• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Yeah mine were potentially a different source as I got mine from JR although how many generations removed from novas I am not sure of. But its a possibility

Ah, it is cooler down in the old state of Victoria... :think:

Also who knows if it wasn't a combo of different factors and not just the heat one ...

True! I hadn't even considered that.

On another note, are you getting these storms down there on the Goldy, Trips? Thankfully they haven't been bad where I am and my plants should be loving the lightningized rain. :D
Yeah we have been getting them but where I am we only have been getting some rain and thunder and lightening ... seems likdcitvhas been going over brizzy and up north more
Thanks trippy boy! Is it your PDN that doesn't like the heat? I can't believe that... mine is really lapping it up! :P

I wonder if the environment they were grown in previously has anything to do with it. Where did you source yours? I got mine from Nova... which I believe he got from Neil. (Moo the bum sent me some too but they never germed. :P j/k Moo... I appreciate it! :))

Hmmm.... just noticed Neil is finally selling 'em!

Did I send you PDN seeds ?? sounds like something I'd do. I have a terrible memory. :P I do know that I've had low germination rates from them. The single plant I have at the moment is from seed recently from JR. I got little to nothing from past seeds from a US vendor. By that I mean I may have gotten a hook or two but definitely didn't get any mature pods.

They are supposed to be a chinense annuum cross so obviously not too stable.

Mine is in a very hot position and is doing as well as others around it.
t was hard to catch any flavour at first with the instant hit (I see what you mean :lol:) but eventually I had this orangey, citrusy taste come through. Maybe a little bitter while the fire was raging, but the aftertaste... smooth and definitely smokey. Very pleasant.

Hmmm... about 10 mins after now, a slight bitter taste has returned. That's a shame.

Isn't that what beers' for?

Faces......all mine have faces..........(twilight zone theme echeos in the backround)

Say....podvert that I am....Ninja might like a little Ghost Face action ;);)!
TS Moruga... dimplies! :D


Yeah we have been getting them but where I am we only have been getting some rain and thunder and lightening ... seems likdcitvhas been going over brizzy and up north more

Was just talking to one of mates who lives close to Brissy, sounds like they copped a biggie yesterday morning.

And looks like we just missed another biggie here in Logan where I am. Passed out west. Ippy must have copped it.


Moving fast. Within 10 minutes...


Looks like it's going right over the CBD now.

Did I send you PDN seeds ?? sounds like something I'd do. I have a terrible memory. :P I do know that I've had low germination rates from them. The single plant I have at the moment is from seed recently from JR. I got little to nothing from past seeds from a US vendor. By that I mean I may have gotten a hook or two but definitely didn't get any mature pods.

They are supposed to be a chinense annuum cross so obviously not too stable.

Mine is in a very hot position and is doing as well as others around it.

"Sounds like something I'd do."

You make your giving nature sound like a bad thing. :P

The ones you sent me were from your US source.

Isn't that what beers' for?

Touché! :cheers:

Faces......all mine have faces..........(twilight zone theme echeos in the backround)

Say....podvert that I am....Ninja might like a little Ghost Face action ;) ;)!

The thing you gotta watch out for is when the faces start talking to you.... :scared:

What is this?? I run a clean operation here, you... you podvert! (OK, maybe things get just a little hot up in here from time to time with pollen and pistils and whatnot all over the shop. ;))
And hey! At least I'm not hearing the friggin' twilight zone playing when I see the faces....... :lol:

uhmm, well you should maybe get that checked then? :woohoo: ..They say its the second or third thing to go........ :drooling:

Tonight saw my last Primo ...dammit, those things have gotten meaner-the damn insides are all white(usually means your in for it in my experience), almost no placenta. :hell: ...down to one med 7Pot Yellow and a bag of habs I picked up in Galveston before we came back out. Hopefully next year will have tote'n bag of little yellow Ghost faces around! ;)
Bird Sings Why The Caged I Know...


Tweet, tweet.

Must have gotten into them mushies for dinner again. :D

Tonight saw my last Primo ...dammit, those things have gotten meaner-the damn insides are all white(usually means your in for it in my experience), almost no placenta. :hell: ...down to one med 7Pot Yellow and a bag of habs I picked up in Galveston before we came back out. Hopefully next year will have tote'n bag of little yellow Ghost faces around! ;)

Yikes! Somebody get this man pods... stat!
Ya know those alien face peppers look like the orange habs i see in the stores.... But hey thats a cool pepper you got there Gassy... Onto a earlier post sorry to hear that none of your Lances popped...
Ya know those alien face peppers look like the orange habs i see in the stores.... But hey thats a cool pepper you got there Gassy... Onto a earlier post sorry to hear that none of your Lances popped...

The ones in my last post? They do look like O Habs, don't they? Those ones are actually Datil x Limon... and they taste MUCH better than O Habs, let me tell you! ;) If they had a name, it would be "Fooled You O Hab... We Actually Taste Good!" :D (Don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I can't stand O Habs! :sick: :lol:)

It is a shame about the Lancies, I was really looking forward to seeing one. Oh well... at least I got a Tovarii going. That will give me my fix for the highly unique for now. And I do actually have a couple Lancie seeds left so I'm going to give it one more shot. Third time lucky is what they say! ;)
It's gonna be a night of firsts tonight.... :D

Doogie! It's a small 'un but I'll take it!


Rocoto Aji Largo. Been trying for years to finally taste a pube!


Aji Lemon x NOT Dorset F1. Just tried this one before. Surprisingly it has kept the Aji Lemon aroma and taste--albeit a little bit bitter.


And probably starting to get a bit repetitive here while I wait for the second wave of plants to catch up, but just some random shots....

Bhut Jolokia (unknown strain)


Whatever they are, they have a fantastic taste and a ripper of a burn.

Bonda ma Jacques






More crazy mushrooms popping up wherever they please...




Thanks for looking! :dance:
Awesome gas ... going off. Loving the bondas ... one of my all time favourites

Can you believe I have still yet to try them? The plant did so poorly last season and I never saw a ripe pod. I can't believe it's even the same plant!

Shouldn't be long now though. :D

A few more random shots before I hit the sack....



Purple Summer F1


Super spikey Bhut


Cheiro (not) White


Yellow Wasps


Thanks for looking! :dance:

First Limon ripening... :D


Nice shots, Blondie should be delicious as well :)



Thanks Dat!

I'm really looking forward to trying Blondie.

There are some amazing pod shots I love the spiky bhut. How is the flavor on Cheiro (not) White? Great looking plants Gassy

Thanks Socal!

Let's just say, the Cheiro White flavour is not my thing. It was a disappointment really. First it turns out to be yellow (not white!) and then it ends up not tasting all that good either (at least to my tastes).
Oh, hell, alright , I'm gonna order some cgn 21566?-or whatever those are..the ones that need a slutty name;)!

If you hold on for a couple weeks, I can dry some seeds and send 'em over if you want? Only thing is, they are not isolated and the bees have been pretty busy this year.