beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

your plate chiller will bring your beer down from 205 to 85 degrees in seconds
you can pitch at that temp if your starter is at room temp, and then bring down your wort to whatever you want to ferment at, I used to do that at darwins all the time, pitch at like 80-85 ferment at 67-70, because i ran into the same problems that you did with ground water as my only cooling 
you should always pitch as fast as possible
i have pitched some yeast strains as high as 90 degrees before, and then brought them down to room temp, or I have just let them ferment out
i do brett pitches anywhere from 62 to 85 degrees with my yeast always being at room temp
wheebz said:
your plate chiller will bring your beer down from 205 to 85 degrees in seconds
you can pitch at that temp if your starter is at room temp, and then bring down your wort to whatever you want to ferment at, I used to do that at darwins all the time, pitch at like 80-85 ferment at 67-70, because i ran into the same problems that you did with ground water as my only cooling 
you should always pitch as fast as possible
i have pitched some yeast strains as high as 90 degrees before, and then brought them down to room temp, or I have just let them ferment out
i do brett pitches anywhere from 62 to 85 degrees with my yeast always being at room temp
alright, i'll still work at doing it the wheebz way.
one more question while it's early, still ... the water for a starter ...
reminds me, i guess i need to take the yeast out of the fridge and sit i on the counter for some hours to come up to room temp ...
and i guess i need to get dispense some boiled tap water into a pot, cook in some DME, and then let it come down to room temp to meet the yeast ...
i think i recall that you want the starter to not be airtight, and to use sanitized foil over the top, perhaps - is that true? ...
do i give it any yeast nutes? ... I have GoFerm and Wyeast Yeast Nutrient ...
dont use nutrients in the starter, use them in the beer
starter is simple for this size batch
750ml water, 1.5oz of extra light DME, and a single drop of fermcap, and your stir bar
put aluminum foil over top of flask like you were putting it on a half a jar of canned soup or something, just squeeze it tight with your hands, and bring to boil
boil for 5 minutes, then cool like you would a pot of pasta for later storage
fill a container with water in the sink, put flask in said container, slowly let your sink overflow the water in the container to constantly get cool water in there, and swirl your starter every 3 or 4 minutes until you can pull it out of the water and its not hot to the touch, room temp kind of deal
stick it on your stir plate, start the plate up, spray everything down with sanitizer, lift foil, dump yeast, spray everything again, pitch at brew day
Will do ...


Now sitting on my desk warming up ...

I'll make the starter in a few hours ...

Need to make some silicone hoses w/ some QD's and clamps for the plate chiller, and then setup an additional temp controller and then I'll wake up and brew this bad boy tomorrow ...

wheebz said:
you want your starter to have a good 24 hours before pitch just so you know
ok, i'll make it as soon as i'm off the hook for work ...
it's an best by 8-21-15 vial, and i should have double the count off the bat for making a half-size batch, right? ...
also, by the time i brew w/ 90min mash and 90mins boil and get everything chilled down, it'll be 18-20 hrs later i think ...
So brew day tomorrow then?  I may brew up my Blue Moon copy tomorrow night.  I've been reading up and I believe my next brew after that will be all grain.  I'm anxious to see you do yours.
wlp566 starter



little over ...


also a little over, lol ...


five mins at boil ...


beer me ...


just for the Bum* ...


So brew day tomorrow then?  I may brew up my Blue Moon copy tomorrow night.  I've been reading up and I believe my next brew after that will be all grain.  I'm anxious to see you do yours.

yup ... brewing tomorrow!
I"m gonna have to give that one a shot.  I absolutely love their Summer Solstice.  That will definitely be a beer I try to copy.  Yeast looks happy.  Are the liquid yeast pretty superior to the dry?  Or is there a big difference?  I didn't rehydrate my yeast on the first brew.  I'm thinking I may give it a shot on my next one.
wheebz said:
You want specific questions ask me in the Ask Wheebz thread. I got all you answers
I'm sure I will have some by the time I jump to ag.  I've read through the entire Ask Wheebz thread once but I didn't know anything when I did.  I need to go through it again and soak it all in again.  I've got the brewing bug bad.  It's already so much fun, and I haven't even bottled anything yet lol.
Grant. Use your refractometer if you have to pre boil
Best part is I have actual recipes from some of the biggest breweries in the country. You wanna make Pliny the elder I got that. You wanna make any beer from Southern tier I got that. You wanna make something from dogfish, well I have the Festina recipe and that's it but yeah I will hook it up
Grant. Use your refractometer if you have to pre boil

Yeah, I need put it up to my face and figure it out ...

I ordered chalk to use the iodine, but it won't come til Saturday, so i figured i'd do it 'on a white plate' ...

Citric acid this time!!!
Going to chillax w/ Danielle tonight, and brew during the daytime tomorrow, instead of vice versa ...
This rainy weather and some BS to deal w/ at work earlier put me in a different headspace at the end of the day ...
New goal is to make a recipe for Wheebz' beer in Beersmith2.2 and get it verified by ya'll in here tonight ...
Have a nice Friday!
This is interesting:
Might be why I had some early trouble ...
I was pitching dry packets into wort (in fairness, those are the instructions Brooklyn Brew Shop gives) ...
My understanding right now is that GoFerm + 10x it's (GoFerm amount's) weight in water makes a prime medium for getting dry yeast happy.
Figured out how the dual-stage hysteresis band works on the temp controllers, finally ...
Pulled the keg of Saison L'Orange into the kitchen and up on the counter to let the yeast/trub settle overnight, for siphoning into it's destination keg (2.5 gallons) w/ some biofine-clear tomorrow morning, and then it'll get cold crashed in my 2nd freezer for a little bit to clear it up some, I think ...
The starter looks like a starter, there's not much to say about it ... it's ready to meet some room temp wort tomorrow ...
I haven't yet figured out the refractometer, because apparently I need some distilled water to calibrate it ... and well, bright enough light to illuminate everything (aka the sun) ...
I just finished setting up the equipment profile for my rig in Beersmith, and then I checked out the BIAB mash profiles a little bit ...
I have to stop to watch a movie w/ Danielle sooner than later, but I think I'm going to try to plug in Wheebz' recipe and get that verified still by the time I wake up to brew, so finger's crossed it goes swimmingly in a few minutes ...