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gas prices

chilehunter said:
$1.89 usa gallon today

wish I had the extra money & a tanker to fill up before the prices rise again. to save some money :lol:

You'd better have a way to stabilize it for long term storage as well. Gasoline turns varnishy within a few months or so.
Still holding over 2.15 here -- I hoping since MN is selling so cheap that it will trickle some over to the East Coast
Sickmont said:
You'd better have a way to stabilize it for long term storage as well. Gasoline turns varnishy within a few months or so.

I know that happens, I was kinda joking around but it sure would be nice to have a supply of gas (bought cheap) for when the prices go back up to $4 a gallon :( it only took something like 2-3 months to change from $4 -under $2, I can only imagine what it'll be next summer :P

Still holding over 2.15 here -- I hoping since MN is selling so cheap that it will trickle some over to the East Coast

sorry about the prices where you live. theres a town thats ALWAYS cheaper than the rest of area including most of the city, I plan most of my trips to go through that town if I can so I fill up in the morning or night if needed.
its like they dont plan on gouging the people, which is cool. wonder what they're selling it today for ? it even could be less than $1.89 now :shocked: but dont know not going there today.
I was looking at vehicle sales figures for last month here in Florida and it's amazing how stupid people can be. When gas was $4.25 here people were screaming for hybrids, subcompacts, scooters, and anything economical, etc. but now that gas here is $1.99 a gallon guess what the biggest sellers are now? Yep, big-ass gas pig trucks again. Of course, it doesnt help that when the sales declined dramatically the manufacturers started practically giving them away but jeez, are people here really that stupid to think the fuel prices won't rise again? I'm so glad i ride a bicycle, and have no concern over gas prices whatsoever.
Sickmont said:
I'm so glad i ride a bicycle, and have no concern over gas prices whatsoever.

you are one of the lucky ones, you save alot of money not spending it on gas,vehicle,insurance,upkeep.

I was spending something like $600-$700 a month just on gas when it was around $3.50+ :P:(