid. Is the typical taste of the choco TS?

I had a few seedlings, but I gave most of them away and sold my last one yesterday. Right now I'm focusing more on indoor grow and testing, si when the time comes it's game time. I put the choco BBN in it's own 5 gal. bucket and it's doing great and a TS CARDI aswell. I'm doing a bubblegum for sure if the seeds sprout. They were from the pod KING sent me, and that was a MEAN pod nice flavor and heat. So I say it's worth a shot to try the seeds if they sprout. Your BB7 look beautiful, I like the strawberry looking one.

, Walter
Yeah Man! It's pretty serious looking & a burn to match! Sounds like there are better tasting ones out there. Going to try one of the other plant to see if its the same at some point. Wish me luck for when i do. ;)
Still waiting on the choc big bangers! Going choices there. My TSCardi yellows are looking like i would have hoped. One way off shape, the other maybe has two true shaped pods out ten to twenty. Hope they taste killer still.
The strawberry looking BBG7 is such an odd ball. And guess what?

That's was the first pod and it never really grew. Had a hardtime breaking that calyx open, so is kinda small and funky looking. Will be having a taste before long. :D
The #3 is podding up. Definitely more moruga looking one out of the three. #2 suffer the most hornworm damage, with some on #3 too. & #4 still hasn't set a pod. Hopefully you can get the seeds from that pod to pop. Good luck my friend!
GnomeGrown said:
Awesome pod pics, Growhead.
Thank you Gnomegrown!
They are even better looking in person. Need to get a real camera so i can capture the awesome better!
Devv said:
Liked you Choc Scorp review. Maybe later they will taste better IDK.
OK, so the Choc Scorp is deadly. But that's why we grow different varieties...at least why I'm doing so.
One thing is, you have sooooo many to test and decide which is best.
I was really impressed by the "funky reaper", it had a really good flavor that lasted even when the burn went away. Way better than the "true reaper". So maybe it's a blessing that it wasn't true.
Anyways this is just the beginning, can't wait to see where your grow takes you!
Thanks Scott! I still have plant two of the TS scorp, hoping less bitter. If not, more deadly powder to be made. That first is definitely not an everyday snacking pepper ;)
Variety is the spice of life, correct? Yes... plenty more to go. I will find some keepers!
That quite interesting about the not reapers reapers. Hmmmmmm. Flavor does win out in the end. I might have to take you up on your offer, after all, for some of those. Looks like all three of mine are going to have tails from the baby pods. Guess i can hope for the anomaly, and end up with a different color.
i dig the last thing you wrote. It truely is the beginning and hope the road brings good things from here on out! Cheers!
DocNrock said:
Wow, Jason!  Just got caught up, I think.  I went back about three pages.  Everything looks like it is coming together for you.  Harvests are going to be exploding soon.  Perfect description of the flavor of the 7 White.  I notice the pod shape on your GWH is a bit different.  I find that very interesting. 
Loving everything, but great shot of the Blonde flower.  Great review of the Chocolate Scorpion pod.  Sounds like a mean bastage, and awesome for a powder!  Great story about your boss and the JB Habs! 
Question:  I've always thought that Jellybean Hab and White Bullet Hab were just other names for the Peruvian (or Yucutan) White Hab.  Are they different?  You said the JB is much hotter.  If different, what is the difference (origin, etc.)?  Thanks!
Thanks again for the Variegatta plant!  It is doing great.  Hopefully this weekend I will be caught up around home after being gone for a few days last week.  I'll get it in a 2 gallon dress and post up a pic! 
Thanks Doc! The GWH have some similarities to the wht7s, but definitely not the same. Wondering if the taste/heat are different. Won't be long.
Looking foward the blondes, sounds tasty.
In thinking the Jellybeans are Yucatans or breed from them. The Peruvians taste the exact same just less heat and taste and bigger pods. Growth wise they are similar, with the JB being a more compact plant. It's still under two feet tall.

