• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Dang Jason...can't hit the snooze button over here or you miss a whole lotta freakin awesome! Wowzers! You got some freakin killers in those shots! That WB looks very similar to the Charapita! We shall see soon...I just started growing Wild Brazils a week ago and I almost got some ripe ones already! Thanks again bro!
JasoninTN said:
Just looked through this whole glog that is just amazing, one day I will have a variety and garden like that think I am getting hooked on this pepper thing big time. Your collection is Awsome. I have a few pods starting to turn and I am excited about them.

Thanks Jason! A long adventure has gotten me here. Already looking forward to next season, as i have continued to learn and am ready to put forward & make next season even better!
I spent a good bit of $$ to get the seeds that I wanted to grow and traded for the rest. It has all come together well. Plenty of supers, hots, and mids with many new to me varities to taste!
I'm definitely hooked. My wife thought i was just crazy at first, but now takes part ownership when discussing or gifting away peppers to friends. I like to grow more than just peppers though. Can't beat fresh tomatoes or veggies from your backyard. And practically free! But... i do love hot peppers, so they get the most garden space. :D
Already thinking about how to expand more for next year. me :crazy:
Life is what you make of it. Plan and then execute and you will have whatever you want! This glog is nothing more than proof of that and i have everyone here on this site to thank, for helping & inspiring in more ways than one.
It's such a good feeling to harvest that first ripe pepper and then enjoy it with the next meal. Glad your almost there!
I can't wait to taste more of these gems myself.
Thanks again Jason for the kind words!
stc3248 said:
Dang Jason...can't hit the snooze button over here or you miss a whole lotta freakin awesome! Wowzers! You got some freakin killers in those shots! That WB looks very similar to the Charapita! We shall see soon...I just started growing Wild Brazils a week ago and I almost got some ripe ones already! Thanks again bro!
:rofl: You can start growing a pepper, and in one week already have pods! That's some badass gardening skills! :D
Thanks Shane. That's exactly how i feel about your glog, except yours has countertops full of peppers, which mine does not. A small difference I know, but i must point this out. ;)
Those two do appear similar. A taste test will confirm, once the WB ripens up.
Over here trying to play catch up wid ya!

Papa Joe's scotch bon ripening from the tip up.

My first reaper pod.

Orange thais are yummy!

BBG7 #1

BBG7 #2
Whoah, brothah, Serial Poddage!
I can't keep up with it all.  Great stuff.
Your WT Tepins seem bigger than those on
my second year plant.  The flowers are about
the size of pinheads, if that.
millworkman said:
Those BG7 pods are so distinct its creepy.  Beautiful though!
Agreeing with you Mill, the are quite different. I'm calling it a mutation, especially on #1. That's not just normal. I think it was Sawyer, maybe not... but someone said they should be called strawberry 7s, and I'm agreeing on the #1s. I see a strawberry resemblance every time i look at them now. :)
PaulG said:
Whoah, brothah, Serial Poddage!
I can't keep up with it all.  Great stuff.
Your WT Tepins seem bigger than those on
my second year plant.  The flowers are about
the size of pinheads, if that.
Thank you Paul. Pods are coming in! I having a hard time keeping up with all the wonderful glogs this year myself.
An awesome year it is on here!
I was gifted the Texas Wilds from a member of my wifes family. They just showed up in the mail, boxed up with sandy dusty dirt through out. They called them piquins, but the pods that were on the plants, a couple fresh and a few dried ones, were more round, so guessing tepins. Said they grew everywhere on their property under mesquite trees, at the outside of the canopy where rain would drip down. And of course, said they were the hottest pepper there is, but we know better. :) They do have the smallest flower that i have ever seen, but not as small as you have described. A few of the pods look more piquin-ish right now, but has a few round ones too. So I'm still not 100% on them being one or the other. Can't wait to try one. The ones that arrived on the plants were good, but not terribly hot.
Awesome pod update !! Love the colour on that orangey red one a few posts back (chaguana?? Spelling probably wrong) on my phone so navigating back and seeing correct spelling is problamatic
I gotta give the credit to Pepperhead for saying the BBG7 should be called Strawberry 7s cause they look more like strawberries. Looked it up. Liking that description!
Trippa said:
Awesome pod update !! Love the colour on that orangey red one a few posts back (chaguana?? Spelling probably wrong) on my phone so navigating back and seeing correct spelling is problamatic
Trippa said:
Nice work !!
Thanks Trippa! That was a really cool transitional stage, almost tyedye looking. Todat it was mostly red. And you had it correct, just needed the "s" on the end. :)
Jamison said:
Oh jeez, nothing short of amazing Jason. You da man!
Thanks Jamison! I am a man. Da man? I not too sure about that. :D
wahlee76 said:
That's an awesome pod collection! Me jealous :drooling:
Thank you Wahlee. Wasn't trying to make you jelly. :)
Stefan_W said:
The pappa Joe's Scotch Bonnet looks like a beast!
Great looking pods! Do the orange thais taste the same as the red? 
Thank you Stefan! That papa Joe's does have some girth! Pretty big pod. Looking foward to having that one for lunch later this week. I got a peek at it in-between the rain (yes... raining again, off and on all day). It was almost completely yellow. Was trying to snap a shot of it, but my phone decided not to cooperate.
Now the orange thais do taste different than the reds. Not sure how to describe the difference, but more fruity with less of the cayenne like taste red thais have, if that makes any sense anyway. I really enjoy them. Trying to save enough to make a sauce with them. Hoping the other pods coming in will free me up from eating them all first. ;)

So yes Rain Rain and more rain today.
Picked a few peppers between the rains. Todays harvest...

Left to right, top to bottom.
Peruvian white habs, JellyBean white habs, Tobago seasoning, Red pheno PI 441598, White 7, choc scorp, Peach pheno PI 441598, and 1 White devils tongue.
Till tomorrow ...
stickman said:
Nice looking pod porn and ladybug larva on point. Any other pods ripening besides the WDT?
Thanks Rick.
There are a bunch of things starting to turn. Trying not to pull that Papa Joe's bonnet right now. The barrackpores are showing more color. A few more giant bhuts. Choc scorps are turning on the other one too now. The choc barracks are definitely brown. The non sun scalded of the three first pods is starting to turn. Going pull a chaguanas 7 this week too.
Still waiting on a ton!

Lunch today.
7 white

And sliced.

Nice pod. Started off no so hot on the bottom of the pepper, and them got pretty damn hot up in the placenta. Guessing 600 to 800k hot. Nice flavor. A bit crunch. A warm addition to my burrito today.
Eat'em if you grew'em!
Jason, nice pull mon! Your chocolate scorp looks just like the ones I’ve been pulling lately but hopefully tomorrow or the next day I’ll pull some interesting shapes.
Great look on your 7 White, do they get any whiter or is that fully ripe?
I like the pepper in da burrito, I do the same thing only add a little onion and garlic to the pepper. How does the flavor of the 7 White taste when you ignore the heat?
You are kicking azz brethren, keep up da killa grow \o/
Wow Jason, fantastic! Simply fantastic!
Been out and about and got caught up, poddage, coloring, and eating!
Can't beat that!