beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

RocketMan said:
The guide that I've been reading on building the electric brewery says to use the step drill to make a hole just big enough to fit the shank of a punch through and then to use the punch to make the final hole. The punch does a better, more accurate job of it. They recommend using GreenLee Chassis or Radio punches like this:
Greenlee are great if you have to do it often, like electricians ...
Each one's like $40-50, I think, though ...
A step bit is $10-15 and does a bunch of sizes ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Those work really well. We use those to make holes for electric work. Sometimes you need an extra/bigger hole in a panel box.
I'm in a phase where I'm sampling everything while it changes ...
I'm finding that catching things moving day-to-day is helping me find them at all ...
Right now, I'm sipping on half-carb'd Mulberara ...
Tere's a little bit of something new, now, but I'd be hard-pressed to say that I can taste oak ...
And yet, while I can't pick out wood, it's tasting more than slightly Backwoods Bastard-y ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Doesn't look too bad. Mine had big chunks in it by the time I pitched lol.
That's with it on max speed! The vortex is 3" deep, but it's filled with krausen right now ...
None of my others have gotten to where it started to ferment while stirring ... and some of those were for 2-3 days ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Guess the count was higher than you or Wheebz thought.....or maybe you're making better starters now ;)
I'm concerned that it's because I was lazy and used the foam insert instead of foil and that it ran out of O2 and didn't bud as much as it should have, and switched into ferment mode ...
Guess we'll find out tomorrow ...
What time you brewing tomorrow? You could fridge it...get up early take it out let it warm up and give it a 1/4 cup DME and 3-400ml of water for a starter to get it going again.
Ozzy2001 said:
What time you brewing tomorrow? You could fridge it...get up early take it out let it warm up and give it a 1/4 cup DME and 3-400ml of water for a starter to get it going again.
That would work, too ...
I gave it a drop of Fermcap-S and now it's settled down considerably ...
It was starting to foam, is all ...
Yeah. I should have taken pics of mine. It was foamy and had chunks. It's a freaking madman yeast. It's been tearing through my IPA. I'm gonna take a reading tomorrow. I think it's about ready for the dry hop.

I know looking through older post on Wheebz's thread he said 007 was one of the most volatile yeast he's ever used.
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah. I should have taken pics of mine. It was foamy and had chunks. It's a freaking madman yeast. It's been tearing through my IPA. I'm gonna take a reading tomorrow. I think it's about ready for the dry hop.

I know looking through older post on Wheebz's thread he said 007 was one of the most volatile yeast he's ever used.
That's how I felt about S-04, compared to WLP001 and/or US-05 ... the S-04 went bonkers ...
I use the S-04 in my first batch. It was the imp stout tht stalled out. I didn't rehydrate it though, or have yeast nutes, or shake the wort to get some O2 so ....yeah.
Ozzy2001 said:
I use the S-04 in my first batch. It was the imp stout tht stalled out. I didn't rehydrate it though, or have yeast nutes, or shake the wort to get some O2 so ....yeah.
yeah ... being an Imperial and all, not all that surprising ...
there are those stratifications along the way of the batches, where you just mentally drop off the one's before certain things (processes, equipment) were in place ...
i'm thinking about revising history and dropping all of the kit batches out of my memory, because they don't matter or count ... lol.
Ozzy2001 said:
Training wheels
I don't feel like continuing to trouble myself, or even take credit for what did or didn't happen, w/ unknown yeast, unknown grist of who knows how long since being milled, and no nutrients, and room-temp ferm without temp control at all ...
I mean ... what do those batches have in relation to current one's? ... nothing ... they're irrelevant ...
Revisionist history in the making, LOL :cheers:
Well, if you were holding any of your first batches against your self that's dumb. The first time you do anything, it's not going to be good. All part of the process. Never want to forget where you started. There was a lot of valuable information on those first batches learned. Crawl before you walk.
Ozzy2001 said:
Well, if you were holding any of your first batches against your self that's dumb. The first time you do anything, it's not going to be good. All part of the process. Never want to forget where you started. There was a lot of valuable information on those first batches learned. Crawl before you walk.
I don't hold them against myself, I find it more frustrating that they are destined to be not very good, but they don't really let on to that in the descriptions and instructions ...
It seems like they are designed to trap people into continuing to use them, and that a bunch of people never find good beer and quit ...
That's why I'm sending JHP a Red-Eye and instructions to make it ... fully.
Contrasting how it went for tctenten w/ the BBS kit, how it went for me, and also how it went for D3 ...
I suspect JHP's beer will turn out ... and be Red-Eye ... I've tried to, and can't figure out a reason why it won't ...