beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

I was wondering why the airborne was for.

I can't help myself ...
So ...

I'm calling it now, brewing this weekend ...

I have to grocery shop tomorrow, and I'm having belated-birthday sandwiches mid-day on Sunday, so that means I'm brewing all night either tomorrow, or Sunday, and working all night on the other ...

I gotta.

I gotta brew a big fucking stout NAO.

Going to use a pair of ice bags to aid chilling, and a pair of WLP001 for the starter, which I'll setup later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Yeah, working tomorrow, brewing Sunday - I guess, due to needing a big starter.

Really going to try to pull it all together for brewing this Stone recipe (want to do all-grain, not partial this weekend) ...


Surprise brew weekend.
Happy belated birthday too broseph! I've had a crazy week and missed the lounge lately. Hope it was a good one.

Can't wait to see this stout in action. Really looks like a great recipie.
Good luck! Hopefully you will nail it.


Happy belated birthday too broseph! I've had a crazy week and missed the lounge lately. Hope it was a good one.

Can't wait to see this stout in action. Really looks like a great recipie.

Thx, me too!
grant I got your email ill answer it when I get some time

Awesome ...

I'm going to brew it Sunday afternoon, so I'll fire up an Erlee tomorrow during coffee time and get a nice 25-30 hr starter going for it ...

I'm thinking being that it's a porter and all, I should be able to possibly pour the initial trubby pour of the ? beer ...
It's been 24 hrs at 37F and 30 PSI, so I figure I can probably tell enough to know whether it's worth letting it keep a spot in the freezer, or if I shouldn't just dump the keg and get the Summer Wheat hooked up to the gas (which should be fine) ...

It's fucking awesome.

That's the one 1010 ...

Thanks everyone, but especially Wheebz ...
RocketMan said:

Congratulations GM well brewed
thanks, man ...
enjoying it amply this weekend and very little else is happening, i'm afraid ...
it's ok, i'll pick up the spare tomorrow =)
What's this?


Anyone? =)
Camera lens?


Been waiting for this to come in stock ... it's a 150 micron 304 filter that can be sanitized etc ...

It lets just about anything but the trub/hops/cold break through, I'm thinking ...

Will inquire w/ Wheebz on that when the time comes ...

Should be a cog in my carboy-free process going forward ...


It's getting a lot more fun, quickly!
Ozzy2001 said:
Do it up!!
People are caching fish by hand in the streets in neighboring cities.


Great day to brew, really.
Listening to an old Jamil Show on cloning 8-wired stout to get in the mood, while wrapping up work ...
Going to brew a 2.5 gallon batch into a 5 gallon keg and hope it doesn't overwhelm the airlock w/ krausen ...
... but will have a length of silicone tubing on hand to deal w/ the possibility of that happening, of course.




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Hmmm ... beer's 9.5%, so I'm going to make a starter real quick, and plan to do some other brewing-related work tonight ...
I need to transfer two other batches out of their primary fermentation containers, into kegs, and I need to setup the tubing to connect the O2 tank's regulator's barb to the dispensing/application devices, and I need to work out the details of the distributor block for the CO2 for the keezer (as the saison l'orange has been off gas for 2-3 days now) ...
So, I'll cook up some DME and get this starter going, and then I'll move the fermenters to the kitchen so they can settle out again overnight, and can be loaded into kegs for crashing once the full-size siphon arrives tomorrow.
I'm going to build a traffic jam if I brew again today, in a sense, but more importantly ... no more cut corners. I don't want to NOT have made a starter for a 9.5% stout, and have to wonder about anything later.
I'll just do it, and sleep well.
Should still have some beer porn tonight, though ... coming soon.