beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

hogleg said:
Aahh I get it. I thought Boss was saying the opposite the other day. :rofl:  Show's how well I listen.
Good luck with the new system.
I think he did ... he's describing the future THP that has a timeline view for users ...
I'm confused, too, clearly - but I don't worry too much about it because no matter what I do, it's not right enough for someone ...
My yeast is getting old, so I need to brew a bunch of saisons to utilize the stuff I acquired too soon, ASAP ...







And these - which are probably not going to get used, really ...


And some packets ...




Can I get a thread bump ... so I can post grains next ... P&T!
Had to bite the bullet and use brew time to get organized, else more mistakes would be likely ...

Here's my running list of ingredients, a good portion of which are getting stale/old etc:

yeast vials/smack-packs:

ecy-11 belgian white
white labs wlp566 saison ii
white labs wlp940 mexican lager
white labs wlp001 california ale (x2)
white labs wlp007 dry english ale
white labs wlp070 bourbon
white labs wlp050 tennessee whiskey
white labs wlp065 american whiskey
wyeast 1099 whitbread ale
wyeast 3711 french saison
wyeast 3724 belgian saison (x2)

dry yeast:

safale us-05
red star pasteur champagne
red star active dry yeast

brewing solutions:

wyeast yeast nutrient (x2)
irish moss
lactic acid
sodium metabisulfite
pectic enzymes


briess golden light dme
briess pilsen light dme
briess cbw golden light lme
zatarain root beer concentrate


10 lb maris otter (fawcett)
10 lb pilsner malt as "simple saison"
6 lb weyermann bohemian pilsner
1 lb weyermann acidulated malt
1 lb briess carapils (x2)
1 lb flaked oats (maillard malts) (x2)
1 lb flaked oats (love2brew)
1 lb briess black

pellet hops:

columbus 1 oz
us fuggle 1 oz (x3)
czech saaz 1 oz
equinox 1 oz
falconer's flight 7 c's 1 oz
citra 1 oz
australian galaxy 1 oz
uk challenger 1 oz (x2)
us golding 1 oz (x2)
nz pacifica 1 oz
hallertau 1 oz
hallertau mittelfruh 1 oz
ger magnum 1 oz (x2)
uk kent golding 2 oz

i'll hustle out some additional work tonight, and keep the mess down in the kitchen tonight, and brew when I wake up, I think ...

Okay, I' m late to the GM Brewparty. How many batches under your belt? If you haven't already, when are going all-grain? Might I suggest you overbought on the liquid yeasts.
I got like 4 recipes I just thought of within a minute i could do with those ingredients

Let's do this.

Shoot for 13 Plato. I don't know what your extraction rate is so I'll just give you grain bill percentages

90% pilsner, 2% Cara pils, 8% oats

Mash target is 150, no lower than 148 no higher than 152.

1/2 Oz fuggle for bittering assuming it's 4 to 5 AA, 1/4 Oz Pacifica at 15 min, 1/4 oz Pacifica at 5 min, 1/2 Oz Pacifica at whirlpool/flame out. Once you flame out stir your pot for minute to whirlpool and then let it settle for 10 minutes undisturbed before transferring out leaving all your shitty trub behind

Bring mash pH to 5.5 to 5.6

Drop or 4 or fermcap right before boil

1 whirlfloc tab at 15 minutes, if you wanna add yeast nutrients do it at the same time

Wlp566 starter for a day then primary at 78 for 3 days and then let it free rise until terminal. Once fermentation stops, transfer it off to a PURGED secondary and add 1oz of galaxy hops for a dry hop. Let it sit at room temp for 2 days then crash it. Wait another 6, transfer to keg with 5ml of biofine, carb, drink a day later
Roguejim said:
Okay, I' m late to the GM Brewparty. How many batches under your belt? If you haven't already, when are going all-grain? Might I suggest you overbought on the liquid yeasts.
Yeah, some things took a little longer to come together, and I had a little less time than I figured on having, and it takes me longer than I imagined to brew ...
Regardless, it'll be my 7th batch ever ...
I have 3x single-gallon AG batches from kits here:
Also, 3x 2.5-3 gallon AG batches from kits here:
And I'm about to brew one from Wheebz, finally ...

wheebz said:
Let's do this.
Yes, finally - let's!
wheebz said:
I got like 4 recipes I just thought of within a minute i could do with those ingredients

Let's do this.

