misc Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...

Just like the title says: what are some of the chiles you've grown where you've ended up getting just a stupid-huge amount of pods per plant.  My interest lies primarily with chinense varieties, but this being an internet forum, i think it might be valuable for other rookies to find out about just whichever varietis have produced a shitload of pods for fellow growers.
I've got seeds for Paper Lanterns and Congo Trinidads, which by most accounts give massive yields.  I'm curious about some others, though... and if you have pics or tales of productive peppers of any varieties, i'd love to find out about'm.
I'm glad i asked this question; already, i'm getting leads on chiles that weren't even on my radar.  Like, i'd heard that about Aji Pineapple, but i'd completely forgotten.  Others, like Peito de Moca, i hadn't even heard of!  I googled them and, wow, what an awesome drop-shaped pod....
Keep up the recommendations, y'all.  I'm new to homegrpwing, and i'm trying to pick varieties that'll help me look like i know what i'm doing,    :rolleyes: 



`Make sure you cage it, I didn't & the weight of fruit overwhelmed the branches!

Bicycle808 said:
.... how'd they taste?
You want a Peter S review too?

Sorry to disappoint! I've read many reviews with "fruity overtones" and "hints of chocolate"? I put anything in my mouth that hot and all I taste is ice pick stabs on my tongue! What I do is dry, break 'em up, put 'em in a spice grinder with dried garlic and grinder salt.
If I want to tickle my taste buds I'll delve into a nice single malt scotch. :cool:
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
You want a Peter S review too?

Sorry to disappoint! I've read many reviews with "fruity overtones" and "hints of chocolate"? I put anything in my mouth that hot and all I taste is ice pick stabs on my tongue! What I do is dry, break 'em up, put 'em in a spice grinder with dried garlic and grinder salt.
If I want to tickle my taste buds I'll delve into a nice single malt scotch. :cool:
Haha, i wasn't lookin' for an in-depth review-- a simple "they taste good" or "they're alright..." would've done me fine. :P
SavinaRed said:
Looks like this year will be my Bitdumis Rocoto its still throwing out flowers and pods in the ground.   :)
That's rad.... it's friggn' end of November!
LordHill said:
Red Savina Hab. First plant I've ever grown, it's wintering nicely, waiting for its 4th summer.. hundreds and hundreds of pods per year
I'd heard those were really heavy producers, and I really enjoyed the ones i've eaten. They're like the Cadillac of Habaneros, I guess.  I feel like growing those alongside Congo Trinidads might be a bit redundant, but I think I'd better try and rock'm in 2018... Multiple hundreds of pods per plants sounds pretty danged nice, though.
For what I've grown, the heaviest producers for me, in my climate are always Fatalii, hands down.  That's really a hard one to beat, and there are several heat and flavor profiles on them.
Aji lemon drop are massive producers, so are Beni Highland, and this year, the surprise that came good, with pods per pound was 7 Pot Burgundy.  It took forever to produce, but when it did, lots of gigantic pods.  Also, Fidalgo Roxa X Grao de Bode has more pods than leaves right now.
I've got a 7 Pot Bubblegum that will produce by the bushel, but to be fair, that plant is going on 3 years old, is actively growing all year round, and is about the size of a medium hedge.  I don't really know what it's potential is, because it got beat down by hurricane this year.