• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Isn't Geyelin one of the parents of Rahe? Either way I am jealous of you haha. Seems like your season just ended a couple weeks ago. Very nice. You going to try tomatoes again?
There are Geyelin genes in the Rahe 823 but its not the Geyelin 978 I've got growing now.
Yes I'm going to grow a soil giant Tomato and a hydroponic giant tomato, This year I'll be putting netting over both to avoid the grubs that chew them out.  I'm sure I can beat 1.2kg.
I think the key will be stopping those worms. I hope I get a nice tom this year. I need seeds for next year...
My soil grown tomato is one of the greenest I have seen, be interesting to see how yours do in hydro. I may go with the 2.87lbs Knox next year. I just saw that masterp on the pumpkin forum harvested his toms, he holds the world record. He came sooo close this year at 8 pounds exactly. 
Was gone for the weekend and found this. Gunna have to start thinking about a support.
Sorry if I am posting too many pictures, trying to document the growth. I just took this picture, it is currently 7:00 MST. She is looking bigger. Still not sure of days after pollination since I was gone. Might be close to 10 days.
I look forward to it!

Yeah I hope it puts on some nice growth soon, it seems too hot during the day though so most growth is happening at night hence the small changes. Weather is cooling down a bit so I should be seeing some nice changes in a couple weeks. It does get cold here until about February so she still has a nice while to grow. I am in love with the shape, very cool looking. Hoping to get some seeds for next year.

14 hours from the last picture...
It's funny, it seems to put on growth in sections. Any idea why it seems to be growing so slow? I look at other pictures and they seem to be much bigger. I guess time will tell.
Edit: I just calculated it's at 6 days DAP. She is still very young and I just need to be patient, man I am so hooked on these toms!
You are probably right I was talking with another grower who said the same. For now I will just enjoy it.

My cousin who is a wildland firefighter is off for the year, stopped by to visit, he took one look at my tomato plant and wanted to grow one himself. I gave him 3 seeds of a 2.87 European variety, not sure of the name. Pictures in the morning.


Stem the fruit is on is starting to get heavy I may need to tie it up soon.

EDIT: It wasn't heavy, the branch holding the tom broke. Do you think it's over? I tapped it up hoping to keep it alive. Ugh
they can bend and kind of break and keep going, but its probably not optimal,  keep your eye on it.  You'll know really soon if its not ok.
It seems to be doing okay. Nothing is drooping or looking dead yet. I am talking with a grower who is going to send me seeds after his weigh off. He said his did that and he tied it up and it kept going. We will soon see. Here is a picture of the break, it is more like a split.
I have seen it in pumpkins for sure! I tied it up and have everything supported now, I can't take any chances. On a different note would you care to see circumference and diameter measurements each day? I have been keeping track ever since it started. Might be faster than taking and posting pictures.