• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Great stuff!!! I agree that is one Big-gas bahamian goat!!!
You're gonna love the those Goat's Weed also...very seedy, extremely hot for an annuum, but their looks is where its at. Stunning looker in the garden.
Thanks guys for the comments. Will try to respond later this evening. :)

Wanted to drop a few photos quick like. Was trying to do so last night, but processed pods into the late night.

Jonah 7s yellow "thimble shape pods"


My choc scorp is finally starting to make correct shaped pods.


This mystery plant, thinking red douglah, is making some seriously hot pods. Had one with lunch last week that was nothing but placenta! It was a scorcher, pain and all.


Plants still kicking it!

Yellow brain, freshly showered.

This one will be interesting next season. Reaper cross. :D
Wow, still going strong!! Looks like you had a badass season. Lots of pod porn and those plants are just beasts. Nicely done sir Jason! :D

, Walter
Trying to play catch up!

stickman said:
Lookin' good brother, and the rain should help things along I'm thinking. I loved the Bahamian Goat pods that coheed shared with me earlier, and glad to see you do as well. What's your favorite way to fix Bhuts? They're too concentrated to eat by themselves unless you're counting coup on yourself, but I wonder how best to "unlock" the flavor like you would a glass of whiskey by adding a bit of water to it.
Rick, i mostly eat the bhuts fresh or dry and powder. I tryed making a sauce the first year i grew them, but it turned out too thin and vinegar-y for my liking. I enjoy snacking on pieces of fresh pods, while in season, with anything I'm eating and in doing so... i have have had my fair share of bhuts. This year, with so many choices, the red ghost, bhuts, & nagas have all been neglected.
But on the other hand... The bahamian goat has not! I really like these pods. I only got one seeds to germ, and one plant is just not enough. Four to six minimum next season!
Rain did it's justice! Flowers and baby pods everywhere. Hoping there will be time for the majority to ripen up.
Happy Friday
meatfreak said:
That's one good looking and big ass B. Goat pepper! I liked it a lot as well last season, funny thing is the inside of the pepper is white. That GWH's looks a lot like my 7 Pot White last season, the GWH's I'm growing this year looks more like a Habanero.
Thanks Stefan! The white 7s from pepperlover and GWHs from RFC are almost indistinguishable from each other. The wife mixed up what was left after the the market two weekends ago and i couldn't tell them apart except for a bruised pod gave one away that i remembered from picking. I mean identical. Taste test would be useless too. The last time i have both together they heat even seemed the same. The last white 7 i had was a bit warmer, but even the GWHs can surprise ya every once in a white. I like the flavor on both.
It is funny. the color inside the Bahamians. I gotta grow more next season and over winter this guy too. :)
stc3248 said:
Great stuff!!! I agree that is one Big-gas bahamian goat!!!

You're gonna love the those Goat's Weed also...very seedy, extremely hot for an annuum, but their looks is where its at. Stunning looker in the garden.
I did enjoy them goat weeds. Nice flavor and heat for a annuum. Looking foward to growing out these seeds. Thanks Jamison!
Big a$$ lol.
Jamison said:
Awesome pics brotha! Dude, I have tons and tons of Goats WEed pods let me know if you want more man, or anything for that matter! My primo's are getting gnarlier too so expect another package soon man!
Yeah Man! That first primo i ate was covered in placenta. Awesome taste and maybe the hottest i have eaten. Equal to or just barely above some of the others this year in that running. Really good taste too. My buddy at work agreed. There was a point in the flavor where you think the taste is going to go bitter, but right then it doesn't leaving you with that wonderful flavor.
I can't imagine anything gnarlier, those were bumpy scary pods!

This week... peppertime, at work, was sponsored by Jamison.
A few notes in a minute... Thanks again Jamison.
capsidadburn said:
Cool red and yellow Jonah thimbles!
Mike! I am pretty stoked on these. The other jonahs are normal. These two are on their own. Haven't tried the yellows yet. Jamison's care packaging cut in line. :D Digging the pod shape though.
Vegas_Chili said:
Wow, still going strong!! Looks like you had a badass season. Lots of pod porn and those plants are just beasts. Nicely done sir Jason! :D

, Walter
Thank you kind sir. It's not over yet. A ton to pick this weekend. The beginning or the second huge round and still seeing flowers and baby pods lining up the ends of the branches. Hope most can ripen up before it comes to an end.
I am starting to make the overwinter list and thinking about nexts season seeds too. So much to grow.
wahlee76 said:
Nice pods :cool:
Your plants just keep going, don' t they?
Thanks Wahlee! They haven't let up yet. Ga clay and the humidity / weather, with all this rain this season, have set things on course. Right now, they are trying to load up like they know the end is near.
If winter never comes, i might be i trouble. :DD
Devv said:
All I can say is wow!
Killer grow this year!
I bet you're busy!
Thanks for the kind words Scott. Busy yes, never enough time to process these peppers left in my days. Between work and my back bothering me... I haven't gotten nearly enough dried, cut and/or frozen as i should have.
WalkGood said:
I double what Scott said and raise it to include great pictures brethren ^_^
Thank Ramon. :)

Ok. a few noted on some of Jamison's box of joy.
7 primo... Hot and tasty. Way up there heat. And a great flavor. Cool gnarly pods. What more could a man want from a superhot?