Glad the variegatta made it safely and you were there to welcome it home. Really a Beautiful plant! Was thinking of trying to make a cross with her, to try and get a chinense with variegation. Might have to go for it. :D
harris said:
Hey Jason, Great update on your progress.  I have all three of the Douglahs coming in with different levels of production.  When harvesting I'll be sure to send or deliver some up to you.  i'm curious in regards to the acidic taste of those scorps comapring with the Douglahs of which I've never tasted .I'll keep track of my findings and keep you updated. 
Thanks John! I will watching to see how those douglahs come out. Still kicking myself for not keeping a red douglah after see how they are turning out.
I didn't get that bitter battery acid taste last year with the douglahs. The reds tasted pretty good and i liked the brown taste too. That choc scorp was not so tasty.
We can work out a pod trade so i can try one of the red douglahs for sure, and get you some other pods/seeds for next season too!
meatfreak said:
You've been making some great harvests there, Jason. Awesome job. The 7 Pot White had about the same color as mine last season, it always kept this cream glow but mine wasn't in the superhot range although very tasty. Looks like your Devil's Tongue White is as white as your 7Pot White, correct? The Peach pheno PI441598 looks really interesty, like the color and shape. Can you tell me anything about the aroma and heat?
Thanks Stefan! Some more pods to grab in the morning. Waiting till then to do it.
The wht7s are tasty! Look way cool on the plant!

The white devil tongues are a bit more yellow. Out of the white pods so far the wht7 has been the whitest. Next are the Peruvian and jellybean habs. The devil tongues are more yellow than white to me.
Went by the grocery store today and looked at there habs, and saw one almost if not whiter than the whr7s. They had a bunch of lighter colored habs, peach to light peach and light yellows too. Kinda kicking myself for not grabbing that white one just for the seeds :doh: Told myself i have plenty of pods right now and they probably would have grown out red, but should have grabbed it anyway. double :doh:
The peach pheno from the PI 441598s it hard to describe flavor wise. Really a sweet fruity taste with a pretty heavy chinense flavor and smell. Doesnt taste like it looks to me. It has more heat than i expected. Definitely sitting right above the habs. Guessing close to 500k scovs. Really a nice pod.
I really should name them correctly. They really are PI 441598 x mystery C. chinese F2s peach pheno from what i gather. The last of the other two plants just ripened to red like the first, & also like the F1s that the seeds came out of. From what i can find... they were originally light peach colored when silversurfer grew them in 2011, then grew red 2012. So must have crossed or were unstable. With F2s showing two colors and two shapes, i am assuming they got crossed. The third red plant has pretty much the same shape as the peach pheno. Next years F3s will be interesting, thinking just going to grow the peach pheno again so far as i like it the best and nice visual appeal.
Trippa said:
nasty looking choc scorpions and sound like they have a nasty flavour/burn to match ... unfortunate/fortunate??? 

Great work!!
Lol Trippa! Unfortunate for anyone who tried it. Yuk!
Will be a nice powder im sure. So it's still a winner.
Also a good one to hush a showboat. :D
Thanks again!

I have a bunch of picts.
Here is an intersting cross. Planted douglah seeds from last years grow. This one plant is not correct, the others look fine so far.
Not positive but guessing this is an accidental cross of my douglah, longer shaped pheno and Trin scorp sweet. They were close to each other, almost touching and the TS sweets grew point up.

It has the smooth look just like the Sweets. Not so hot and really hot equals ? Fun plant, looking forward to F2s from this one.

Gotta a couple choc bhuts ripening up on the overwintered plant. Here is one.

Bahamian goats

The right one i saw has damage on the backside. Will yank it in the morning. Ok.. both! You talked me into it! ;)
Doc, still waiting on these Giant whites. I think can i see your name on that one. The one on the left. Yeah, that one.

Pulling this johan x naga morich tomorrow.

Tobago treasure finally starting to ripen

The last PI 441598 cross to ripen.

And the last to ripen white devil's tongue, that gad darker green pods.

Yep red.

More picts to follow!
Jason that CL style burrito with White 7s sounds awesome, can’t wait to read when you dial in the taste description, sounds yummy mon!

I’ll pass my addy when your ready, maybe we can swap some white for white seed, hehehe.

Love the pod pics, not sure what you mean by off color but if possible see if you have a white balance adjustment. Probably not on most phones but any editing software worth it’s weight in gold should have that feature that allows you to correct for off color. Not sure if you use photoshop CS series but I do mine in the RAW editor and match with true white paper while adjusting the levels.

Beautiful shape on your Papa Joe's bonnet, bet that one’s super tasty … very nice picture of it and the 7 Chaguana

Great pics on the Chocolate scorpion too, some of the one’s I’ve shot before look almost as gnarly and the one’s I featured were only a few that I felt is how they should look but the percentages of that on my plant are very low. While all mine ripen chocolate in color most pods have a Bhut shape, but they all taste the same.

