GA GH's garden picts & more

Wow, those douglah long browns look so awesome, i'm jealous. Oh... and nice peter. Be sure to save seeds, people are always looking to get their hands on those peters. :party:

Didn't mean to make you jealous. I mean look at these beautiful pods. ;)

For real though. They are quite amazing. I put another batch in the dehydrator and was so bummed to include them. Felt like i was wasting them or something as i halfed them and deseeded. Even though i know they are going to a great cause.

To many good pods, hard to decide what to eat. The yellow brainstrains have been on top of the list. They have a slight chinese smell mixed with a tropical banana scent that just smells so good. Great flavor and way high heat. Fired up the charcoal grill last night, and made myself some pepper burgers. Took to jalapenos and half a yel brain, diced, mixed well in the ground chuck. And.. were delicious.

Ok. Few picts from yesterday. Will grab some more today, but enjoy these till then.

My douglah gone red, stinger shaped.

Choc bhut!

Yellow brain that was saved from dehydration! Eating this guy fresh.

Original Trinidad scorpion. Starting to throw of a few pods that look moruga-ish.

TS morugas. Varying shapes.


And a silversurfer inspired harvest shot. He has some of the best harvest shots. Mine... not so good.

And for those who did not see the trin scorp sweet thread i revived, here is my first. Mine wasn't sweet. A bit more heat than a good jalapeno. Wondering if mine if a fluke with heat, or if others are seeing the same thing. Went back to pepperlover (Judy's) site and reread the description. She says no heat. So i wonder. Not a bad pepper though. Quite yummy. So im happy, just can't share it with the less tolerate family members like i planned. Win/lose situation.

Till later.
Take care everyone and eat something HOT!
Great looking pod shots. Hey, at least you've got pods to shoot! ;)

Seriously though. I'm with you on the Yellow 7's and Brains. Great flavor and plenty of heat. Great on everything, especially finely chopped on top of homemade pizza. While tasty and hot, I think the Douglahs will make an outstanding powder.
Great looking pod shots. Hey, at least you've got pods to shoot! ;)

Seriously though. I'm with you on the Yellow 7's and Brains. Great flavor and plenty of heat. Great on everything, especially finely chopped on top of homemade pizza. While tasty and hot, I think the Douglahs will make an outstanding powder.

Thanks again docNrock,
Yes the yellow brains are so good. Mine smell like banana tropical dream. Just amazing and the last one i ate was overly hot. I mean ouch hot. I waw struggling eating it, but tasted so good couldn't stop.
I have the douglahs dried and ready to powder. So will know soon. Still having determined my powdering method. Either buying a coffee grinder or a cheap blender and using the mason jar switch out. Been going old school with the mortar & pestle but can only get it so fine.
I also this weekend ordered more seeds for next season. Yay!

Spent some time in garden today between sprinkles and one quick rain. Picked off a ton of pod that have been eaten by caterpillars or eomething. I looked for the colprit with no luck.
But did find this guy on a purple jalapeno. Look close.

And love these yellow 7 LRGs.


And love these jamaican hot chocolates.

And some weird shaped red bhuts.

Take care.

Nice update, everytime. Love the shot of the "defender."

Thanks Doc,
Found another this morning.

Saw a few larvae recently too. Always a good sign.
Hope everything is good on your home front!

Here is a quick update. Haven't been making it home before dark. So this morning i went and picked a few ripe pods and in the car i was gone. Mind you that i came home from work with four pods. Im like the pepper fairy or something. But gotta share the heat! Here before work.

And a douglah, not red.

Yellow 7 brain. So yummy. This one came home tonite! Mine...i tell you... they are all mine!
Well. Ok... i will share with you!

A red 7 pot and a yellow 7 LRG.

Jamaica hot choc time two, choc bhut, and douglah. Had one of the JHC on my sub for lunch! Yummy!

Red yellow brain, butch T times two and a douglah gone red.

Hungarian hot cherries. Getting there.

Yellow 7 brain.

Baby butch Ts.

Thanks for checking these out
Take care everyone,
Keep the updates coming. Great shots.

What are your temps like right now? We are still in mid 90's and the flowers are still dropping.
Keep the updates coming. Great shots.

What are your temps like right now? We are still in mid 90's and the flowers are still dropping.

