beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

tctenten said:
What is stupid? You brew kettle set-up? Looks pretty cool.

Or what I do?
My brew kettle is dumb and I look forward to one gallon batches on the stove ...
It should be easy to do multiple batches at once on the stove, concurrently ...
Also, you could make a 2-3 gallon batch of beer in a stockpot on the stove with easier setup/cleanup etc, without spending all of the money ...
One really doesn't need or use automation for the boil, it's set to Manual on full-power, and you don't need it for chilling - an analog thermometer in the pump loop works great, and it's not needed for a mash an insulated mash tun (cooler) either ...
It's a waste ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Overkill much? Lol
It's truly overkill ... I agree.
The equipment for everything that happens after brewing is infinitely more important than the equipment to brew itself ...
PID control is way better for freezers, than for the mash ... most all of the time I move my step between the enzyme sweet spots anyways ... usually hitting between 145-157F, and cycling against 151-154F ... back and forth or whatever ... with the two enzymes, stability isn't really the key, so PID control isn't really the right process ...
At this point looking back ... quality regulators for CO2 tanks, kegs etc ... way more useful ...
Shit ... just maximum temp-controlled cold-storage space is key ... multiple places too, because you need a bunch of different temp's between ferm, crashing, and service ...
tctenten said:
Yeah. I have not tried 3 gallon but have done 2.5 on the stovetop with a 20qt pot.
You can barely do a big 2.5 gallon beer in 24 qt without having to reserve some water for addition in the boil ...
The thing about reserving water, is that it throws off gravity readings all the way up until you have it all in there ...
In the next days/weeks, I'll be doing some small batches on the stove ... looking forward to sharing those, as per the usual! ...

just a QUICK peek ...
Nobody here knows that Wheebz calls to troll me at the beginning of my brew day's now ...

W: 'dude, you can't do that!'

G: 'too late - base malts are in'

W: 'i gotta go, i'm getting a call'

#brew #strong

last time on the Mulberara batch ...

G: 'i don't think i'm making a stout anymore, don't have chocolate malt or roasted barley, and i'm using a whole pound of midnight wheat'

W: 'dude, read me the grains'

G: 'it's closer to a black ipa or wit ...'

W: 'just tell me the grains'

G: [starts listing ...]

W: [cuts in] 'i can't even ... i can't even wrap my head around what you are doing on this one'



call was from my engineer telling me the brewery construction had been delayed for 3 to 4 weeks because of an architect f**k up
needless to say I havent been a happy camper the past 2 days

no worries, just having fun and sorry to hear ...

i changed it up, so I'm thankful, just laughing about how my last two starts have gone =)
So, like, I have three empty five gallon corny's ...

Cold-storage is nonexistent to limited, bbuuuutttttt =)

I've got a sack of M.O., a bunch of aging saison and funky indie yeast, hops galore, and some dried adjuncts (sweet and bitter orange peel, dried rose hips, cacao nibs, coriander seed, and i think some grain(s) of paradise and juniper perhaps - can't remember ...

Might be time to try a gallon of room temp stout =)
After all the dumb shit you have asked me, and smart questions, and dumb comments, and smart ideas, I should just hit you in the face if you dont get famous
I am amateurish famous with my last 2 breweries and the World Beer Cup and GABF medals, and I knew half of what you do now when I was still homebrewing
if you dont just quit yo jerb, go make beer, and get schmammered every night I am going to be angry