beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

took an empty, left w/ two full one's ;)

Wild in the Sacch

OG: 14P


Temp-corrected to 1.014, with significant yeast in suspension ...

Smell is good ... with something odd ...


I stuck it in the fridge to let the yeast settle, maybe ...



I'll try to rack it into a keg on some biofine and .75 oz Nelson Sauvin pellets tomorrow, then put it into the keezer on it's side, maybe ...

grantmichaels said:
Wild in the Sacch
OG: 14P
Temp-corrected to 1.014, with significant yeast in suspension ...
Smell is good ... with something odd ...
I stuck it in the fridge to let the yeast settle, maybe ...
I'll try to rack it into a keg on some biofine and .75 oz Nelson Sauvin pellets tomorrow, then put it into the keezer on it's side, maybe ...
Do you recommend the bio fine on all batches? I assume that is for clarity? Going to Google now.


So should I use this when I keg? Or should I just leave it hazy like your FB post....after all I am on the east coast.
Well ... time for some #BeerOps while D and the girls are holed up in the bedroom ...
I need to rack the Wild in the Sacch Trois IPA onto some biofine and Nelson Sauvin pellets, in a keg, for crashing/fining ...
I have a bunch of other rinsed but not cleaned kegs around my kitchen hallway area that need bottle brushing and half-hour keg washer cleaning sessions, so I can get that shit out of our fucking kitchen already ...
I had that feeling I was waiting for last night ... I'm out of balance, without enough stout to balance the other beers ...
One really has to think about how they use their space ... what they want to drink, and how often ...
Sometimes I really enjoy drinking a glass of the saison, usually with cold sandwich, or w/ some tacos or whatever ... but there's no time when I wouldn't rather have some Red-Eye  ...
Some of us go back and forth more than others on what the right quantity to brew is of any given beer, but I really think 3 gallons is my sweet spot ...
I get frustrated by having to drink much of anything I don't really like ...
I would imagine that going forward, I'll be brewing everything and anything in a one gallon batch 1st, before making more of it ...
Anyways ... time to pour a glass of the boring-ass Mild and think about a plan of attack for knocking out some beer chores tonight, along w/ an oven pizza ...
wheebz said:
you dont biofine until the beer has sat on the hops for 5 to 6 days, otherwise its kind of a waste of a dry hop
i didn't vac seal the hop leftovers on brew day ... i just folded the foil pouch and tossed it in the freezer under it's own weight ...
i'll just dry hop it in primary, and take what I get on this one ...
i mean i care, to an extent, but after working most of yesterday and today, and the lack of sleep from the tornado crap ... well ... the fukitol is strong here tonight, i'm afraid ...
hopefully i did enough work-work to make the time and space to do some BeerGun bottling this week, because I'd like to convert some keg slots into openings and go back to brewing within a few weeks ...
The other day I rinsed the cake's from some kegs, and the dust from the insides of others making up a half-dozen kegs, but then did some transfers etc ...
Today I took them outside to pressure-hose the outsides and feet and nipples etc ...
Only one keg is soiled beyond the ability of the hose w/ the pressure stream nozzle, so I put five rinsed kegs in my shower and I'm about to run the keg washer in my shower w/ pbw on those, and then a fresh batch of hot PBW for the krausen one, which the hose couldn't touch ...
The thing is, I realized phasing cleaning sucks ... I keep finding myself phasing the cleaning of shit, and it's a huge fucking waste of life ...
The same is true of the inventory ... I have to take a full fucking inventory of all my ingredients now, and that's something else I've been putting off for weeks already ... and all because I didn't deduct shit from a couple of brews, and have already felt the missing ingredient pain twice since ...
And my weirdest beers, by a mile, are the one's that I brewed when I had grain limitations ... the Zorg is cool, tasty even, but there's some taste from the pilsner malt that I don't like ... it's not even close to as enjoyable as the Red Eye was, and the XXX - Mild is so lacking in complexity (and size, I guess) that I find myself fantasizing about other beer while I'm drinking it ...
The end result though, is that inefficiency really becomes the elephant in the room when you aren't enjoying your homebrewing ...
I'll have canned starters ready, an accurate, extensive, and easily manipulated (Dropbox spreadsheet, probably, instead of text file) inventory, and have my empty kegs sitting w/ some starsan and 10 psi on them, I think ...
The amount of enjoyment I've had from homebrewing has been much, much higher when I'm fully caught up on all of the chores and non-brewing duties ...
I just I wish I could remember that when I feel like slacking off =)
The only thing I really "sigh" about is boiling all the water and sanitizing to wash the yeast the few times I did. I mean, it was cool to do it, but I'm not sure it was really worth the time and effort to do it. It may be worth 6.99 to just buy it now.
The reason I washed it to begin with is that I didn't have a homebrew shop with liquid yeast close. Now, with the shop right down the road, I think I'm done washing.
Ozzy2001 said:
The only thing I really "sigh" about is boiling all the water and sanitizing to wash the yeast the few times I did. I mean, it was cool to do it, but I'm not sure it was really worth the time and effort to do it. It may be worth 6.99 to just buy it now.
The reason I washed it to begin with is that I didn't have a homebrew shop with liquid yeast close. Now, with the shop right down the road, I think I'm done washing.
My shit-list is making/mixing sanitizer between brew days, making starters, the CIP after brewing and/or cleaning up krausen and beer from the ferm chamber, and of course cleaning primary fermenters ...
I can def blow a couple of hours in Beersmith, too, if I get into recipe formulation while I'm in the wrong headspace ...
I wish I was about to brew something this week, but it's still pretty far down the list ...
1) Crash and finish dry hopping Wild in the Sacch ...
2) Change out, and then disassemble and reassemble every piece of a dual regulator, and use plumbing tape where it wasn't used (bought assembled) since it's leaked twice ...
3) BeerGun bottling ...
4) Plumbing cooler and kettle, and getting a propane tank ...
5) Canning wort for starters (these remaining 12 cans of Fast Pitch are my last one's - I'm not buying it going forward) ...
6) Cleaning both keezers, and upgrading one to a secondary regulator ...
7) Brewing a split batch of stouts ...
I might brew a gallon or two along the way on the stove-top, but basically I'm still a way away from my next brew day =(
It was 5 degrees this morning and high of 19. Until the temps go up some I'm not brewing in the near future either. I have all my parts to solder the fittings on my keggle too. But too damn cold in the garage for we to want to mess with it.