Hey doc. Temp still in the upper eighties during the day. Plus or minus a few degrees . Low Seventies to mid sixties at night.
Im really podding up. Flowers everywhere and baby pods too! Must be the cooler nights, cause they are really setting. Going to have more than i know what to do with soon. You will have to give me your addy, and i will send you some pods when they really start coming in. Start making that wish list :)
take care,
ga gh
I envy your weather.... :banghead:

Sorry spicy. Would send to you if i could. :)
Looks like our temps are going to be in the upper seventies with lows in the low to mid sixties for the next couple weeks. That pretty nice!

Here is my yellow 7 LRG turkey sandwich from yesterday. About to repeat but might change the pepper.

Yellow brain

Red yellow brain

Clean out all the ripe peppers today... but buds and young pods everywhere.



Overview up top.

Take care... off to make me a late lunch.

Forgot to put in the harvest shot.

Some ts morugas, lrg yel 7s, scotchs, JHCs, red and brown douglahs, 7 reds and more.
ga gh
No updates? How is everything? Need more pics!!!!!!!

Correct, no updates. Being slack.
Everything has been good pepper wise. Just playing the waiting game. Getting a few here and there. Dehydrating most. But flowers and pods everywhere. Waiting for the mad harvest!
Was happy to final get some rain today. Seems my house has missed out over the last four or five weeks. Everything looks so much better after a good rain. Hopefully i will get some more thru the night.
Your butchy Ts were looking sick btw!
I have come to the realization that i have underfed my garden, especially my potted plants. Didnt want to overfeed, and was trying to stay organic as possible. Have a better grasp on the organics now. So been making the master plan for next year.
Going with chicken manure, as my neighbor has chickens, as the main fertilizer for the whole garden. Already talked with him about getting some to till in after first frost. He has a big pile that has been aging all year.
Already bought some more seeds and going to make another purchase soon. Still undecided on what to fill in with, so mentally trying to working that out. And at the same time planning out what im growing. Definitely not growing some things again. Others will be doubled or tripled.
& I have been lurking aroung the site.
Thanks for asking though. Hope everything is good with you.
How are your butch Ts? Fruity or acidy? Mine... a bit of both. And to think about it... i have four plants from two different sources, so need to start paying attention to which is coming from which.
Here is a long one, from a plant from seeds from from from from... :)

And how about some picts... well...
I haven't been taking many picts lately. Did not want to show the same thing over and over.
Still have a few surprises left. Looks like my mystery might be a brown 7. That would be sweet.
And my reg yellow 7s are finally podding up. Here is one of the more developed pods.

And been seeing a bunch of lady bug larvae. Always a good sign. Here i caught one all blurred out.

And here are a few pod picts.

Some yellow 7 brainstrains.

Some killer douglah longs.

Some trin scorp sweets.

Some trin scorp moruga blends.

And here is a pretty purple. I can not ever get a picture that does this plant justice.

Hope that will work picture wise. Need the bright sun to get the best photos. And not getting that lately, but wanting the rain.
Take care everyone, and thanks again dawgbite!
Staying under the radar.... Ga GH.
It's funny how everyone is already thinking about 2013. Everyone is so excited because their gardens get bigger, and HOTTER every year. A lot of pre-planning on what to grow, so many choice now-a-days. Well, thanks for the update. It sounds like you got a bunch going on. As far as my BT's, I just harvested my first one last night and will be eating it today at lunch. I will let you know who that turns out. You said you got yours from two different sources, do they grow, look, taste, or smell different? Anyway, great update and pics as always!! That pretty purple looks amazing.

Edit after lunch- I just ate a quarter of a decent sized Butch T and WOW!! That sucker was :hot: !!! It had excellent flavor, very fruity with no bitterness. This is one of my new favorites. Also had a couple guys at work try a tiny piece and they went nuts!! Crusing, screaming, and sweating, we all had a blast. When it was all said and done they said they really enjoyed it.
It's funny how everyone is already thinking about 2013. Everyone is so excited because their gardens get bigger, and HOTTER every year. A lot of pre-planning on what to grow, so many choice now-a-days. Well, thanks for the update. It sounds like you got a bunch going on. As far as my BT's, I just harvested my first one last night and will be eating it today at lunch. I will let you know who that turns out. You said you got yours from two different sources, do they grow, look, taste, or smell different? Anyway, great update and pics as always!! That pretty purple looks amazing.

Edit after lunch- I just ate a quarter of a decent sized Butch T and WOW!! That sucker was :hot: !!! It had excellent flavor, very fruity with no bitterness. This is one of my new favorites. Also had a couple guys at work try a tiny piece and they went nuts!! Crusing, screaming, and sweating, we all had a blast. When it was all said and done they said they really enjoyed it.

