beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Yeah ... I didn't brew that yet, and I'm planning to ask Wheebz about that, and also about perhaps pitching both of my aging WLP001's as starters instead ...
I found that stuff off-putting as well, and didn't brew it yet.
Going to transfer the chocolate maple porter from fermenter to a 3 gallon keg later on today ... that one's got a lot really high quality grade b maple syrup that I just love, so I'm super curious to see how it turns out!
Had to order a couple of more kegs last night ... buying kegs is definitely a bit of a hidden cost.
I almost wish I'd gone w/ pin-lock's like HTH, which seem to be available (used/refurb) in bundles at a pretty good discount ...
There are some easy options (easy because they are Prime items):
Light Spiral:
Medium Spiral:
Medium Chips:
... vs none at all.
Which is definitely an option I've been considering.
tctenten said:
Not yet. Right now I am having a hard enough time keeping up with my peppers and tomato harvest.

When I take the plunge, I am going to have many questions for you, Bumper and Ozzy.
well, when you are ready - i'll send you the stuff you need and you can send me some hs/jam/pods/beer later on ...
i can recapture the space and hook you up in one move, lol.
So ... let's check out some beer!


On the right is the summer wheat that I brewed w/ some fresh, mashed apricots ...

That beer's been in primary for two weeks today, and probably warrants some post-fermentation treatment (crash, biofine, gelatin, filtration etc) that I haven't looked up yet, but it's technically "ready" for some next step, I think ...

On the left, though, is the chocolate maple porter ... and, it's been sitting in primary at 68F for 26 days now, already. That beer needs to get processed and into a keg, mostly because I want some, lol.


Looks dark and delicious, but everything needs to settle back down overnight. When I fill a three-gallon keg tomorrow with it, I'll pop the keg in the 37F chamber and purge the headspace w/ the CO2 from the keg of saison real quick, to minimize the oxidation ...


Wrapped up to keep the light out overnight.

And then there's Wheebz' quickie saison ...


That one fermented like gang-busters for like five days at room temp, and has been quiet for the past four days or so ...

I could probably keg it too, to be honest. I have a sneaking suspicious it could spend the rest of it's day's in a keg at 37F ...

So ... I have a 3g and 2x 5g's free, and have ordered a 2nd keg ea of 2.5g and 3g which will hopefully come this week, perhaps ... although the shipping time is unclear ...

I'd like to never use a glass carboy larger than one-gallon again, tbh.

I'm probably going to always brew everything into a five gallon keg going forward. The handle, easier sanitization, light-blocking opacity, rubber feet, improved sealing, and ability to transfer liquids to and from them using hook-up's and CO2 make using them a no-brainer in my book.

I see no reason why I can't deliver oxygen for pre-fermentation through the lid that's made to be able to deliver CO2 to carbonate the beer post-fermentation ...


And a five gallon keg should have enough headspace above a 2.5-3 gallon batch to allow me to skip the blow-off tube bullshit and just use an air-lock through the drilled lid - which will be tidier and is preferable.

Yeah, fuck those 3 gallon carboys, but especially the 5 gallon one ...

Maybe I'll load a wine kit into them. Or cider, or really just something where light exposure is inconsequential ...

So, that's what's up ... three beers totaling 7.5 to 9 gallons getting ready to come online!

RocketMan said:
Use them for smaller test runs on beer recipes your developing or for Mead or for making special brews like Christmas Beers to give as gifts to special friends or enjoying with family.
Yeah, the one-gallon one's are cool and all, and for the 3's and and the 5 you are pretty much aligned w/ my thinking - use them for slower-traffic, longer-fermenting, out-of-ferm-chamber projects ...

Kegs are a little expensive, but kind of forever ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Very nice.
Question though: can I just come here I've been eyeing that porter. Can't wait to see that one.
If the flavor molecules of syrup survive fermentation at least half as well as those of citrus zest, that beer should taste absolutely divine.
That syrup is delicious =)

Ugh, didn't realize my autosiphon was too small for three gallon until I was mid transfer ...

Then, got in a huge fight w/ Danielle, and then made a fucking mess ...


Ended up pouring the last third of the beer through a funnel. over the bitter krausen on the high walls of the fermenter, and horribly so, through the filter in the funnel ... I mean, guaranteed aeration/oxidation ...

To boot, the yeast didn't really 'get there' and the FG was 1023-1024, down from 1065-1067 ... putting it at like 5.5% instead of 6.5% ...



I stuck the keg in the 37F chamber for the night, sealed ...

This really isn't all that unexpected as it was brewed w/ high pH water and might have a weird mash ...

Bah ...
Nah, that was the last batch of beer from before the pH correction was installed ...
It's made w/ pH 8.5-9 water, when the desired is 5.2-5.6 ...
The dark malt will pull it down, but not that much ...
The next two batches coming due should be fine - everything was done right, and they acted right, so I suspect they'll be fine ...
Also, this porter might be fine too - one of the downsides of not being familiar w/ the style guidelines is not knowing how dry it should be ... so I could just be wrong.
I have three sets for three stouts ... a big RIS, a pretty big choc oatmeal, and a smallish sweet stout (w/ a pound of lactose) ...
After some reading and listening to Jamil Zainasheff describe the brewing of RIS in clear terms as the 1st episode of his podcast (The Jamil Show), there's no containing a five gallon batch in a 6.5 gallon bucket ...
So, after unpacking all of the ingredients for everything, I'll be doing each batch as a 2.5 gallon batch, brewing out the 3 three kits over 6 brew sessions ...
Then I'll have stouts, and all will be good ...
I'm thinking about doing each one both wort-chilled and no-chill, actually ...
I've been doing intensive research each latenight for the entire week on DMS, as a matter of fact ...
Ozzy2001 said:
very nice. Sounds delicious!
Do you grind the oats at all or just toss in your mash?
I ordered pre-milled, so I'm assuming they go in whole ...
Build out work ...

Remember these oxygenators?



Now the have a source ...



Note the two-size barb diam? WTF ...


Nothing is ever simple ... will need to make some tubes w/ barbs and keg post fittings etc ...

As for the beer gun, added a second tank to live out of keezer ...


You'll note it has a different fitting, naturally =/


And the second instance of both the 2.5 and 3 gal kegs came ...


And a FG hydrometer that will be much easier to read ...


Just got to get those beer to finish better now, LOL ...

Lastly, I did put the keezer CO2 on the chocolate maple porter at 30 PSI ...


But I didn't get to hookup the distributor block ...


Because fittings are of course, not the same there either ...


Interfacing's a bitch ...

And for something special ...



My hypothetical solution to rousing yeast simply ;)

Will it make beer taste off? We'll see the first time another beer stalls late in the game (like Ozzy's) ...
