This is an interesting discussion. I never knew that a lot of US farmers are using this growth hormone on crops, and have been since the sixties. Thanks for that bit of trivia, will definitely be doing some more research on the subject.
As far as the debate goes, I like the steroids analogy. Kind of like baseball players and HGH, right? Except there there are no rules here and this isn't a competition where a level playing field is required. So to each their own.
I think the members that said they wouldn't use it weren't necessarily saying that it doesn't work, but that they would just prefer not to use it. Afterall, peppers, and a vast majority of other food crops, grew just fine on their own without any human intervention or extra hormones for thousands .. millions? .. of years before the agricultural revolution began.
Honestly, I can see pros and cons for both sides of the debate. Nobody is wrong here.