I enjoyed reading your Chocolate Scorpion review and respect your opinion … I wonder how much different tasting is than the one’s from my plant. I wrote a review on mine too. If you are interested in the read click here. You did give me some good information that I was looking for to compare the next taste test that I’ll be doing, heck I might just take notes from you and my review and taste some samples tomorrow as I was planning on making a Tuna Pâté with two choco scorps.
Have a great weekend brethren ^_^
Trippa said:
Bump bump .....
WalkGood said:
Jason that CL style burrito with White 7s sounds awesome, cant wait to read when you dial in the taste description, sounds yummy mon!

Ill pass my addy when your ready, maybe we can swap some white for white seed, hehehe.

Love the pod pics, not sure what you mean by off color but if possible see if you have a white balance adjustment. Probably not on most phones but any editing software worth its weight in gold should have that feature that allows you to correct for off color. Not sure if you use photoshop CS series but I do mine in the RAW editor and match with true white paper while adjusting the levels.

Beautiful shape on your Papa Joe's bonnet, bet that ones super tasty very nice picture of it and the 7 Chaguana

Great pics on the Chocolate scorpion too, some of the ones Ive shot before look almost as gnarly and the ones I featured were only a few that I felt is how they should look but the percentages of that on my plant are very low. While all mine ripen chocolate in color most pods have a Bhut shape, but they all taste the same.

I enjoyed reading your Chocolate Scorpion review and respect your opinion I wonder how much different tasting is than the ones from my plant. I wrote a review on mine too. If you are interested in the read click here. You did give me some good information that I was looking for to compare the next taste test that Ill be doing, heck I might just take notes from you and my review and taste some samples tomorrow as I was planning on making a Tuna Pâté with two choco scorps.
Have a great weekend brethren ^_^
Thank you Ramon!
You choc scorps sound much tastier than mine. Nigel reviewed two that also sounded better tasting than mine.
Would love to get some of those white bhut seeds. blanco for blanco :D
Hoping to score a good camera. Don't have any white balance settings on the phone. I work in the printing industry and do highend color corrections daily. Work in illustrator and Photoshop all day. Love photoshop. On the phone i have a simple image editor but can only do so much. Crap in equals crap out. :( Can't wait till i get a decent camera and go raw.
That papa's joe was yummy. Had it with my dinner tonight. Heat was good, about perfect. Never overpowering. Tasted like a good and fruity yellow chinense pod. A familiar taste, much like the yellow 7s that i enjoy. Love it.
The plant that it came off is making nice pods.

Hope you enjoy that tuna! & have a good weekend too!

More picts...

Trin scorp sweets correct.

Trin scorp sweets not correct

This not correct plant is showing some same traits as the correct ones. Just much fatter.

BB douglah yellow is started to turn.

Sunrise scorps.

Kinda bummed on this. Brown 7s.

Second year trying to grow these. I have three plants. Another matches this one so im sure it will go red. Still hope for the third.


Yellow cayenne hybrid

More wild brazils! yay!

First barrackporre

First madballz 7 starting to turn. This is #1 the darker green pheno. Looking orange right now.
Vegas_Chili said:
Bump! We need to see more!

, Walter
Thank you kind Sir!

Few left...

Bonnet congo cross showing a hair of color

Another yellow brain ripe and ready for the picken!

Orange Primos going yellow.


Those are from the same plant. The other plant is looking like it's turning a more orange yellow.

Sepia Serp container plant.

Looks like the first BOC is living up to it's name. I see orange!

BBG7 #2

Saw my first trin choc bonnet starting to turn also.
More picts tomorrow.
Thanks again Vegas!
Dayummm!!!! Things are heating up at Jason's place y'all!!! Woot! Yeah buddy! That little WB you sent me has a ripe one on it too!!!  :dance: Looks really similar to the Charapitas, although there may be a slight difference in color, pod size and shape are almost spot on, the WBs may be a tad larger...but maybe not. We shall see! Your description of the Choco Scorp sounds spot on to almost every Choco Super I have tried...like eating dirt...that's on FIRE! Blak! They're great in powders and I made some into a BBQ sauce that was good too...think you gotta pair them with something sweet to almost "enjoy" them. Keep...DAMN I WAS ABOUT TO SAY KEEP THE AWESOME POD SHOTS COMING AND MORE AWESOMENESS FLOWS IN ABOVE...YESS!!!! Stoked for you brudda, you're right around the corner from some crazy monster BA pulls my man!