Thats awesome! I always share with the guys at work, along with my friend thatcis also a pepperhead. Today i ate half of the douglah on the right posted above, and shared the rest of it with a few guys. It was way hot! But so yummy at the same time. They agreed about the hot part.
Let me say this correctly, i have four butch Ts from pepperlover and four from pepperjoe, all from seed. I said that wrong before. They are growing identical to each other. Can't tell them apart visually. Pepperjoe's started off sluggish but caught up in no time. Pods are all similar within normal variation. I have eaten a couple that start off fruity but finish all bitter like as i make it up into the placenta, what i would imagine is that battery acid taste. But not on all, some have been fruity down to the last piece. I need to pay attention to which plants they come from, to see if it coming from one or the other. But they all have been HOT!

Here is that dougie cut open from today. Let this one sit two or three weeks to make sure seeds would be mature. Almost over ripe, but not. Was so good. Ate it with a burrito. Yum!

I will have to agree about it being funny how serious people get when planning next years grow. I know i do it too. :) But when you invest so much time, and then have to wait another year to grow something out, and only have so much space... you want to get it right. In retrospect there are things this year that i could have done without. So definitely want to get it together before hand to make sure i will have what i want. But so true... so many choices.
It's almost time to start seeds again for us Georgia boys. Started mine last year in the beginning of February thru March, with a few last minutes in April. Going to start a bit earlier this year hoping for an earlier first harvest. You going to grow from seeds next season? Let me know if you need any, i've been saving mad.
Take care dawgbite, and enjoy them butchies!
& also....
My mystery plant. Brown 7pot?

I wonder?
Yeah I will be growing from seeds next year. It is a bit scary for me cause I havent ever done it before, but I found a random seed in my kitchen, tossed it in a pot that I have culantro growing in and know it have a 3" seedling. So, it cant be that hard, right? I think I will start my first batch in Jan. then do some in Feb and March so that I hopefully have peppers all season long. Fingers Crossed!!
Yeah I will be growing from seeds next year.

It not hard at all. And sounds like up got the correct plan!

Though i would do an update. Kinda not much going on right now on here. So....

Here is my dinner from last night. Left over stuffed shelfs with minced yellow brain with fresh spinach and a piece of left over chicken hidden under the spinach. The chicken was rubbed and marinated with fresh ground powder from a ts moruga, jamaican hot choc, and a hot cow horn. Turned out excellent,flavor wise, but not enough heat. The fresh yellow brain added plenty heat to the whole meal! They are so yummy!

And loosing pods to something. Pulling five to ten everytime i walk thru, and thats not tryong to find them. Never see anything, only the destruction. Whatever ate this one, ate down into the seeds and placenta.

I like these trin scorp sweets. A little heat... and decent taste. I like the pale almost translucent green color that they are unripe.

And again.

Baby yel brain 7

And a mature one.

Red yellow brain. Strange shaped pod.

Some choc bhuts are coming back in. :)

Thats it for the moment. About to got walk around in the garden. Will grab a few more picts.
Someone bump me before then.
Take care everyone.
Here's your bump! Love your updates. Lots of great pod photos. Sucks about the ones being eaten, but when you find the little bastage, I'm sure he'll get a proper death sentence. ;)
Here's your bump! Love your updates. Lots of great pod photos. Sucks about the ones being eaten, but when you find the little bastage, I'm sure he'll get a proper death sentence. ;)
Looking good GA!! Whatever ate that pepper probably spontaineously combusted, :onfire:

Thanks guys.
This isnt the guy that ate that pepper but he has done some destruction ... and might actually explode when the wasp larvae hatch and attack thie guy from the inside. I carried him out into the woods hoping the wasp babies will survive to kill more of these damn horned tomato worms!

And while on bugs. Here are some friendly long legs. They are everywhere. these two hanging on a butch T.

And another

Ok.. true pod pron. A picture of my peter. :) oh.. i mean one of my peter peppers. Chilly willies. Whatever you call'em

Some butch Ts.

And another.

Some TS Moruga blends group together.

Regular yellow 7s getting bigger.

Douglah gone red, stringer pheno. All pods currently on the plant are elongated like this. Not making the scorpion looking pods now. They are still pretty tasty & hot. I think the blobs might taste a hair better. Idk

And a yellow brain starting to turn.

Think that was my ten.
bump me again please!
I narrowed down the shots from earlier, & i have more picts twelve more!