• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Yesterday measurement; 6 inch circumference (15.24cm) 
Today; 6-1/2 inch circumference (16.51cm)
I will start posting those with pictures, nothing is noticeable until you measure it seems. 

Just in love with it's oddness...
looking good!
my pumpkin isn't going very well.   New growth is slow and maybe deformed.  I'm not sure if I planted too early and the nights were too cold or if its the new nutrients I'm using.  I've sprouted another pumpkin to try with those nutrients in the same tub, that should open in a day or two.   I feel like I've lost a few weeks!  was trying to get going as early as possible, but it doesn't seem to be working out.
If the new pumpkin has strange growth I'm going back to the hydroponic shop to crack some heads.  And then I'll be buying the nutrients I normally use.   What I bought was the stuff they make in house....I was sceptical to begin with, but the guy told me their customers tell them its better than the stuff they usually buy, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
There could be a number of things. I wouldn't know about hydro nutes since I don't dabble. Look forward to seeing some pictures!
Circumference today is- 8.5 inches (21.59cm)
Had to add a new support for the branch, it's getting pretty heavy. 
Ordered some new stuff for next year and I can't wait to reveal what those are! 
The tomato is starting to pick up steam. Went from doing half an inch (1cm), to putting on about an inch (2.5cm) everyday.

It's at 10 inches circumference (25.4cm) as of today.


Next pic is the underside. I like the "catfacing".
Heavy tomato seeds for next year...

From a 6 fused.

Just wanted to show you my set up as of now. I use the cloth to keep it cool, I soak the cloth and just cover it as you can see.




I did some heavy pruning, I cut the branches that were below the branch the tomato is on. Now the tomato branch is coming right up the middle so I am hoping all of the energy is being focused on the tomato. As you can see from it's size, I think it's working, circumference is now 11in (27.94cm). If my calculations and the charts are correct that's about 1 pound give or take.
Awesome! I wish I could grow them. Just not enough room. I have some giant watermelon seeds so maybe I'll give those a go next year. They don't take up an awful lot of space like pumpkins.

Can't wait to see how she goes man!
So I thought I would share this neat little formula for tomato weights. I found this on a website that deals with these giants, I think they do judging at exhibition shows.

First take a circumference measurement from stem end to blossom end. This has to be in cm or it won't work. We will call that one cc1.

Then take another circumference measurement, the same as above, except angle it to the side of the tomato keep that measurement. We call that cc2. That was hard to explain... :D

Lastly, take a circumference measurement around the tomato, horizontally if you can picture that. Calling that cc3.

Here is the math part, for cc1, 2 and 3 enter you measurements there. The little star thingy means multiplication.



(Example for mine); 0.016887*29.2*26.6*31.7=415

When you get your answer don't worry about the decimals you only need what's in front of it. You only need one number behind the decimal for your measurements you plug in.

Take the answer you got and multiply it by .90 for a green tomato and .95 for a red tomato.

(Example of mine); 415*.90=373.5

The answer you get there is weight in grams, you can then covert that to kg or pounds.

I got 0 lbs 13 oz. One pound is 16 ounces so it's about 3 ounces short of a pound. Now this is just an estimation, but should be close within a couple grams. Hope you enjoyed this very boring math lesson. Lol.
I tried it out on a ripe tomato from the store. I then used a kitchen scale and it was only off by two grams. So it's fairly accurate. The more bumps and crevices it has the less accurate this estimation will be.
Gotta spam again before I am gone for the weekend. Hard to believe it was the size of a golfball two weeks ago. Go to the September 17th entry to compare with today's pictures. Also it hit the one pound mark today!


Well I went to an exhibition show to see what categories I will enter next year. So I will be entering giant tomatoes, the ones they had there were less than a pound. Heaviest Bell Pepper, and exhibition onions. I ordered those seeds almost three weeks ago should be here by the end of this week. I may enter a giant watermelon, it just depends on how things pan out. If I can't get any of the melon seeds to germinate I will be growing a pumpkin next year, this time in a larger patch.
Super David said:
Less than a pound! You could win that!!!
I've already won and it's still growing haha! About two ounces everyday. Or 1 pound every 8 days. If I get a couple plants going next year, and pot them up early should be easy to break a couple pounds. I was really disappointed in the show this year, better than last year though. Maybe if I enter a few people will catch on and I'll have some good competition. A few placed first because they were the only one... also, add sunflower to the list definitely growing one or two of those. There is something wrong with us gardeners, planning next year's garden before the year is over.

Side note I had to bring in the tomato plant. Got too cold while I was gone. It was an ordeal trying to get that inside, had to have someone hold the branch up because it nearly snapped from the weight. Makes me think it might be heavier than a pound. Anyways it's inside in a sun room, it continues to grow so maybe I can keep it going a bit longer.
It looks like it would be over a pound! My first giant tomato only made it to the size of my fist and that was heavier than a pound.