• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Gibberillic Acid

it is so difficult to decide what ferts to use or if I shoul use GA3. I want healthy plants that produce alot of pods so I just don't know what to do. I have some chile focus that i will have today so I guess I will stick with that.
why does everything have to be do difficult?? LOL.
It doesn't have to be difficult chilihead, you're making it so. From what I've read Chili Focus is a pretty good product and your decision to go with that is fine. All you need to do is stop second guessing yourself.

New things come along all the time and a few will always jump on the bandwagon and try to convince everyone else that what they're doing is the best. Most of them are looking for validation of their decisions. What usually happens is the new miracle growth garbage is just that and folks will go back to what they know works.

If you're really bugged about missing out on the new craze buy it and test it on a plant or two. Don't make any decisions until the season is over though. Don't count growth and leaves, count peppers.

Good luck.
From your before and after pics it looks like that hormone causes the stem to grow quickly, stretching the distance between leaf nodes and giving the plant a very leggy appearance. If you're after a tall lanky plant it looks like just the ticket, but from what I see I wouldn't expect it to improve pod production and in my book pod production is the name of the game. You seem to be having fun playing with it though, so more power to ya. :)

they do grow a bit lanky at first but that's why I also use BA6 and IAA....(branching/thickening and root production)...
I dunno, wayright should I be giving away ALL the secrets??
I agree. I do make if difficult. Probably due to inexperience in pepper growing. I may do an experiement w/chile focus and with MG or fish emulsion to see which performs better. I'm sure I probably over do it at times. GA 3 seems to be good but also seems difficult to get.
EDIT FROM MY LAST POST: That was a joke. I obviously know the real secrets are knowing how to produce massive plants with little more than sun earth and water......just didn't want to start a debate.
New things come along all the time and a few will always jump on the bandwagon and try to convince everyone else that what they're doing is the best. Most of them are looking for validation of their decisions. What usually happens is the new miracle growth garbage is just that and folks will go back to what they know works.

If you're really bugged about missing out on the new craze buy it and test it on a plant or two. Don't make any decisions until the season is over though. Don't count growth and leaves, count peppers.

Good luck.
All I can say to that is WOW,I guess I'll stop trying to convince yall to try this brand new craze!
Sorry I don't have any pics for before and after, but I'm on call at the hospital and haven't had time. Also, I honestly didn't think that the stuff would work. I will say that my annums do have a leggy appearance with increased internodal distance, but man they have just shot up. I don't think that it's just "that time of year" either since I only sprayed some and not all of the plants and see a tremendous difference. Also the plants that I sprayed are indoors in a controlled environment. I can't comment on how well they'll produce obviously, but for some reason I have a nice warm and fuzzy feeling just seeing them doing something. i will say that the legginess seems to be more prominent in the annums. The chinense species have had great growth as well, but the internodal distance isn't as marked and they seem to be responding with more and better leaf production too. I also sprayed a bit on the plants I have outdoors, but it rained that night and I think it got washed off as I haven't seen much of a response. It could also be that the ones indoors were only 5-6 inch seedling versus the 18 inch plants I have outdoors. Maybe the seedlings just respond better since they are geared up for growth already.

All I can say is that it takes a lot to impress me and I was truly impressed. If nothing else, it seems like a good way to go from seedling to a hardened off plant in a shorter amount of time so that you could in theory get more plants outside. Just a thought from a newbie.

Just google the stuff and try it is all I can say. It cost me $15 for 5 grams which is way more than I could ever use in a season. I'm definitely a convert. I also use Rhizotonic root stimulator and have great root balls. Will try and keep updating as the season progresses.
All I can say to that is WOW,I guess I'll stop trying to convince yall to try this brand new craze!

Thats fine, the more for those that want to try it. I'll keep this thread subscription and post some pictures of the cardi's that got sprayed last night in a week or so. Maybe If the doubters just gave it ONE chance on ONE plant, they might have a slightly different opinion. But some are resistant to change...even if it interesting enough for them to open this thread and comment on it....:?:
Hey Dark,I dont really want the doubters to try it! I wish I was the only person that had it,never tried to convince a soul.I feel the hate from alot of posts on this thread alone.And this brand new craze has been utilized by US commercial farmers since the early 60's.I am in a very nice plant science forum and I will keep my comments on the subject restricted to there.
Some people have a closed mind there way, is best even if there plants do for sh.t GA3 works have used it for years. Most fruit farmers use it. I'm now using Sea weed extract has two natural Gabriellia acids and a whole lot of nutrients. enough said if you don't believe it will work DON"T use it.
Hey Dark,I dont really want the doubters to try it! I wish I was the only person that had it,never tried to convince a soul.I feel the hate from alot of posts on this thread alone.And this brand new craze has been utilized by US commercial farmers since the early 60's.I am in a very nice plant science forum and I will keep my comments on the subject restricted to there.

Please don't WayRight. I for one and obviously many others of us are very interested in it and have been piqued by your experiences with it. Nevermind the doubters or haters.
This is an interesting discussion. I never knew that a lot of US farmers are using this growth hormone on crops, and have been since the sixties. Thanks for that bit of trivia, will definitely be doing some more research on the subject.

As far as the debate goes, I like the steroids analogy. Kind of like baseball players and HGH, right? Except there there are no rules here and this isn't a competition where a level playing field is required. So to each their own.

I think the members that said they wouldn't use it weren't necessarily saying that it doesn't work, but that they would just prefer not to use it. Afterall, peppers, and a vast majority of other food crops, grew just fine on their own without any human intervention or extra hormones for thousands .. millions? .. of years before the agricultural revolution began.

Honestly, I can see pros and cons for both sides of the debate. Nobody is wrong here.
Not a hater at all gang, just expressing an opinion.

Since I'm not a commercial farmer I don't need to maximize product for a profit. The thing is one of the points of growing our own peppers and such is how much better they taste than what you can buy in the grocery store. If I'm going to use the same chemicals that the big farms use then it's going to taste like what's available at the store. Kind of defeats the point of growing my own.

If people want to use chemicals to grow bigger and more plentiful fruits and vegies that's no concern of mine. I do enjoy and appreciate it when everyone shares what they know and keeps the rest of us up to date on what's new and exciting.

Best of luck to all of you.
This is an interesting discussion. I never knew that a lot of US farmers are using this growth hormone on crops, and have been since the sixties. Thanks for that bit of trivia, will definitely be doing some more research on the subject.

As far as the debate goes, I like the steroids analogy. Kind of like baseball players and HGH, right? Except there there are no rules here and this isn't a competition where a level playing field is required. So to each their own.

I think the members that said they wouldn't use it weren't necessarily saying that it doesn't work, but that they would just prefer not to use it. Afterall, peppers, and a vast majority of other food crops, grew just fine on their own without any human intervention or extra hormones for thousands .. millions? .. of years before the agricultural revolution began.

Honestly, I can see pros and cons for both sides of the debate. Nobody is wrong here.

+1 EOM
Not a hater at all gang, just expressing an opinion.

Since I'm not a commercial farmer I don't need to maximize product for a profit. The thing is one of the points of growing our own peppers and such is how much better they taste than what you can buy in the grocery store. If I'm going to use the same chemicals that the big farms use then it's going to taste like what's available at the store. Kind of defeats the point of growing my own.

If people want to use chemicals to grow bigger and more plentiful fruits and vegies that's no concern of mine. I do enjoy and appreciate it when everyone shares what they know and keeps the rest of us up to date on what's new and exciting.

Best of luck to all of you.

+2 EOM