• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Copelandia cyanescens. Is commonly found about where I grew up often called blue meanies

Its all looking good gas! You're getting some nice pods coming through. From memory I think you have a lot of plants getting to flowering stage and this is just the start of the pod rush?

Pumpkins will take over the whole garden if you let them.

Want to see more pictures of the garden.
So name your top five "annuums" then Gas (taste wise) im all ears & keen to learn.


Geez Meez, that's actually a bit of a hard one! Despite the annuum taste being my favourite, I really haven't grown too many of 'em. I guess, a few stand outs for me (in no particular order):

Jimmy Nardello. Fantastic flavour but lacking in the heat dept. The only heat I detected from 'em was a very slight tingling on the, uh, old boy when I went to the you-know-where after cutting some up.

Unknown Jalapeno. Bought some from the organic markets a couple years ago that had an awesome sweetish flavour but were still blistering hot. The only thing wrong with 'em was that they were very small. Despite that, I would definitely grow 'em again if I could just find the seeds I saved!

Guntur Sannam. Not all that on their own but dried or powdered and added to Indian curries, they add a fantastic flavour!

Pimientos de Padron. Yep, you guessed it, done the traditional Spanish tapas way (green pods fried in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt).

I dunno... too many more I have to try!

cgn 21566...THSC? That is a sexy lady indeed.

She's got style, she's got grace, She's a winner. She's a lady. Whoa whoa whoa, she's a lady......

THSC? I'm not sure I follow?

Obtained seeds from semillas.de.

We have to give these a real name, ive got a GCN growing away (forget the number) but its just not sexy when they have a mere number, its like naming your girlfriend Dorris #21566 just not the same as a real name, handy mind you but not sexy.


ahaha. Good point! But who the heck names their girlfriend?? :rofl:

Very beautiful looking CGN 21566, looks exactly the same as mine Curious what you think about the flavor, the heat was just to high for me at this moment to really notice any flavor besides the smokey aftertaste

Got a nice ripe one I am going to munch later. :D Will let you know what I think.

Copelandia cyanescens. Is commonly found about where I grew up often called blue meanies


Crazy Trips... that's not a pumpkin, it's a mushroom. :crazy: :P

Its all looking good gas! You're getting some nice pods coming through. From memory I think you have a lot of plants getting to flowering stage and this is just the start of the pod rush?

Pumpkins will take over the whole garden if you let them.

Want to see more pictures of the garden.

First wave of pod rush. :D Just wish fruit fly would bugger off so I could enjoy subsequent pod rushes. :(

Aye, pumpkins are crazy and they do what they want! One of the vines has actually grown behind the shed and has come out the other side.

Not much else to see in the garden. ;)

Looking great, Gassy. Pods coming together for you. Sucks about the fruit flies. Also a fan of the CGN.

Thanks Doc.

http://www.pvamu.edu...us (Banks, 1904)%20(Acari%20Tarsonemidae).pdf

Gassy wrap your eyes on this ... liquid sulphur looks and canola oil look like the best organic controls

Cheers for the read, Trips! I've used and had success with liquid sulfur before. Odd thing is, the last time I used it, it didn't work. I'm wondering though if it's just a case of the stuff getting old or maybe I mixed it too weak that particular time or whatever. The other thing is, I'm not too keen on using it this time of the year. It can really kick your plants around in the heat/sun. And canola oil? Let's just say I'm not too keen on using that in this heat/sun either...... ;)

Abamectin seems to pop up fairly often in broad mite lit as being rather effective. Might have to lay down and say queequeg is probably onto something there. Still, I won't use chemicals anymore, regardless of their effectiveness, for plenty of other reasons.

ATM though, I'm not spraying anything full-stop. The second release of Californicus has been overall effective. They haven't taken out the broad mite completely but they do appear to be keeping the population down considerably. My garden is looking the best it ever has at this time of the year (due to the usual slaughtering by the broad mite). Half of my plants--or more even--don't even appear to be touched by broad mite at all.

I must say, considering what I've dealt with in the past, I'm happy ATM with the level of control Californicus are providing. And the best part is, apart from the actual release of the Californicus, the control is effortless. :D I'm willing to have to periodically release more every few months if this keeps up.

Now. To just get on top of these friggin' fruit fly.... >.<
Very beautiful looking CGN 21566, looks exactly the same as mine :) Curious what you think about the flavor, the heat was just to high for me at this moment to really notice any flavor besides the smokey aftertaste :lol:

Holy guacamole! Does the full burn hit instantaneously from yours?? The second I bit down on it... BOOM! Never had that happen quite like that before. (If this thing did have a normal name, it would be something like Hornet, Meez!)

