beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Case in point ...

Just went to grab a glass of the Mild ...

Tank's empty, no pressure in system ...

Flare fittings involved so not surprised ...

Mulberara and Mild got all of their connections removed, I flushed them and repressurized them w/ different tank, and later I'll check to see if they held it ...

Tank was low, so potentially just ran out, but I'm suspicious ...

Just a day in the life ...
like Ozzy, the rest of my ingredients arrived tonight ...





and for the experiment ...


EKG and Columbus should cover my two fav beers nicely!

Isohop in case the Mulberara ends of cloying ...

The process of evaluating your beer with additional hopping using the eyedropper method seems like a great way to drive recipe improvements while drinking your beer ...



and the last SPICE! ...


and some treacle ... because ... well, because I've never tried treacle!

this order was my Xmas Eve order, and it's just here now FFS ...
Good God thats slow shipping lol.  There are some spices at my local shop I'm tempted to buy just because i've never heard of them.  
What is HBC 438.  Sounds like a weed strain or the next Ed Currie pepper strain.  How did you come across that?
Good God thats slow shipping lol.  There are some spices at my local shop I'm tempted to buy just because i've never heard of them.  
what is HBC 438.  Sounds like a weed strain or the next Ed Currie pepper strain.  How did you come across that?

the only way to brew free w/o Wheebz telling you yer doing it wrongz is to buy the experimental yeast and hopz lol ...

more like the description sounded good while i was shopping ;)
lol like he still isn't going to fuk wit ya.

those Grains of Paradise look like coriander.  How do they smell?  have you cracked one open yet?

BTW separate topic.  How fuking awesome is the internet.  I'm technically not drinking alone because I can talk to you guys lol. 
HBC438 is whats called a Medusa strain, or Multihead strain, or Neomexicanus for the species
its a variety that was found in super high altitutes in the desert regions, more specifically arizona and new mexico, that has multiple hop cones coming out of a single stem, hence the name multihead
I dont like using them, i think they are way too grassy, like wet old hops, to compete with the tropical aromas you should get out of them
Wheebz has told people plastic is no bueno for fermenters, but he never said why ...
Well ... I've been doing some yeast research ... and I ran across an answer, so I'm going to share =) ...
Most Sacch C. varieties form a biofilm on plastics ... this changes the quorum sensing and the structure of the colonies, as well as the extra-cellular matrix ...
I am in the middle of my research, but I'm also discontinuing the practice of any sort of yeast rousing until I am further along, but that is absolutely - without any question - disturbing to the yeast colonies ...
The yeast have a complex signaling system with pheromones and signaling proteins and adhesin and giving their communities the snow-globe is likely a fairly brutish form coercion ...
It might work for a couple of the problems behind a stuck ferm, but it might spell a death sentence for as many other etiologies of a stuck ferm ...
I don't think I'll be disturbing the yeast's formations and colonies going forward ...
Only time I ever rouse yeast is when I need that extra 5-10% attentuation, and I usually get it, but I also do it in a stainless steel conical and bubble CO2 up through the bottom
and plastic has pores, while very tiny, it still has pores
I'm reading studies from NIH/NCBI on their study of S.C. to try to learn about Candida A. as it's implicated as a vector of infection from patient to patient for the yeast creating a biofilm on plastic catheters ... and there's no mention of biofilm formation on glass or stainless ...

What I'm positing, is that mixing the solution to take the sugars to the active yeast is perhaps more effective than disturbing the flors and velum organizations, and that this might be possibly by changing temperature to alter convection rather than mechanical affecting the yeasts colonies ...
you are likely taking the heavier/sugary wort up to the surface on those bubbles ...

the highest contration of sugars are down where the flocc yeast are, but having get up to the top would probably be better ...

if you rouse the flocc yeast into solution, they might just signal your still fermenting surface colony to shut down ...

but, if you raise the temp, you get more activity in the extracellular matrix, but your flocc blanket stays opposite your flor/velum ...
( )
I've been reading and thinking and maybe I'm crazy, but ...

There's no fucking reason to source any staves for me ... as a homebrewer.

Breweries can't add bourbon or wine to their beer, but I can ...

Why fuck w/ soaked wood chips/cubes, when I can pre-freeze or pressure cook and then char oak as an addition, and or just add bourbon, whiskey, or port, or whatever ...

The stave wood would only invite critters, anyways ...

The BC barleywine drama is what started me thinking about it ...

I think I'd trust pre-frozen oak into the kinds (big beers = high alcohol) of beers I'd likely go for oak or booze ...

Then there's microoxidation ...

Could let a little in once every couple of months via the pressure relief valve, but, can also just use a plastic bucket submerged in water, so that only the top (above the water level) is oxygen-permeable - primarily through the lid ...

Interesting stuff ...