Naga viper.
Cool shapes. Heat was most interesting. Started real slow building and when really came on heat wise, the heat migrated across my mouth finally setting in on my tongue. Hot but enjoyable hot. Flavor was likable. Cool pods!
Choc scorp... These from Jamison are a sharp contrast from my choc scorps. Appearance is completely different from the too. Jamison's cjoc scorp has a really good flavor. It started off like tasting like a jamaican hot chocolate pod but then switches into a sweet douglah like taste on the back end. Mine are just nasty bitter. These are shiny smooth, mine more rough and textured. These had a nice heat, could have eaten another pod with my lunch today after the first. My choc scorps are straight to pins and needles pain, hurting badly, with more pain than a warm or hot sensation.
Need to send you a couple of mine to try Jamison. ;)
I liked Jamison's choc scorpion much better on the taste and heat than the ones i have growing, but mine do have there wicked place.
I ate smaller bonnets with dinner this evening. Thinking costa rican bonnets. Yummy pods to with just enough eat to keep me happy.
More later... Happy Friday to all
Jason, do you think it's seed stock or: is choc scorp stable? Have heard a gazillion different and mixed reviews of it. Reaper cross looks cool: nice that you're isolating!
Hon, hang tight: we're going to have a long, long dry fall to make up for the deluges of spring/summer. Am sorry about your back hon: feel ya. Have thought about a Craig's list ad for legal or illegal help. Heck, at this point . . .
Hoping for late October early November, as I actually have some red rocoto pods, which could possibly ripen by then. Anything I got, you're welcome to, but looks like ya juggler running out of hands with the grow.
annie57 said:
Jason, do you think it's seed stock or: is choc scorp stable? Have heard a gazillion different and mixed reviews of it. Reaper cross looks cool: nice that you're isolating!
Hon, hang tight: we're going to have a long, long dry fall to make up for the deluges of spring/summer. Am sorry about your back hon: feel ya. Have thought about a Craig's list ad for legal or illegal help. Heck, at this point . . .
Hoping for late October early November, as I actually have some red rocoto pods, which could possibly ripen by then. Anything I got, you're welcome to, but looks like ya juggler running out of hands with the grow.
There is definitely more than one choc scorp going around. That's why we see mixed experiences with them. I will now grow both of these, side by side, and maybe, just maybe, try to cross the lines into one. Making yet another one. :D It's a battle between heat and taste with two. One's painfully hot, pins and needles your tongue and the other taste good with average super heat.
I have been bagging some plants. A few finally set some pods. Been flower drop city in them though. Going to pull the bags and mark the pods this weekend on the ones that set.
Reaper cross. ;) top secret. shhhhhs!
Back has been downhill. Pain down & thru the whole leg is getting worse on top of the back pain. I feel ya on the search for relief. I'm not into pharmaceuticals at all, but doing as needed to get by. Looks like another epidural injection is in my near future. Oh the joy.
It looking like we are good till nov. Definitely dry now. Could have used the drip lines now that i never put out because of all the rain. I already got them, at least, for next season.
I ordered some manzano seeds the other day. Going to give them a go next season. Think i got a good shady spot for them too. Everything is going off though. Seriously think they know the end is near. Last season my huge harvest got cut short. Looking like this will be most epic if the weather allows.
Might see if i can throw together a small hoop or green house or larger cold frame to extend a few weeks. Going to dig up many to overwinter and might squeeze a few more pods out of them by doing so. Then could reuse earlier spring. Looking into it anyway. Just a thought.
I am juggling pods left and right. We can swap some seeds soon .
Glad you sent Greg some BOC btw. :)

Take care Annie! Happy Friday and hope that shoulder is up to some weekend fun.
Sorry to read about the back pain, hope you get to feeling better!
Interesting about the choc scorps, Ramon sent me one in a SFRB. It was mild down low, and reminded me of apple skin, once up in the shoulder and placenta the heat kicked up. But it wasn't a killer.
Have a great weekend!
Devv said:
Sorry to read about the back pain, hope you get to feeling better!
Interesting about the choc scorps, Ramon sent me one in a SFRB. It was mild down low, and reminded me of apple skin, once up in the shoulder and placenta the heat kicked up. But it wasn't a killer.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott. Trying to enjoy the weekend, back pain or not. :)
Jamison's choc scorp tasted like my jamacian hot chocolates on the front end and a douglah on the backside. Quite tasty. I finished off the pod with my lunch without problem, as the heat was mellow for a super.
I did just get some more choc scorps from Dale, along with the jigsaw's (for the glog grow and more reapers too) as an extra. Mine choc scorps came from Dale. So thinking they should be the same, just the next generation. So looks like you too will get to grow out the version i am growing when you get your jigsaw seeds. Mine are bitter :hot: and i mean :fire:
Just saw your post from today. Everything looks way clean!
Have a great weekend too.

