beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

The Mulberara read 1.035 ... in the pic it's touching the side, but I checked it visually to be 1.035 ...

The temperature correction for 35F on a 60F-scale hydrometer is an FG of 1.034 ...
The OG was every bit of 34.25P, or an SG of 1.150 ...
So with an OG of 1.150 and an FG of 1.034 ...
The Mulberara is an 15.25% ABV with 2x S-04 (AND FRIENDS, 2x WLP090) coming in at an apparent attenuation en masse of 75% ...
It looks like wine ... I mean, it really, REALLY looks like a wine ...
Also, there's a serious lack of finished beer on this one, much like Miyagi (probably only 2-2.5 gallons collected of the targeted 3 gallons after all of the yeast, nib, trub, hops etc) ...

A lot of shit precipatated out of this beer ...
There's also still yeast in suspension, so I'm sure the initial glasses will be full of it, since the kegs I used tonight has spears, not Clear Beer pick-up's ...
Anyways ...
Plugged them in on some 10-12 psi gas and will just let them coming up slowly so the Mulberara gets the little bubbles ... it's going to be a while before it's cleaned up, I can literally see that in the beer from lower in the fermenter ...
But the beginning of the transfer ... man, the beer looked plum like wine ... and smelled pretty good ... I didn't taste it, I returned the hydrometer jar sample because there was significant yeast in suspension ...
Which might actually mean it's a lower FG, actually, too ... but whatever ... it's kegged now ...
If it's good, I'll just drink it and not waste any ...
If it's not good, I'll degass a sample and check the FG again ...
6x beers on tap =)
So, the most useful thing I've figured out in the past couple of weeks, is to focus your attention when you drain-pour a beer ...
I've noticed more than once - now - that if you circle the edges of the bottom of the sink w/ the beer while pouring it out, that you can usually REALLY nail the flavor profile from all of the aromatics released while it fizzes in the bottom of the sink ...
The best case when pouring a beer out, is isolating what offended you in order to help steer clear of future instances ...
It's like the smell when you first open it, only more concentrated ...
grantmichaels said:
XXX - Mild

     6 lb  Crisp (UK) Pale 84%
  1/2 lb  CaraAroma 7%
  1/2 lb  CaraRed 7%
2.25 oz Carafa III Special 2%

Mash at 147F + 157F for ~10-11P

Boil 45 minutes, with .5 oz German Northern Brewer at 30 mins, and .5 oz at flame-out for ~17 IBU

Estimated OG ~13P

London ESB Ale (Wyeast 1968), no starter required, 63F (accidentally)
grantmichaels said:
Mulberara Un-Style
Yield: 3 gallons  More like 2-2.25 gallons.
Boil: 75 minutes
Efficiency: 55%
Est. OG: 31P  More like 34.25.
Est. ABV: 15%
SRM: 65
IBU's: 55
Grain Bill (Both Phases):
 10 lbs Simpsons Golden Promise Malt
   2 lb Munich Malt
   1 lb CaraMunich III Malt
   1 lb Flaked Oats
   1 lb Victory
   1 lb Briess Midnight Wheat (Whole)
7/8 lb Gambrinus Honey Malt
1/2 lb Roasted Barley (Whole)
1/2 lb Flaked Rye
    1x  WaffeBum's Sour-Apple Smoked Rocoto
Reiterated, Cyclical 147F and 152F mash using one half of the grist, try to get about two-thirds of the way to a pre-boil gravity of 26P I achieved 25P, and then exchange grist and mash the other half of the grain bill.
Boil for 75 mins.

1oz Columbus Leaf Hops (16.7%AA) at 60 mins.
With 15 mins remaining in the boil:
  1/2 pint Mulberry Preserves from HM01
  1-1/4 lb Demerara Sugar (15.5 oz)
     1/4 lb Cacao Nibs
       2 oz Dried Rose Hips
       1.5x Whirlfloc
3L/sec O2 for 60-90sec
Liberal Yeast Nutrient and Fermaid K
2x pkg Safale S-04 (also received a vial of WLP090 on day#2, and another vial on day#3)
slaying it ...
probably made a brew day possible on either monday or tuesday night, we'll see ...
i have to brew a saison, though, or otherwise I could try doing an US-05 ale at 6 psi out in the room ...
... or I could use the cool brewing bag for the initial days of ferm, to control the esters a bit, and then let it run it's course out in the room ...
decisions, decisions ...
has to be another beer built on british pale, though ... ugh.
That is some color on the Mulberara and ABV.

Just wait, lol ... lots o yeast in the jar, but when i was transferring i got to see what it looks where it's translucent ... looked like wine!
grantmichaels said:
Just wait, lol ... lots o yeast in the jar, but when i was transferring i got to see what it looks where it's translucent ... looked like wine!
07:44:08 You ever see Pliny The Elder beer out there?
07:44:13 yes
07:44:16 good stuff

07:44:31 nice.   Gonna need a favor
07:44:39 can only buy 2 at a time unless you go to the brewerey
07:44:54 you need some?

07:45:22 yeah...really want to try it...
07:45:44 ok
When your package arrives I am going to text him pics of how to properly package.  I would say we are in luck. 
tctenten said:
07:44:08 You ever see Pliny The Elder beer out there?
07:44:13 yes
07:44:16 good stuff

07:44:31 nice.   Gonna need a favor
07:44:39 can only buy 2 at a time unless you go to the brewerey
07:44:54 you need some?

07:45:22 yeah...really want to try it...
07:45:44 ok
When your package arrives I am going to text him pics of how to properly package.  I would say we are in luck. 
awesome ... really looking forward to trying it ...
it's been at least like 3-4 yrs now that I've been curious =)
tctenten said:
07:44:08 You ever see Pliny The Elder beer out there?
07:44:13 yes
07:44:16 good stuff

07:44:31 nice.   Gonna need a favor
07:44:39 can only buy 2 at a time unless you go to the brewerey
07:44:54 you need some?

07:45:22 yeah...really want to try it...
07:45:44 ok
When your package arrives I am going to text him pics of how to properly package.  I would say we are in luck. 
That's bad ass.
Ozzy2001 said:
Curious how good that step bit is as cheap as they have them.
Honestly, I think it's the same company as the one's I bought on Amazon ...
I bought this one to use as a back-up, in case the one I already have wears out prematurely ...
Ozzy2001 said:
I guess the one you have from Amazon works well?
Made it through the Weber kettle ...
The key to those bits are: 1) Slow-speed with pressure, and 2) drill-oil/lube ...
The other thing I learned doing the extra holes on the Weber, that it's worth having a smaller diameter step-bit with smaller increments, and then moving to the bigger one ...