beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Round four additions:

- Pure O2 Oxygenation
- Plate-chiller focused design
- Liquid yeast with starters
- Glass-free, keg-based fermentation
- Programmatic fermentation schedules (freezer-space permitting)

Let's prepare to brew the 9.5% Stone stout kit from MoreBeer, which I'm going to use WLP001 for.







We'll let that puppy swirl for a day or two and sleep well come brew day!

The only beer in-process to wrap up here is the Wheebz' Quickie Saison brewed on 7/18 ...
It's been sitting outside of a chamber, fermenting at room temp, and has been done showing blow-off tube activity for a week already ...
I'm going to pull it into the kitchen as well tonight ...
Then, once the sediment falls back to the bottom of the carboy, we'll load that puppy into a 2.5 gallon keg, and put the different in a two-liter bottle to force carb ...
Moved to kitchen to settle ...





I don't see any webbong growing, so probably not mold, and just protein/break/yeast/krausen ...
The Summer Wheat w/ Apricot batch was brewed on 7/12, so it's had over three weeks in primary now ...
That brew was a real mess in the kettle, and i questioned the hot and cold break processes of that one ...
It produced a lot of krausen and seemed to ferment well, though, so I expect beer to be the result one way or another ...
I think while the packets of dry yeast for the 1 gallon BBS kits might be appropriate for one gallon, that 3x packets is likely overpitching a bit for three gallons, if you will ...
We'll see what it's like late tonight or tomorrow, in terms of Final Gravity etc ...
I'm not sure if it's going to take hours or overnight to settle back down - we'll just have to see ...
Moved to kitchen ...




Yes, they are out of the light ;)


Lots of beer going on.
Here's a little filter action ... part of the upgrades ...






Waiting for the full-size auto-siphon to come tomorrow, and I'll transfer the wheat and saison beers to kegs and cold crash them.

Ferm freezer dropped down to 32F tonight (it's now empty) ...
A really great diagram that I'm posting here to remind me of a bunch of other things I've learned about of late ...


More later ...
So, I've been cruising white papers and posts online ...

Here's 15 concepts I've gleamed as some ways to think about DMS ...

1) is off-taste actually 2-acetylpyridine?
2) lighter kilned malt has more precursor
3) two-row pale malts have less SMM than six-row pale malts
4) maltster can under-modify to reduce SMM, but homebrewer can't access
5) homebrew kettles have much higher surface area to volume ratio for evaporation
6) 40 min half-life means 64.7% has evaporated at 60min, and 79% at 90min
7) hot wort in the SMM -> DMS temp range (down to 158F) increases DMS 30%/hour
8) CO2 bubbles scrub some DMS from wort
9) some yeast steal oxygen from dmso produced during the boil, making dms
10) DMS is rarely problematic/detectable in robust ales, or beers amber or darker
11) DMS evaporates at 99F, so it's still evaporating while temp is on it's way down to 99F
12) an alternate theory is that DMS is produced by bacteria from 99F to pitching temp
13) can no-chill in kegs w/ CO2 over-pressure
14) lager yeasts, and cold fermented yeasts increase DMS
15) wild yeasts and bacteria often create DMS
Summer Wheat (and Apricot) wrap-up ...

OG: 1048-1049
FG: 1013

ABV: 4.5%

Also exactly 1% under target ABV, just like Choc Maple Porter ...

Probably about right for BIAB'ing their kit that's meant to be sparged ...






Into a 3 gal keg, headspace purged w/ CO2 overhead, and into 32F freezer to crash until tomorrow night ...

And that wraps this thread!
The only beer in this wave is Wheebz quickie saison, but here's the kegging data ...

OG: 1046
FG: 1004

ABV: 5.5% (right on target)



Very light in color, just like Beersmith suggested ...




Filled 2.5 gal keg ...


And a 2L to force carb, once 37F ...


The Apricot Wheat and Wheebz' wuickie saison, crashin' ...


Shit's getting real ...


Starter at 24Hrs, will brew a nice stout tomorrow ...


Beer's on a keg - that's a wrap for this wave, too.

tctenten said:
Thankfully you are doing all of the heavy lifting if/when I try this.
big beer day today ...
the wheat and 2nd saison (wheebz') are, in fact, beer - and are now kegged ...
i'm 5 for 7 now ... that's a lot better than 1 for 3, LOL! ...
SV/Sz sea bass right now ... mmmmmmmmm ...
Wow!!! You do have time to read 2 books?

The hardcover's going on the coffee table, and the paperback's going to the toilet ... actually, lol ...
I'm planning to brew 2:1 stout to others for Fall, but I do plan to do a beer using FB's fresh cascade cone's, the tandem beer w/ Bumper (old ale, i think, or strong ale perhaps, can't recall), and also a Vienna Lager along the lines of Negra Modelo ...
... but mostly stout, because I like 'em - a lot.
Put the starter in the fridge overnight.
Have to do some work-work shit tonight, but it's been on the plate for like 45-48 hrs, and it makes the most sense to just pop it in the fridge overnight this time.
I'll pull it out in the morning, and let it warm up for the 6+ hours it's sure to take to divide my grist and brew & chill the batch ...
On the plus, I can decant the liquid from the starter and keep it from my batch, and if there's anything off smelling, or seeming, I can just pitch the other vial of WLP001 that I still have in the fridge ...
A whole vial of WLP001 should be able to handle a 2.5 gal batch of a 9.5% stout, regardless of a starter or not, I'm thinking ...
Anyways ... time to hump out some work ...
Wheebz' beer is fucking great, and soooooo clean ...


Hackery ...


It's so crisp and refreshing and just ... relatively excellent.

It also confirms the wild/sour status of my open-ferment saison, so that's cool.

Thanks Wheebz, can't wait to try the real deal out of the keg in a week or two ... but it's bad-ass, already, even out of a force carb'd 2L that I shook for 2-3 mins! =)

Extra motivation for tomorrow, oh hell yissss ...


Clearest yet, by a mile.
It's been about 3 weeks since I popped the cork on my last bottle of Saison Dupont, and I swear the second I tasted this I was transported to that moment.

It's fucking beautiful - and it deserves a better name that Wheebz quickie saison ...


It's funny that WLP566 is screaming Dupont here, when 565 is supposed to actually BE the Dupont strain ...


Thanks Wheebz, this beer is 'purty fucking great ...