Happy to see this finally.

OK I'm the master of unwelcome advise but I can't help myself, so please forgive me.
Treat Your Back by Robin McKenzie, I have this and Treat Your Neck. My spine guy recommended them. I don't need the back book, I'm good with my routine.
But the neck exercises flat stopped the nerve pain down my left arm into my hand in two days...gotta like that, well I do.
We're all different, but noninvasive stuff is a winner in my book.
I had sciatica back pain about ten years ago.  I had to get physical therapy.  It took about 10 weeks of one day a week special excersize's at a spine specialist.  They said it would come back but it hasn't.  Wood knocking now!  There is bound to be better stuff out there now a days.  My coworker, same age as me, also had it recently but he got some kind of shot steroid pack thing.  Scarry to me.
I remember laying on the floor in pain after trying to put together a christmas present kitchen for my daughter from the inlaws.  I was cussing that thing.
I hope you can manage through it Jason!
Best of luck
Back pain is definitely a downer. I have had some issues since February, and after talking with a physical therapist he gave me some stretches and stuff to do. The jury is still out on it, but I just started reading "becoming a supple leopard" and will be adding some twists, adjustments, and stretches to my dAily routine.

Reaper cross...sounds evil!
Sorry to hear of your back strain and pinched nerve into the leg... no fun  :tear:  ... sometimes mine feels like I've got a pocketful of red-hot change too.
Your garden output is great news though, I hope the season co-operates with you this year and you get a big harvest!
Jamison said:
Damn back pain man! I get that stupid sciatic nerve bull spit too. It's def something not easy to deal with. Only thing I heard of making em feel better is stretching but that hurts like hell to do. Nice to see pods inside the isolation bags eh!? Good job man!
Devv said:
OK I'm the master of unwelcome advise but I can't help myself, so please forgive me.
Treat Your Back by Robin McKenzie, I have this and Treat Your Neck. My spine guy recommended them. I don't need the back book, I'm good with my routine.
But the neck exercises flat stopped the nerve pain down my left arm into my hand in two days...gotta like that, well I do.
We're all different, but noninvasive stuff is a winner in my book.
capsidadburn said:
I had sciatica back pain about ten years ago.  I had to get physical therapy.  It took about 10 weeks of one day a week special excersize's at a spine specialist.  They said it would come back but it hasn't.  Wood knocking now!  There is bound to be better stuff out there now a days.  My coworker, same age as me, also had it recently but he got some kind of shot steroid pack thing.  Scarry to me.
I remember laying on the floor in pain after trying to put together a christmas present kitchen for my daughter from the inlaws.  I was cussing that thing.
I hope you can manage through it Jason!
Best of luck
MGOLD86 said:
Back pain is definitely a downer. I have had some issues since February, and after talking with a physical therapist he gave me some stretches and stuff to do. The jury is still out on it, but I just started reading "becoming a supple leopard" and will be adding some twists, adjustments, and stretches to my dAily routine.
Reaper cross...sounds evil!
stickman said:
Sorry to hear of your back strain and pinched nerve into the leg... no fun  :tear:  ... sometimes mine feels like I've got a pocketful of red-hot change too.
Your garden output is great news though, I hope the season co-operates with you this year and you get a big harvest!
Thanks Guys, first for the concern, and second for the advice. Unfortunately i have one really bad disc. There is barely 25% left of it. Sometimes i can feel the vertebrae rubbing together if i move wrong, as there is little between the two. I will eventually have to get the two surrounding vertebrae fused together. I have done everything but surgery at this point. Physical therapy of all kinds, acupuncture... you name it. I found the most relief from the epidural injections, but even they vary in there relief.
The more i move, the more inflammation i create, the more pain i'm in. This is something i learned in therapy. While strengthen my core, i was just inflaming my back worse. Catch 22 situation. I just try to take it easy, and do as much as i can now. Aching, stabbing and burning pain at times. Alway a reminder that somethings not right in my lower back.
The sciatica has been getting worse over time. I have constant noise and pain down my left leg and recently pain starting down the right leg. Sometimes the leg pain is worse than the back. Sharp pains, aching pains. Numbness below the knee and across the top of my foot when i stand up or lay in bed. Also, i can only lay on my sides. Anything else hurts badly. So constantly rotating from side to side during the night. Can't sit or stand for long periods.
Been dealing with this for five years now. I was told by three different surgeons to wait until i can't walk before going on the table. I have two other disc with issues, just not nearly as bad. They showed improvement at my last MRI.
No need to feel sorry or pity. This is my reality. I can still walk and grow peppers! That more than some, so i don't have it that bad yet!

Sorry to hear everyone else having issues to. Glad hear some success!
Enough of this talk and back to peppers!

Some smiling brainstrains!

7 Infinities. Two pods from different plants.

Yellow cardi TS

Mystery pods. I left these forever and they turned brownish/orangish/redish on the side the sun hits. Kind cool looking.