• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

I used a few and they all opened that morning.
I'll get this next one pollinated and keep my eye on the original. I wont cut it off until I know for sure its not going to make it.
Got some Pumpkin Power fertilizer ordered and on the way. This stuff is in granular form and it is a 9-3-4 perfect to get a growth burst. I will be using that stuff once every 3 months. Wasn't that expensive for a 1 pound box. New growth on my Big Moon, broken leaf as well which is fun. 80 degree weather this whole week, and a shipment of worms incoming so fun fun. 
I dare say you might be able to use it more than every 3 months? Pumpkins are very hungry plants!
Nice work though! sounds like your all set up! Have you put the pumpkins in the ground?
Regular atlantic taping at 127 inches and 49lbs.  11 inches in two days, I also need to top up the nutrients every couple of days, I should have done that 12 hours ago, it might have had a couple more inches if I did.

First Rahe Polllination no good, first went dull and then started going soft, I've cut it off.

This is the open pollinated Rahe.  I think this was pollinated on the 6th March
It is slowly but surely moving along.

This is the one I pollinated yesterday morning 9th March.   I will Pollinate another one this morning.

Of course you can, I'm a rebel I do what I want :P, ᵃᶰᵈ ˢᵒ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵘᵐᵖᵏᶦᶰˢ,  in the mean time I've got them on a product I've heard works miracles on giant pumpkins, but am not proud of it but some of the giant growers are. LOL.
Not in the ground yet I'm waiting to get a fence up. I set them outside for a few hours and the neighbors puppy was trying to eat it! 
Second Rahe looks as big if not bigger than the first! Wow! My Rahe seeds should be here soon if he sent them out Saturday. Still awesome shape on the Atlantic. Hopefully it goes heavy, round and orange! 
Ooo glad you got em. Hopefully they aren't crushed. Enjoy, they are awesome and will be a BIG part of your life this year LOL. Big Moon is one of my fastest growers so far. 
Great. Make sure you sand the edges, it helped me a bunch so I didn't have weird or damaged leaves. Pretty fast growers, but like I found out from David, they are hungry and will need a regular and sometimes excessive feeding program. Post pics when they come up!
Went to sand them and the sides cracked ,so I chipped off the edge a bit with finger nail. I read to soak them for 2 hrs in warm water. Yes or no??
I never soaked mine but I hear that is the only way some growers do it.  It won't hurt anything. 
Don't worry about the crack as long as the green stuff inside isn't damaged it's fine. Just lightly sand it, it doesn't have to be all the way through, just enough to weaken the shell a bit so some water gets through. 
Depends on when you think it's warm enough to plant. You want night temps to be at least 50 before plants can be put in the ground. If not, cover or put in a greenhouse. For pot size I have mine in 1 gallon pots, I put plastic bags in the pot so I can pull the plants without giving them transplant shock. Pumpkins don't like being transplanted. 
For you guys growing in soil, make sure you bury your vine.  Every time you see these white bits come out of the vine, its a new set of roots.  The more roots...the bigger the pumpkin.

This is what I rigged up for my hydro Rahe Vine, the bottom of the small pot has been cut out.  I just needed something to bridge the gap to the vine.   You guys wont have to worry about such things, you'll be able to just throw soil on top.
I must say, that is one good looking plant! 
Got my red worms today! Now they can start making worm castings and I can start harvesting castings! Pumpkins heard about it and started to grow more...


You might notice something different. I had some bad leaf damage yesterday. I had to remove the best looking leaf on my Atlantic. New growth though!