• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Ahh. Big max is a nice variety. Don't be afraid of the AG! Once you try it you're hooked. Like crack. Pumpkin crack, but if your pumpkin cracks that's no good. You know how to estimate weight on kins? 
Big max makes for medium sized orange pumpkins. I would probably estimate your pumpkin at 100-150 pounds. Looks great and already has a nice color to it. Still sort of shiny so I would say it's got a couple weeks of growth left. 
I have been slacking in keeping this updated mainly because of life LOL. Anyways...
My sunflower had a nice bloom for about a month then all the petals dropped, the head got heavy etc... All signs of it being done. I let it sit there to mature seeds for next year. I got about 75 good solid seeds. About 1000 others are probably not viable. It's a grey stripe but obviously didn't get big. Only about 4 feet (1.2m) in height with a 5 inch (12.7cm) flower head. Nice little flower and would be great for the front yard. Mind you it is in the same gene pool with some megas! I am sure with better soil and less stress it would explode. I am going to keep around 20 seeds, the rest I want to spread around so I may make an ad. Anyways this is "my strain" of sunflower so there is a certain pride in that. I use the term "my strain" loosely because it really isn't really mine. I just happened to get a strange genetic mishap and viola. Anyways there will be 4 seeds in a packet, I can't guarantee they will all germinate but I did test a few and all have germed. If anyone here wants any in this thread I will send them for free. That's about it for the sunflower. 
My 4.5 Evans was sort of slow going. I have it in a big pot now and it's going wild. I would post a picture but the camera broke on my tablet. It has all sorts of buds. No mega blooms as far as I can tell. Just some huge single blooms so I think I will pollinate those. We'll see how it goes. That's all for now!
I need your opinion David...

Here are a couple huge single blooms, I think they are singles because of the stem size. Sort of looks like a regular tom.


Now here is an interesting one, I think this may be a fused or a mega. The stem size looks like 3 flowers smashed into one. And the actual flower is rounder than those big singles.

What do you think? Is it a mega? Should I wait and see what the single blooms do?
certainly looks bigger than the others, but from the photos I can't tell if its several flowers fused together, looks like it might be atleast a double.  I'd pollinate it and keep your eye on what else pops up.  Every once in a while you get a mega mega bloom and there will be no question if its the one.  Also once the doubles and triples open up it will be easy to see by looking inside what it is.
Sorry the pics are blurry. It is hard to tell just looking at it. It certainly looks a lot different than the other two. I am going to keep all just to see what happens. If it's a mega or fused I'll cull the others. Might be easier to tell the bigger the flower gets.
Alright well one of the singles opened. It's a huge flower but easy to tell what is what. I have another one of those big ones that I missed, it's about the same size. The first one is bigger and it appears to be at least a double. There is no doubt in my mind that it is. We'll have to see when it opens though. 
EDIT: I finally found a picture of the tomato, 4.5 Evans 2013...
Well, the single bloom, opened and I got it pollinated. The tomato is still small, but I can tell it will be huge. The shape is fantastic, it just looks gnarly. It is not messing around that's for sure. I'll try to snap a picture once it's bigger.

Anyone got some pumpkin updates?
I've selected my seeds for this season and got them going.  Just need to organise a few more things in the backyard for a bigger better hydroponic setup.
So here are the megas. Quite apparent they are megas. I am so surprised how fast I got them. David, can you give me some pointers on how to pollinate?

First is a triple I believe.

Second one I can't really tell, I think it's a double fused.
those do look big!!!! Nice!!
With the really big flowers it can take more pollen from other flowers to get a proper pollination.  I went around with and electric tooth brush and vibrated the pollen off several flowers and collected it into a dark colour bowl or bit of paper or anything dark...just so you can see the pollen.  Then I got a very fine paint brush and dabbed the pollen onto the mega bloom.
Simple enough. Those are the only two that are open right now, nice problem to have eh? I went and just tapped the stem, not sure if it works but my single that I am sure was pollinated was done the same way. I will try your method in the coming days... The second one is probably the craziest looking, either way I can't wait to get them going they sure will be massive!
Gunna bomb with a little update... So I was looking at some other growers techniques of pollinating. I found that yours was common but I also found that they will actually take off the anthers and tap the pollen free. That way you get more pollen. Anyways I tried that I got a bunch of pollen, took a q-tip and dabbed the pollen on the stigma. Hopefully that does it, I feel a lot better knowing that I was the one that put the pollen on the flower. I will post updates soon when I see some growth. This is going to be fun!
Well this past week I got a couple awesome surprises in the mail... A huge box of pods from Randy, and giant sunflower seeds from bigtim on the pumpkin forum. I am pretty excited about both... The sunflower seeds are some of the biggest I have ever seen, a few are about as big as my thumb nail. These seeds come from Tim's sunflower, it grew just short of 14 feet with a 22inch head, it's selfed. He sent around 50 seeds, so obviously I gotta start growing em now LOL! I probably shouldn't but I want to see how they can handle our mild winters. I started one seed on Thursday and it's already got a root, I came up with a method similar to pumpkins for starting them. It seems to work. We'll see how it goes, I doubt I'll get a flower head but who knows? 
My peach bhut is doing good, I've been looking through pictures and it's amazing how much it has grown. I've been giving it some higher P because flowers we're falling off, couple weeks in of doing that and I've got at least 30-40 flowers now. Hopefully they will stay. 
Anyways, I will make sure to post progress of the sunflower...
No one is really. They are having such bad weather over there. Some big tropical storm that I figure has something to do with it. Just a crazy year no one is having much luck with pumpkins. 
When does your season start Dave?
Its the first day of spring tomorrow!!  So I guess tomorrow is when it really starts, but I have a rahe pumpkin planted out front in soil, this is really for flowers to pollinate my main plant, which will be the 978 Geyelin.
That has sprouted but its inside waiting to get its real leaves out so I know which way to plant it.   
I've got a better system organised for this season.  I'm going to get the vine buried hydroponically so I can get all the secondary roots.  This year I'm aiming for 200kg or more...440lbs.  