Shoot for 13 Plato. I don't know what your extraction rate is so I'll just give you grain bill percentages

Wlp566 starter for a day
Once fermentation stops, transfer it off to a PURGED secondary ...
Let it sit at room temp for 2 days then crash it.
I'll google Plato conversion so I can see what that equates to, no biggie ... EDIT: 1.053 ...
For the starter ...  basically just aim for like 1030-1040 w/ some DME, right? ...
"Purged secondary" ... just an empty, santized one, right? ...

What's the crash temp? ... I need to setup the temp controller for the 3rd freezer for that purpose ...
grantmichaels said:
Yeah, some things took a little longer to come together, and I had a little less time than I figured on having, and it takes me longer than I imagined to brew ...
Regardless, it'll be my 7th batch ever ...
I have 3x single-gallon AG batches from kits here:
Also, 3x 2.5-3 gallon AG batches from kits here:
And I'm about to brew one from Wheebz, finally ...

Yes, finally - let's!
I'll google Plato conversion so I can see what that equates to, no biggie ... EDIT: 1.053 ...
For the starter ...  basically just aim for like 1030-1040 w/ some DME, right? ...
"Purged secondary" ... just an empty, santized one, right? ...

What's the crash temp? ... I need to setup the temp controller for the 3rd freezer for that purpose ...
You might find this helpful for your starters, Grant.
What size batch are you doing? Full wort boil?
2.5 or 3 gal (keg and no-chill container sizes) ...

single-infusion recirc mash, full vol boil ...

i'll add my equipment to the ingredient textfile sooner than later, so i can make a little index to be able to store the stuff in labeled tupperwares etc ...

i'm planning to fully explore saison/farmhouse, and stouts primarily. I'll just buy beer in the other styles by the bottle/growler ...

you can only have so many different freezers, with so many different temps ... so i am compelled by my relative climate to deep dive into saison/biere de garde etc ... and hopefully to be able to do those beers WELL using no-chill ...

i've been planning a somewhat rigorous exploration of this, including a batch early on where I do a partial boil to make a five gallon batch using extract, so that i can do a side-by-side of 2.5 gallons ran off into no-chill and pitched the following morning at room temp vs 2.5 gallons chilled to room temp and pitched ...

if there's not a DMS or Diacetyl consequence to no-chill, as reported, i'll be a happy boy ... i'd like to have wort chilling be an every other brew reality ... to do my saisons no-chill and ferment indoors at room temp ... and to primarily brew stouts as my main occupant of my cold storage space ... i like RIS, oatmeal's, coffee, milk etc stouts ...

so, that's my plan ... i plan to buy ipa's, sour's, ale's in the bottle/growler, and focus on stout - my strongest beer passion, if you will.

yes an empty sanitized carboy, purge it out for like 15 seconds with CO2, then rack into it filling it from the bottom up
and crash temp should be as close to 32 degrees as you can get
and there is absolutely a DMS component to doing a "no chill" as you call it, whoever said that there wasnt is an idiot
SMM or S-Methyl-Methiomine to DMS conversion still happens after the boil, and very rapidly in warm wort, SMM is not something you can boil off like DMSa precursors, and will still be converted to DMS which is why rapid cooling of your wort is essential
in a single hour, you will have 30% more DMS in your beer by staying between 140 and 190 degrees
I'm planning to chill tomorrow's batch =)
Here's to hoping that using the IC as an inline pre-chiller for the PC is enough to bring the groundwater temp down low enough ...
Multiple pumps and reservoirs and shit is a little bit ridiculous, but the way I'm describing above using the IC in a sink basin of ice-water slurry isn't a big deal at all because it eliminates the trash can ice-water reservoir and the 2nd pump from everything ...
Maybe the plate chiller is going to make a bigger improvement than the IC was, and this will all be unnecessary ...
I guess it's a matter of weighing DMS type stuff versus the downside from yeast life in warmer than optimal wort, right? ...
Does the yeast tolerate a bit more warmth during the lag phase? ...
Can one pitch in the upper 70's, and then place the fermenter in 68F chamber? ...
Getting those last points of chilling is a real bitch here, this time of year (I know you know this first hand, but just a reminder that it's ~95F and full-sun) ...