• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Looks like I am already registered with that site... Don't know why I haven't looked into seed exchange. Very cool crosses there, desirable ones too! Can't believe people do that! I guess I shouldn't be surprised lol.  Someone has Clementz/Wallace which are two of the best growers out there. 
About the pumpkin it does look kinda odd for some reason, I don't know what it is though. I would have to see a picture of the Rahe when older. 
socalgardengal said:
This subject just amazes me... I just traded
My Dills Atlantic seed 2 months ago...wish I didn't now. There's always next year :)
I'm sure you could have some seeds at your door step in a few days! 
Join the fun!
These big pumpkins amaze me too! and the amount of detail and effort that goes into the growing of these things are amazing!
For example! check out the full family tree of the seeds I got from Ron Rahe.  I almost know more about the history of this pumpkin than I do of my own family.
Ron's pumpkins have great history that is why I want dem! Anyways I looked around and found his email. I sent him one asking if he had anything and made mention of your name David. Be awesome if I can get a hold of those. 
I have heard it's an old wives tale about the milk. It really does nothing to the plant. Right now I am giving them compost tea. They germinate pretty fast, and being in San Diego you are fine. They are fast growers, so all you need is a bit of room. 
As soon as the seed goes in the dirt it's an addiction. Soon you find yourself talking to plant. I'm sure in David's case it's talking to the pumpkin :P
Its weird! I find myself going outside all the time just to look at it, I keep it covered like a baby and I worry about them way more than I should.  There is something funny about growing big pumpkins
ThePepperTrent said:
I find it taking over my conversations. Sad :D
haha yeah tell me about it! or maybe dont!
I'm the same way, I'm sure everyone I know is atleast a little sick of hearing about pumpkins.   I must say though...since its my second attempt this season I'm a little more quiet about it.  
YAY! Ron is sending me the Rahe, no charge! By the way David he wants you to email him about how yours is going. uncron1@hotmail.com
Someone is also sending a very sought after seed for no charge as well. It's a 2009Wallace x 1789Wallace
Super David said:
found some damage on the main vine.  Never had this before, not sure how its happened.  The vine didn't bend and I know its not too hot.
It does actually look bent, if it wasn't for the crates I would swear it was a classic case of wind damage. It might not be your fault, but might there be critters like raccoons or cats in your yard? They tend to bas through your growth, scavenging for vermin and bugs. They are not known for their respect for pumpkins.
Yeah could be those raccoons! :)

Plants looking good from both of you. Can't wait to see this pumpkin and have a debate about how to move it lol
ThePepperTrent said:
YAY! Ron is sending me the Rahe, no charge! By the way David he wants you to email him about how yours is going. uncron1@hotmail.com
Someone is also sending a very sought after seed for no charge as well. It's a 2009Wallace x 1789Wallace
Nice! Wow that Wallace seed sounds very good!!

I'll send him an email soon! I'll see if I can get some size on the Rahe first
socalgardengal, yes pretty much I think its about 2 months now, these pumpkins are crazily fast! Especially in hydroponics!
Pfeffer said:
It does actually look bent, if it wasn't for the crates I would swear it was a classic case of wind damage. It might not be your fault, but might there be critters like raccoons or cats in your yard? They tend to bas through your growth, scavenging for vermin and bugs. They are not known for their respect for pumpkins.
We dont have racoons in Western Australia, no cats in the back yard either.  I do have Greyhounds (which explains no cats) but they have no interest in such things.  The milk crates keep them high off the ground.  I've had rats in the past but they usually chew the pumpkins, not the vines.
Even with bent and kinked vines the vine still grows, this part of the vine that is damaged has gone almost paper thin like something has eaten it from the inside or maybe rotting.  I've marked on the vine where it starts and ends and it doesn't seem to be spreading, and the end of the vine is actually still alive.
Ah, didn't see the western Australia part. Now I'm thinking about terror wombats : -)

When bent I had plants snap or twist, but still growing. During warmer weather they However got thin soft spots like these. If you need to amputate it, just open it up with a sharp knife to check your bug theory. You might be right, in that case you'll know if it happens again.