It was hard to catch any flavour at first with the instant hit (I see what you mean :lol:) but eventually I had this orangey, citrusy taste come through. Maybe a little bitter while the fire was raging, but the aftertaste... smooth and definitely smokey. Very pleasant.

Hmmm... about 10 mins after now, a slight bitter taste has returned. That's a shame.
Pods are looking great. Love the "ghost face."

I read somewhere that you can put dishes of apple cider vinegar mixed with some dish soap out. The adult fruit flies are apparently drawn to it and drown. Wouldn't eliminate the problem, but might help control numbers. Good luck.
Holy guacamole! Does the full burn hit instantaneously from yours?? The second I bit down on it... BOOM! Never had that happen quite like that before. (If this thing did have a normal name, it would be something like Hornet, Meez!)

It was hard to catch any flavour at first with the instant hit (I see what you mean :lol:) but eventually I had this orangey, citrusy taste come through. Maybe a little bitter while the fire was raging, but the aftertaste... smooth and definitely smokey. Very pleasant.

Hmmm... about 10 mins after now, a slight bitter taste has returned. That's a shame.

Yes, it did sir :lol: I couldn't get the orangey, citrusy taste because my mouth was burning :hot: The aftertaste was to smokey for my taste. Nonetheless it's an beautiful variety on it's own, very interesting to cross with a different variety that's more fruity to enhance the flavor profile but keeping the foliage/color.
Some plantage...

Bombay Morich


Bonda ma Jacques. It's hard to imagine this girl was close to death at the end of last season!


TS ButchT. Mini-monster. It's like it wants to get REALLY big but it's holding back for some reason.




CAP 1035


Snow White




Aji Lemon x NOT Dorset F1


Rooster Spur


NuMex Halloween


Thanks for looking! :dance:

Pods are looking great. Love the "ghost face."

I read somewhere that you can put dishes of apple cider vinegar mixed with some dish soap out. The adult fruit flies are apparently drawn to it and drown. Wouldn't eliminate the problem, but might help control numbers. Good luck.

Thanks for the tip, Doc! It's definitely worth a shot. Agreed it won't eliminate the problem, but anything is better than nothing.

Yes, it did sir :lol: I couldn't get the orangey, citrusy taste because my mouth was burning :hot: The aftertaste was to smokey for my taste. Nonetheless it's an beautiful variety on it's own, very interesting to cross with a different variety that's more fruity to enhance the flavor profile but keeping the foliage/color.

Already on the crossbreeding thing. ;) As well as the taste and colour, I'm hoping the plant's structure gets passed on also.

I had a great idea for these things today. Mud cake with a chilli and cherry sauce. :drooling: They would be perfect to use in the sauce I reckon!
And a few more pics before I hit the sack...

Pimenta da Neyde


It's hard to get a good photo of this plant! Photos don't do it any justice. Looks much better for real.


Pitanga. Nothing special (and a bit sickly)... but I really like the plant.


Not sure what type of Bhuts these are but they are seriously kicking my ass! Munched one earlier and had hiccups for like 10 mins! :mouthonfire:

All looks fantastic, but I'm loving the Ninjas! Never heard of them before. Any info on their background?

Thanks Doc. They are just the CGN 21566.

(And now that you know that information, it's best that you lay low... and maybe avoid fish heads for awhile. :lol:)

I'm forever seeing faces in my pods... I must have a bit of a wild imagination or something.

killer photo shots Gassy...

Thanks Portuge!
Nice Bhut... Neydes are turning out nice. I didn't see that many pods on the ones I grew...

Thanks Charles. Yes, it's really going off in it's second year. Although it didn't do too badly in it's first year either--mites and fruit fly just stuffed it up a bit back then is all. It seems to really love the heat and sun here.
Very nice gassy my boy. That pimenta de neyde is going very nicely

Thanks trippy boy! Is it your PDN that doesn't like the heat? I can't believe that... mine is really lapping it up! :P

I wonder if the environment they were grown in previously has anything to do with it. Where did you source yours? I got mine from Nova... which I believe he got from Neil. (Moo the bum sent me some too but they never germed. :P j/k Moo... I appreciate it! :))

Hmmm.... just noticed Neil is finally selling 'em!
Thanks trippy boy! Is it your PDN that doesn't like the heat? I can't believe that... mine is really lapping it up! :P

I wonder if the environment they were grown in previously has anything to do with it. Where did you source yours? I got mine from Nova... which I believe he got from Neil. (Moo the bum sent me some too but they never germed. :P j/k Moo... I appreciate it! :))

Hmmm.... just noticed Neil is finally selling 'em!

Yeah mine were potentially a different source as I got mine from JR although how many generations removed from novas I am not sure of. But its a possibility

Also who knows if it wasn't a combo of different factors and not just the heat one ...